IBM Operational Decision Manager Alternatives

IBM Operational Decision Manager Alternatives

IBM Operational Decision Manager

Automate and govern repeatable decisions.

IBM® Operational Decision Manager provides an elegant development environment, along with dedicated, business user interfaces, for automating and governing frequently occurring, repeatable business decisions across processes and applications.

IBM Operational Decision Manager helps support the ‘smart’ in Smarter Process, supporting decision automation inside business processes, mobile applications and cloud environments.

IBM Operational Decision Manager, built on the success of IBM ILOG® JRules, consists of two components, which form a platform for managing and executing business rules and business events.

-IBM Decision Center provides an integrated repository and management components, allowing subject matter experts to maintain and govern their business decisions.
-IBM Decision Server provides the runtime components to automate decision logic, enabling the detection of business situations and precise response based on the context of the interaction.

Best IBM Operational Decision Manager Alternatives

If you want similar software to IBM Operational Decision Manager, we have a list for that. Are there IBM Operational Decision Manager alternatives out there? Let's find out.



FreeOpen SourceLinuxJBoss

A business logic integration platform which provides a unified and integrated platform for rules, workflow and event processing




Build Python/Django process-driven workflow web apps for browsers or mobile devices. Start with loads of pre-built rules, or author your own rules in pure Python.


  • Asynchronous
  • Workflow


CommercialSoftware as a Service (SaaS)

Roobrick is the best way to assess all kinds of things, from school assignment rubrics to comparing choices of an important decision. Share assessment criteria and...


  • Performance Assessment
  • Create tabular assessment criteria

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