OverDrive Media Console Alternatives

OverDrive Media Console Alternatives

OverDrive Media Console

Download eBooks and audiobooks from your library directly to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch!

OverDrive Media Console gives you on-the-go access to eBooks and audiobooks from your public, school, or college library. More than 18,000 libraries worldwide offer best-selling and classic titles via OverDrive, so use the ‘Get Books’ feature in the app to find a library near you.

How do library eBooks and audiobooks work?

Digital titles from your library are borrowed just like print material. Once you find your library using ‘Get Books,’ you can browse your library’s digital collection on the web, check out a title with a valid library card, and download the title directly to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
While borrowing the digital title, you can enjoy it using the app’s eBook reader or audiobook player. Each EPUB eBook and MP3 audiobook that you check out has a lending period. The title automatically expires in the app at the end of the lending period, so there’s never a late fee. There’s even a handy countdown clock built into the app so you know how long you have to read or listen before the title expires.

What happens if a digital title is already checked out?

Just like with physical material from the library, you can join a waiting list. All you need to do is enter your email address and you’ll receive an alert when the title is available for check out.

Don’t want to wait? Many libraries offer thousands of EPUB eBook downloads that are always available. Just check for the ‘Additional eBooks’ link at the bottom of the digital collection homepage and you can get a free eBook from your library that’s yours to keep—without a lending period. You’ll discover timeless books and find yourself reading more than ever before with this diverse collection.

You can also download DRM-free EPUB eBooks from other online sources and read them in the OverDrive Media Console app.
Want more books?

Each library builds a custom digital collection of eBooks and audiobooks specifically for their local community. Contact your library and let them know that you are using OverDrive on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch and would like to see additional titles in the digital collection.

Best OverDrive Media Console Alternatives

Want another awesome OverDrive Media Console alternative? Look no further. We researched the top alternatives and found several new OverDrive Media Console alternatives that work with your platform or device. If you want even more options, we've also reviewed top OverDrive Media Console-like software for your Mac, Windows PC, Android phone/tablet, Linux computer, or iPhone.

Google Play Books

Google Play Books

FreemiumWebAndroidiPhoneChrome OSAndroid TabletiPad

Google Play Books lets you search, preview, and buy millions of books using Google Book Search. Books in the public domain and certain copyrighted books can be read and...


  • Built-in translation
  • File Searching
  • Library
Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg


Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world's...



CommercialWebAndroidiPhoneAndroid TabletWindows PhoneiPad

Audible is the world’s largest provider of premium audiobooks and spoken word content. Enjoy books in a whole new way with professionally narrated titles including new...


  • Audio books
  • Content discovery
  • User rating
  • Audio books


FreeOpen SourceWeb

LibriVox wants all books in the public domain to be available, for free, in audio format, on the internet. We ask volunteers to record chapters of books in the public...



FreeMacWindowsAndroidiPhoneAndroid TabletiPad

Easy to use application to download and transfer Audiobooks from local libraries which use the OneClickdigital lending platform. Data usage fees may apply - please...

MortPlayer Audio Books

MortPlayer Audio Books


MortPlayer Audio Books is a special media player for audio books. Separate folders, save+restore position for every track, bookmarks, ... Features: - Folder based...


  • Audio books
  • Music Player



eBook search engine.



FreeAndroidiPhoneWindows SAndroid TabletiPad

Meet Libby. Discover ebooks and audiobooks from your local library. Brought to you by OverDrive. Did you know your local library has thousands of ebooks and...


  • Audio books
  • Free books

FreeOpen SourceWeb

The-Eye is a non-profit platform dedicated to the archiving and long-term preservation of any and all data including but by no means limited to audiobooks, they also...

Hoopla Digital

Hoopla Digital


Our passion is the public library patron. hoopla is the digital service of Midwest Tape, a leading provider of entertainment media products and services: DVDs, CDs...


  • Music Library
  • TV Shows

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