Desk Puppy Alternatives for Windows

Top 10 Windows Widgets Apps Like Desk Puppy - Best Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Desk Puppy alternatives for Windows? We have listed 10 Windows Widgets that are similar to Desk Puppy. Pick one from this list to be your new Desk Puppy app on your computers. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Desk Puppy on your computers.

Top 10 Software Like Desk Puppy - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Desk Puppy alternatives for windows according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like Desk Puppy 2025.

Break Pal

Break Pal

A widget that lets you know when it's time to workout and directs you to a deskercise of your choiceWorkout right at your desk. Workout right at your desk. Break Pal will enable you to take a break from...

Developer: Shunshifu


THcalc is a free and simple desk calculator that accepts keystroke entry as well as mouse interactionTHcalc is a free and simple desk calculator that accepts keystroke entry as well as mouse interaction.This version jumps ahead to having a...

Developer: Todd Hartman
Just for Today

Just for Today

A great little desk calendar that gives a random Just for Today card when double clickedJust for Today is a useful little widget designed to help you view sets of original and funny cards.It will even speak the date...

Developer: Pauls Birch
Roku SoundBridge Now Playing

Roku SoundBridge Now Playing

View the info of the song you're listening to on your Roku SoundBridgeRoku SoundBridge Now Playing is a small Widget that allows you to view the info of the song your Roku SoundBridge is playing.No more moving away from...

Developer: Kaptan Teotrakool
Pro-Care Spine Saver

Pro-Care Spine Saver

Yahoo Widget that will give advice on how you can prevent backaches and thus save your spine from damagePro-Care Spine Saver is a widget that will help you save yourself from useless backaches.This Widget is intended for people that...

Developer: Brent Boecking
Shutdown Hibernate Restart... With Timer

Shutdown Hibernate Restart... With Timer

Gadget to shutdown, hibernate, restart, log off or lock your computerShutdown Hibernate Restart... With Timer is a lightweight tool that allows you to schedule one of the previously mentioned items. You just need to enter the time interval and...

Developer: Travianer
TakeABreak Gadget

TakeABreak Gadget

A gadget designed to help users manage their computer working hours and breaks to protect their eyesNowadays, when so many of us have desk jobs that imply a great load of work in front of our computers, taking care...

Developer: Nemex


A currency exchange simulation game.Exchange-Game puts you inside the real world of live currency trading now. Here, at your fingertips is a great tool to help you make big money, really fast! It's amazingly simple. No technical knowledge or...

Developer: Robert Brinkoetter
Virtual Pet

Virtual Pet

This widget will display a virtual pet that you need to take care of dailyKeeping a pet happy and content takes a lot of work. However, if you don’t have time to raise a puppy or a cat, you...

Developer: Jinning He, Julia Ye, Cuong Nguyen

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