Do you want to find the best Xliff to HTML Converter alternatives for Windows? We have listed 33 Office Tools that are similar to Xliff to HTML Converter. Pick one from this list to be your new Xliff to HTML Converter app on your computers. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Xliff to HTML Converter on your computers.
The best free and paid Xliff to HTML Converter alternatives for windows according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 33 similar apps like Xliff to HTML Converter 2025.
An efficient and easy to use software utility designed to help you revise and edit your translation files, enabling you to add commentsTransolution Xliff Editor is a simple yet versatile translation editing tool designed to be used with XLIFF...
Convert files to the XLIFF standard with this application.File2XLIFF4j is a Java based tool designed to help you convert files to the XLIFF standard.file2xliff4j is a set of Java classes to convert HTML, Word, Excel, Text/Calc/Presentations, PowerPoint, Rich...
The Translate Toolkit is a toolkit to convert between various different translation formatsThe Translate Toolkit is a toolkit to convert between various different translation formats (such as gettext-based .po formats, Mozilla formats and formats).This makes it possible to...
A translation and localization application to help you with your work.WordForge is designed to be an easy to use, intelligent platform-independent offline translation and localization program that works internally with XLIFF format, but also supports other formats.
A simple application that can customize you Microsoft Office.Use Excel 2007 Ribbon to old Excel 2003 Classic Menu Toolbar to convert/and include a new 'old' microsoft 2003 excel menu within the excel 2007 menu interface!Here are some key features...
Straightforward tool that you can use for converting PDF files to DOC or RTF file format with the aid of batch processing operationsFree PDF to Word Converter provides an easy solution for converting PDF files to DOC or RTF...
Create PDFs using this intuitive tool that gets integrated into Word, supports batch processing, and preserves the text, layout, table and image formatQuick Word to PDF is a straightforward tool designed to convert Microsoft Word documents into PDF filetype,...
Easily convert TXT markdown files into fully-functional HTML code with several parameters to configure and syntax verifier thanks to this app What's new in Text to HTML Converter-Markdown 9.05.01: new features: template file support; new Mastering Macros: %%toc, %%title,...
Straightforward tool that you can use for converting PDF files to DOC or RTF file format with the aid of batch processing operationsFree PDF to Word Converter provides an easy solution for converting PDF files to DOC or RTF...
Straightforward tool that you can use for converting PDF files to DOC or RTF file format with the aid of batch processing operationsFree PDF to Word Converter provides an easy solution for converting PDF files to DOC or RTF...
Straightforward tool that you can use for converting PDF files to DOC or RTF file format with the aid of batch processing operationsFree PDF to Word Converter provides an easy solution for converting PDF files to DOC or RTF...
An application for converting PDF documents to Word formatQuick PDF to Word is a program which enables you to convert PDF documents to files with the RTF or TXT format. It can be easily used by individuals of any...
A handy task management software package that provides users with professional, elegant experience while managing multiple tasks What's new in Efficient To-Do List 5.60 Build 556: (Network version) added: Users can set to only remind some team members for...
Helps you keep track of tasks, so that you can manage your time in a more efficient manner, with backup and restore capabilities What's new in Efficient To-Do List Free 5.60 Build 556: (Network version) added: Users can set...
Remove Office-specific markup tags embedded in Office 2000 documents saved as HTML What's new in Microsoft Office 2000 HTML Filter 2.0: You have more control over which types of markup tags are removed. You can export a cascading style...
Software solution that allows you to convert any URLs or HTML files to image files, it supports many output formats together with batch conversion and other toolsThere are many applications on the Internet that you could use in order...
A useful application for creating HTML documents from DOC or XLS filesFree Word/Doc Excel/Xls to Htm Html Converter is an application that can convert Microsoft Office documents (e.g. DOC, XLS, PPT, RTF, TXT) to the HTML format. It can...
Find and replace text data within multiple HTML files, and process multiple sets of text items in different HTML items to make many changes at onceFind and Replace In HTML Files Software is a small software application developed specifically...
Convert HTML data to plain text file format by stripping HTML tags and adding line feeds, process clipboard text, as well as set up the left and right marginsHTML-2-Text is a small software application whose purpose is to help...
A straightforward application that enables you to quickly transform your CHM files into HTML documents, accessible from any web browser IMPORTANT NOTICEiStonsoft CHM to HTML Converter has a pretty self-explanatory name. It enables users to quickly and easily...
An easy-to-use piece of software that can help users convert multiple HTML files into PDF documents effortlessly, for simpler sharing tasksiStonsoft HTML to PDF Converter is a simple tool designed to help users convert any HTML file to a...
Batch convert multiple file formats and documents to HTML pages in high-quality with the help of this fast, easy-to-use piece of softwareSharing documents with friends is not always an easy task, especially if they do not have the necessary...
Batch convert HTML and HTM files to TXT easily and effortlessly, with the help of this straightforward and user-friendly software utilityHTML files are specially formatted to display various types of content on web pages. However, extracting text from them...
Convert Barnes Noble eBooks to PDF documents in a few and simple steps so you can then read them on any portable device out thereNOOK eBook to PDF Converter is a relatively lightweight application especially designed to help you...
Simplistic piece of software that allows you to convert PDF files to plain text file format with the aid of batch processing operationsEasy PDF to Text Converter is a reliable application that extracts information found in a PDF file,...
A software application that enables users to convert Kindle ebooks to the popular PDF format with intuitive features and interfaceKindle PC Converter is a straightforward software program which allows you to create PDF files from Kindle ebooks. It can...
A useful document converting softwareAll Office Converter Pro is a powerful Windows solution designed to convert Microsoft Office documents, PDF files and images from one format to another with minimum effort.At the first glance, it all sounds more or...
Convert various Office documents from your computer to PDF quickly and without significant efforts by turning to this lightweight appIf you're frequently handling Office documents on your computer, perhaps you wanted more than once to convert them to a...
A lightweight conversion application that can help you migrate images and documents to a multitude of file types, all in a coouple of minutesAll Office Converter Pro is a program which you can use to convert documents and images...
A very easy to use application that will make it possible for anyone to convert among a variety of document and image file typesTransforming documents from one format into another is not too difficult a job, especially if the...
A user-friendly and reliable office tool that enables you to decode PDFs and convert them to images, for facile viewing or to Word files, for editingBlueFox Free PDF to JPG Converter is an easy to use office utility created...
A comprehensive piece of software that you can use to effortlessly convert a wide range of file formats to SWF animations in a few stepsEzovo Office Pdf Image to Swf Converter is an application especially designed for those who...
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