Do you want to find the best Extra_POI_Editor alternatives for Windows? We have listed 27 Others that are similar to Extra_POI_Editor. Pick one from this list to be your new Extra_POI_Editor app on your computers. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Extra_POI_Editor on your computers.
The best free and paid Extra_POI_Editor alternatives for windows according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like Extra_POI_Editor 2025.
Find out how much a student receives in terms of time based on the total exam time, also showing the final exam duration for more comfortExams usually take a fixed amount of time, but special situations require extra time....
A simple and easy to use educational tool designed to provide you with the proper means to create and play flash cards on your computerFlash Cards Extra is a user-friendly and efficient piece of software whose main function is...
A simple and user-friendly piece of software developed as an educational tool for children or students, enabling them to learn synonyms and antonymsMatch Up Extra is an easy to use utility aimed at parents and educators who wish to...
Cleantouch Large Payroll System is a software for big size business & mills to control records of employees & their salariesCleantouch Large Payroll System is a software for big size business & mills to control records of employees &...
Find out how much money you save when paying the minimum interest or extra, using this Modern UI loan calculator that shows a chartLoan Payoff Calculator is a simple application you can use to make some quick financial calculations....
Calculate your school score by adding assignments, total and earned points, as well as extra credit earned using this Modern UI appGradeCalc is an easy-to-use application that gives you the possibility to calculate your school score by entering assignment...
DryClean PRO Enterprise is a Point of Sale software for dry cleanersWith more than 3500 installations, DryClean PRO is the most popular software for cleaners. Ease of use, high reliability, versatility, and time-tested industrial strength advanced features like auto-marketing...
Management reporting for QuickBooks classes (cost centers & profit centers) What's new in ManagePLUS for QuickBooks Supports full cost accounting based on the QuickBooks Classes list; Identify Classes as cost centers/profit centers; Allocate accumulated costs from cost centers...
Calculate annual percent rates (APRs) for any loan type based on the loan amount, term, interest rate and extra cost using this simple toolFree APR Calculator is an easy-to-use utility that can quickly determine APRs (Annual Percentage Rates). It's...
Download an extensive POI database and browse it offline, search for specific locations and export data to various formats, with this useful applicationPoints of interest, or POIs, are important features on a map that mark the locations of cities,...
A lightweight, wizard-style application that can help you load custom points of interest into your GPS unit or its corresponding SD card What's new in Garmin POI Loader 2.7.3: Fixed issue where address information was not being written out...
An advanced and efficient piece of software designed for helping you easily locate and mark points of interest and routes on the mapiPoint is an efficient and reliable solution for marking points of interest and setting routes on maps...
Customize TomTom navigation devices with this tool.TTView is a handy, easy to use application specially designed to enable users to customize their TomTom navigation device. With this program you can view and / or change the POI, itinerary, sounds,...
GPS updater for your TomtomjTomtom is specially designed as an accessible and handy GPS updater.With jTomtom you can update the QuickFix and Radar POI in your Tomtom GPS. jTomtom was developed with the help of the Java programming language.System...
Google earth files to CSV fast and easy. What's new in KMLCSV Converter 2.2.1: (BUG) NullPointerException when executing FileServiceImpl.getChildElement(…). This happens when user saves a placemark entered as an address instead of a specific coordinate. (BUG) Map does not...
A handy editor for Nuvi What's new in Nuvi Editor 1.12.3: .gpx files associated with Nüvi Editor Read the full changelog Nüvi editor is a program to help you edit waypoints that you can save to disk or...
An easy-to-use and advanced application especially designed to quickly patch and edit the details of XML files for the WD Live Hub and WD live streamer What's new in WD Live Info Editor 0.80 Beta: Update to adjust for...
This user-friendly application can help you write down mathematical equations and save them to image format, so insert them in your papersFree Equation Editor is an efficient and practical software solution created for individuals who often find themselves in...
A downloadable advertisement management application from Google that you can use to better create and organize your online campaigns What's new in Google AdWords Editor 12.6.1: New targeting demographics: Reach the people that are most likely to be influenced...
Design new mouse cursors, libraries and animations using this intuitive app with extensive file type support, a feature-rich drawing box, photo effects, and moreSib Cursor Editor is a resourceful application with intuitive features that can help you create and...
Design custom icons from scratch or work on an already existing one with the help of this lightweight, yet powerful software utilityGiving your desktop a personal touch can be done in various ways thanks to all the available applications...
Create, edit and solve crossword puzzles by turning to this lightweight Java application that lets you import content from external sources What's new in Crossword editor 2.2: Bug: Since Java 9, if the 'Select text when focus is gained'...
Create and edit personalized Mii avatar characters.Avatars can be our visual representations in the online world. Millions of Nintendo users worldwide are familiar with Mii characters. My Avatar Editor is an application designed to create this type of avatars.The...
Advanced program that helps you read WfMC XPDL files from the system or Wf-XML server, check out a graphical representation of process definitions, as well as write WfMC XPDL process definition XML filesTogether Workflow Editor is a professional and...
Make corrections to poorly designed or incomplete comic book files when it comes to chapter names, book and publishing info, font and style, or areas of textIf you're a comic book fan who has a large digital collection of...
Customize TrueType and OpenType (TTF and OTF) font properties, such as the font designer, foundry, description, license, or embedding levelFont Properties Editor is a simple application that gives you the possibility to modify font properties, as the name suggests....
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