Do you want to find the best Reminder (formerly Chris Kruidenier Reminder) alternatives for Windows? We have listed 11 Scheduling that are similar to Reminder (formerly Chris Kruidenier Reminder). Pick one from this list to be your new Reminder (formerly Chris Kruidenier Reminder) app on your computers. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Reminder (formerly Chris Kruidenier Reminder) on your computers.
The best free and paid Reminder (formerly Chris Kruidenier Reminder) alternatives for windows according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 11 similar apps like Reminder (formerly Chris Kruidenier Reminder) 2025.
Small and easy-to-use program that will show you which of your friends has his birthday in the next few daysBirthday Reminder has a small display window, easy interface, least cpu & ram usage. The small window can stay on...
Terminate a predefined program at a scheduled time, with minimal effort on your part, by using a simple and reliable applicationAdvanced Task Killer is a reliable software that enables you to set a schedule for automatic program or task...
Start your work day a little easier with the help of this software application that lets you schedule time when to open any file type What's new in Ampare STOF 1.5b: Fixed Move File , Copy File New Manual...
TechScheduler for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 is the latest generation of powerful Windows scheduling utilitiesTechScheduler for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 is the latest generation of powerful Windows scheduling utilities.You can schedule virtually any Windows activity, allowing your workstation or server to become a...
The latest generation of powerful Windows scheduling utilitiesTechScheduler for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 is the latest generation of powerful Windows scheduling utilities.You can schedule virtually any Windows activity, allowing your workstation or server to become a task and event manager for...
A powerful and versatile timer and reminder program What's new in Marxio Timer 1.12.2: ability to play classic wave files (beta) Read the full changelog Marxio Timer is a very easy to use Windows application that allows you...
This software is an alarm clockBanshee Screamer Alarm is a program that you can use as an alarm clock.The interface of this tool consists of a very small window in which you can view the current time in big...
Plan ahead and organize your events, staff members and earnings with this lightweight, user friendly application specially designed for churchesA calendar is useful when something important needs to be remembered over large periods of time however, if time management...
A schedule application to help you manage your day.JenovaScheduler is a Java based notes, to-do, and tasks reminder program, that allows a compact management of multiple notes on a single and simple window, adding email or simple "on screen"...
If you forget when to take work breaks, here is a small tool to remind you about it. What's new in myWork Coach (formerly Take 5) startup with the system radio stations updates small bug fixes changed the...
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