Do you want to find the best Paragon Drive Backup alternatives for Windows? We have listed 28 System that are similar to Paragon Drive Backup. Pick one from this list to be your new Paragon Drive Backup app on your computers. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Paragon Drive Backup on your computers.
The best free and paid Paragon Drive Backup alternatives for windows according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Paragon Drive Backup 2025.
Using this application you can manage the partitions of your drives and easily copy or migrate the data from your disks to another location What's new in Paragon Drive Copy Professional 15 The new Recovery Media Builder 3.0...
An efficient and reliable software utility that can assist you in fixing system boot problems, allowing you to get out of sticky situations What's new in Paragon Rescue Kit Free Edition 14: Backup to virtual disk (VHD, pVHD, VMDK,...
Protect, maintain and manage your PC just the way you see fit with a plethora of tools at your disposal in this all-in-one suiteAdministering the information stored on a system and ensuring that data is kept safe and ready...
A comprehensive and powerful backup and recovery application that enables you to perform incremental backups on external storage devices, discs or hidden partitionsAs its name suggests, Paragon Backup & Recovery Free is designed to help you create backups for...
A backup utility for the VMware vSphere, which allows server administrators to create secure copies of all their virtual machinesParagon VM Backup (Paragon Virtual Machine Backup) provides a full-featured backup solution for VMware environments, allowing administrators to create secure...
The high end all-in-one solution for hard disk management that brings a rich set of modules for backup, restore and disaster recovery scenariosParagon Hard Disk Managersports a complete set of tools for hard disk management, with an emphasis on...
A powerful backup and recovery application with disk partitioning management options and support for various target storage mediumsParagon Backup & Recoveryis a reliable software solution that can assist you in creating backups of partitions or entire hard disks, protecting...
One integrated and comprehensive software solution especially designed for backup and disaster recovery, migration and data managementParagon Hard Disk Manager Business is a straightforward and reliable piece of software worth having when you need to backup separate partitions or...
Back up and recover data, manage partitions, wipe disks, and copy drives safely with the help of this comprehensive and free suite What's new in Paragon Hard Disk Manager 16 Preview (16.5.0-.215-): Completely new user interface Free to use,...
Format logical drives as FAT, FAT32, exFAT or NTFS quickly and effortlessly with the help of this intuitive software application What's new in NoVirusThanks Drive Formatter 1.0: Initial release Read the full changelog Although Windows has built-in options...
A test and benchmark program specially designed for optical drives. The program can be used to verify the performance, quality, and reliability of the burn and read functions of optical drives and discs. What's new in Opti Drive Control...
An efficient and user-friendly software utility designed to help you hide and protect your computer drives in just a few simple moves What's new in Windows Drive Hider 4.0: Mega 2019 edition to support hiding drives on latest windows...
A straightforward and reliable application designed to help users easily create backups and clones for any kind of file or disk drive What's new in Drive Cloner Rx 6.0 Build 2700899268: Fixed the Windows 10 backup and compatibility problems...
An application that reduces risks of data damage or loss and server downtime by backing up all of the necessary data for safekeepingDrive Backup Server Edition creates real-time exact server disk image and totally protects your system and corporate...
An application that provides users with the possibility to easily recover files that have been deleted from their pen drives, as well as to rescue corrupted dataChances are your USB flash drive fails to respond or gets corrupted, which...
Load different storage accounts as virtual drives in your PC by using this application that offers drive mapping with data encryptionCloudBerry Drive is a Windows utility designed to help users easily manage different cloud storage accounts from the system...
A piece of well designed and thought out software that can help you protect files using encryption and also allows you to create backups for them What's new in R.W. Flash Drive Explorer 2.0.3: This update will fix a...
An intuitive and easy to use application that allows you to seamlessly create backups for any of your personal or important files What's new in Exiland Backup 5.0: Added: Analyzing ExitCode (ReturnCode) after running external applications Added: Global file...
Create backup or sync jobs for your important files, apply password protection, indicate exclusions, and manage a scheduler with recurring tasksDeveloped as an effective backup utility, Synei Backup Manager allows you to create multiple tasks and manage a schedule....
A simple and efficient piece of software aimed to provide you with the ability of automatically backing up your files to a USB driveAuto USB Backup is a lightweight and easy to use application developed to offer you a...
A system backup and recovery utility that aims to assist you in quickly create disk images and retrieve a PC to a previously working state within minutes What's new in Acronis Backup for PC 12.5.14330: Added support for new...
A reliable data backup solution for the business environment, providing support for both local and cloud backups with AES-256 encryptionData security is vital in the business environment, and periodical backups are mandatory to ensure a solution is available in...
Create backup copies of significant files on your computer by turning to this reliable application that features schedule supportWorking with sensitive data on your computer requires you to be cautious, since your files can be accidentally lost during various...
Backup your Google Chrome profile quickly and easily What's new in zebNet Backup for Chrome TNG Build Bug fix: Backup may fail on large profiles Bug fix: Backup process might be slow on large profiles Bug fix: An...
A full-featured backup solution that supports a plethora of backup destinations, both local and online, enabling you to create copies of local files and SQL Server databasesCreating a data backup once in a while, if not more frequently, should...
A feature-packed backup and recovery solution created mainly for server users who want to backup their data and keep it safe in case of system crashesNo matter where you store data, it is always a good idea to create...
Backup and protect your data, then retrieve it if it is accidentally lost, by using this comprehensive and highly intuitive applicationEaseUS Todo Backup Workstation is a powerful software solution designed to cover all aspects of protecting your sensitive data...
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