Do you want to find the best Keyboard Lights alternatives for Windows? We have listed 20 System that are similar to Keyboard Lights. Pick one from this list to be your new Keyboard Lights app on your computers. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Keyboard Lights on your computers.
The best free and paid Keyboard Lights alternatives for windows according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Keyboard Lights 2025.
Use this virtual keyboard efficiently emulating a regular one and allowing you to concentrate on what you type in without taking your eyes off the monitor What's new in Comfort On-Screen Keyboard Pro New "Windows Light" style has...
Type on-screen using your mouse with this neat and easy-to-use application that also allows you to access the most frequently used programs IMPORTANT NOTICEAn on-screen keyboard can be quite useful for many reasons, among which avoiding keyloggers and...
A full-featured and comprehensive Bangla typing software that supports Unicode and provides keyboard layouts for India and Bangladesh users What's new in Avro Keyboard Portable Windows 10 Compatibility Added. Removed the bug where Windows language mode would get...
Create macros to make your workflow more efficient with the help of this useful application that allows you to insert commands, steps, triggers or various content What's new in Perfect Keyboard Professional 9.1.4: Macros can be sorted ascendant and...
Create macros to make your workflow more efficient with the help of this useful application that allows you to insert commands, steps, triggers or various content What's new in Perfect Keyboard Professional 9.1.4: Macros can be sorted ascendant and...
Type texts, create file shortcuts, switch between languages and control the Windows volume, by using this reliable desktop keyboardExbi Keyboard is a simple to use and convenient application that allows you to create texts, words, fill in forms or...
A useful application that lets the user designate any and all keys from the keyboard to issue a sound / on-screen alert when they are pressed, with total customization available What's new in Clever Keyboard Indicator 5.0: Implemented Features:...
A simple and efficient application developed in order to provide you with an easy means of checking the health status of your keyboard What's new in Keyboard Test Utility 1.4.0: NEW: Support command line options. Read the full...
Improves your overall productivity by providing a faster way of typing and by automating the clicking process withing predefined locationsAutomatic Mouse and Keyboard is a program which you can use to schedule mouse and keyboard events to be automatically...
Easily simulate mouse and keyboard actions, which can help you with games that require repetitive clicks or text input using this lightweight application What's new in Keyboard & Mouse Simulator 1.3: Added foreground window title and class retrieval to...
Figure out if Caps Lock, Num Lock or Scroll Lock are turned on or off by taking a look at this app's icon in the systray, and set a couple of restrictions What's new in AlomWare Lights 2.02: Bug...
Create custom effects for keyboard LED buttons on Caps, Num, and Scroll lock, use presets, and even start a game mode with this applicationMost keyboards are fitted with small LED lights for several functions, such as Caps, Num, and...
Control your blind sets, gates, lights or fountains with this utilityCM3 Control Master is a lightweight utility designed to help you control blind sets, curtain tracks, gates, lights, fountains or fans. Each unit in the program can access up...
A simple to use software capable of identifying all the processes that currently run on your computer and terminate the selected onesKiller Process is a reliable application that enables you to terminate any process that is currently running on...
Automatically start/stop external hardwarePower Button offers you the ability to automatically start/stop the external hardware associated with a desktop application just in one click, as you usually start a desktop application (such as Winamp or Windows Media Player).For example,...
Check if all the buttons on your keyboards are working properly with the help of this lightweight and easy-to-use software applicationIt might sometimes happen that a button on your keyboard or a key combination fails to work, and that...
Monitor the status of CapsLock and NumLock by keeping an eye on a systray icon and activating audio alerts if your keyboard doesn't have status lights What's new in Caps Lock 4.2.0: Key counting for beep sound, save user...
Shows system activity as flash-lights or small graphs What's new in Glint - Computer activity monitor 1.28 Build 1044: Added mouse tool tip to Active Processes indicator. The tool tip contains average CPU usage and amount of I/O data...
A useful utility that helps you adjust your Philips LED lightscasualLight is a simple and easy-to-use that comes in handy especially for uses who have Philips systems.With the help of casualLight you have the possibility to control your LED...
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