Do you want to find the best ACTIVE LISTENING - The Ability You Need In Career alternatives for Android? We have listed 49 Education that are similar to ACTIVE LISTENING - The Ability You Need In Career. Pick one from this list to be your new ACTIVE LISTENING - The Ability You Need In Career app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ACTIVE LISTENING - The Ability You Need In Career on your Android devices.
The best free and paid ACTIVE LISTENING - The Ability You Need In Career alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like ACTIVE LISTENING - The Ability You Need In Career 2025.
Do you have the experience that your kids do not listen to you? You have to say the same things many times, such as "Put your stuff away," "Eat your food," "Take a bath now," or "Go...
シリーズ累計2,000万ダウンロード突破!困ったときの鬼頼み?!ちょっぴり怖い、だけじゃない!子育てサポートアプリ怒ってしまいそうな時、ほめたい時、親子のコミュニーケションを円滑にしてくれるお役立ちアプリが登場!「おにから電話」を使えば、言い聞かせをしてくれる鬼や、早くお風呂に入ろうと誘いかけたり褒めたりしてくれる妖精から電話がかかってきて、子育てを楽しくサポートしてくれます。【使い方】1.多彩なシチュエーションの中から、お子さまに合ったものを選びます。2.キャラクターから着信があります。3.言い聞かせるシチュエーションの着信画面はちょっぴり怖いイラストが表示されるため、その時点で言うことを聞いてくれたり、意識に変化があった場合は「拒否」ボタンを押します。4.そのまま再生したい場合は「通話」ボタンを押し、お話に合わせて動くアニメーションを親子でご覧ください。【特色】・子育てシーンにありがちな多彩なシチュエーションに対応・本当の着信と見間違う、リアルな着信・通話画面・説得力あるイラスト・臨場感満点、声優による演技【登場するキャラクター】・あかおに・なまはげ・サンタクロース・ささきさん・おおかみ・まじょ・ゆうれいその他大勢のキャラクターたちが電話がかかってくるよ困ったときはもちろん、親子のコミュニケーションに。お役立てください。■もっと詳しいアプリの説明はこちら →■facebookページ →■Twitterアカウント → @onikaradenwa /★鬼から電話サポートセンター★不具合に関するお知らせや、操作方法に関してご不明な場合は([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い致します。-----------------------------------------
시리즈 누계 2,000만 다운로드 돌파!곤란할 땐 도깨비에게 부탁해봐?! 육아에 지친 어머니들을 위한 육아 서포트 어플!"말을 듣지 않을 때", "칭찬을 해주고 싶을 때", 부모와 아이 사이의 커뮤니케이션을 원활하게 해주는 든든한 어플 등장!"도깨비 전화"를 사용하면? 도깨비가 전화를 걸어 말을 잘 듣도록...
★「ほめおっちゃん」は、お子さんに生活習慣を楽しく習得していただくためのサポートツールです。子育ての中で生活習慣(お片付け・歯磨き・手洗いなど)を身に付けさせるには、様々な指導方法があります。このアプリでは、幼児期に習得しなけばならない生活習慣を「とにかく褒める」ことで、お子さんのやる気を掻き立て、次への行動を促進し、継続的な行動に結びつくように開発されました。【アプリ操作に関してのご注意点】当アプリはお子さんに操作を委ねるアプリではなく、親御さんがアプリの操作をし、お子さんと一緒に視聴していただく事を前提にしております。【操作手順】(1)日常生活でありがちなお困りごとや、お子さんに対して身に付けさせたい「習慣・お約束事」などのシチュエーションを選択してください。(2)お子さんと一緒に「習慣・お約束」ごとが「出来た」か「出来なかった」かを確認し、ボタンを選択してください。(3)ほめおっちゃんが、とにかく褒めまくってくれます。ぜひ親御さんも一緒に褒めてください!(4)「出来た」が押される度に「おっちゃんスタンプ」が貯まっていきます。(5)スタンプが貯まったら景品の応募券を獲得する事ができ、毎月抽選でプレゼントが当選します。【開発者の思い】お子さんと一緒に出来た喜びを共感して頂き、継続する事の楽しさや、目標を達成する事での喜びを分かち合う1つの切っ掛けになれればという思いで開発させて頂きました。ぜひ多くの子育てご家庭に笑顔が届くようにと考えておりますメディアアクティブ株式会社 社員一同
Welcome to Active Kids - Kinder/Preschooler AppWhich kid doesn't like to use electronic gadgets these days? It is our responsibility to guide our kids in the right direction at the right age. Keeping that in mind, we have developed...
Solstice Active Learning is an intuitive, software-based video routing solution for classrooms, overflow spaces, training rooms, confidence monitors, and more. The Solstice Active Learning app features a drag-and-drop interface to allow admins and facilitators to virtually map the multi-screen...
Welcome to Active to Passive Voice Change App.Let's improve your Grammar knowledge just playing simple game on our application in English language. The app is the best way to improve your English Grammar at home. Learn English Grammar quickly,...
Active and Passive Voice conversion for all types of sentences like Positive Sentences, Negative Sentence, Interrogative Sentences, Interronegative Sentences, of all Tenses which can be converted to Passive Voice including Assertive Sentences, Imperative Sentences, and Optative Sentences with examples...
The Quick and Easy Guide to Learning Passive Voice | Causative andActive and Passive Voice including:Gerund, Infinitive, That clause, Tenses, Modals, important details-verbs and Examples.
TOEIC app provide free model practice tests covered all 4 topics of listening section preparation with solution. This app containn basically 4 parts like photographs, questions and responces, talks and conversations. Overview of TOEIC Listening SectionIn the Listening section,...
PTE Listening App is very useful for practice tests with solutions. It will provide all types of questions. App will be very useful to make exam preparation on your mobile device. We are adding new practice tests So It...
IELTS Listening Practice develop listening comprehension skills, improve your listening skill with many level and easy to use. There are 3 levels in the IELTS listening part. Each level has 34 lessons. There is one transcript and one exercise...
TOEFL Listening Practice is designed with standard format of toefl-listening.1. Conversations TOEFL2. Lectures TOEFLWe look forward to receiving comments and ideas you about this software. We will increasingly perfected it to cater for the toefl exam preparation is getting...
Do you want to enhance your English skills naturally? Learning English for BBC program - inspiring language learning since 1943 will help you love English than more!MORE THAN 1000 ENGLISH CONVERSATIONS FROM NATIVE SPEAKERS. Start learning English faster and...
If you want to find an application to help you to improve your Chinese, this is the right app for you.We provide lessons into levels and each lesson has pronunciation and meaning.+ Useful Chinese Phrases+ Learn Chinese Via Stories+...
With this app, you can learn English via Listening, read daily news and learn vocabulary.You can look up word by click on itself and the dictionary will find the meaning of that word in you mother language.Each conversation has...
Social word of the day game. Get featured in the app by writing example sentences.*The app requires twitter to work.
- Set of questions and answers.- Totally free (without purchases inside).- More than 5,000 Questions.- Questions about the whole Bible:- GENESIS- EXODUS.- LEVITICUS.- NUMBERS.- DEUTERONOMY.- JOSUE.- JUDGES.- FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL.- SECOND BOOK OF SAMUEL.- FIRST BOOK OF THE...
Hadith of the day HOTD app consists beautiful ahadith in a short and and precise pictorial format collected from authentic books of ahadith like,bukhari Muslim,ibn e maja,abi dawood etc.Ahadith are also categorized into different categories as well.You can...
Individuals, companies and schools can join the platform to create a beautiful personal tree-counter. Accumulate trees by either registering trees you planted yourself or by donating to tree-planting organisations all across the world. Follow your friends or companies, challenge...
Learn and Master French! Learn new French words daily and improve your vocabulary. Learn how to pronounce French words correctly!With 'Word Of The Day' format, learning new words each day become very easy. The app offers a rich vocabulary...
The standard model of particle physics reference app. The original, free Standard Model app.Update April 2015 - We are preparing to add anti-particlesYou guys are awesome, and the advice has seriously made this a better app. It has become...
SPS is a chain of English Medium Educational Institutions, officially recognized and registered by BISE (Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education) Swat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). SPS was established in 1984 with the sole aim of providing to the new...
This App Consists of daily " the Hindu"editorials which are categories( economics, Political, Sports, International, Banks) So, Reader can Read editorials of his own choice.The App also consists of category wise sentences like Marketing sentence,Sports,Movie,Economics,Political sentences. The App...
Teaching The Quran To The Children Mp3 Offline by Al-Huseini Al-Azzazi with the repeating method
Verbal Ability Reasoning Q & A is a collection of verbal aptitude questions frequently asked in GRE competitive examinations, placement papers and bank exams.This offline FREE app is easy to use with examples & answers for company job interview...
Pocket Verbal Ability is a collection of 3100+ verbal aptitude questions frequently asked in competitive examinations, placement papers, bank and other entrance exams.• 3100+ English Questions• Improve your Vocabulary• Segregated into topics• Questions of varying difficulty levels• User-friendly Interface• BookmarksPocket Verbal Ability can help you...
These are graded exams that test the competence of talented students who are nominated by class teachers to study at Science and Art Centers.It is completely adjusted according to the sample questions given in cogAT Presentation Application.Train for gifted...
Test to define ability for self education
Mastering the Perceptual Ability Test (PAT) section of the Dental Admission Test (DAT) is a quintessential step to getting accepted to dental school. Scoring high in this section will give you the competitive edge to stand out among other...
Verbal Ability is an offline App useful for various exams like Placemets, GATE exam, CAT Exam, SBI IBPS Bank exams, other MBA exams and UPSC exam etc.This Application can be very helpful to improve your Verbal score. By taking...
This App contains previous years questions and other practice questions for Indian Engineering Services (IES) conducted by UPSC.Features:1. Reference links are provided for various GS questions.2. Exam and Practice mode for a simulated environment.3. User-friendly app which enables preparation...
For Entrance Examinations MBA, CAT, HOTEL Management.Bank Po,RBI,SBIPO,NABARD.BSRB Recruitment.Railway Recruitment, SCRA.LICAAO, GICAAO,Asst Grade.SSC,UDC,LDC.IAS,PCS,IFS etc...
NO INTERNET REQUIRED. APTITUDE QUIZ AND MENTAL ABILITY QUESTIONS.1. Aptitude Quiz useful for Banks, +2, Clerical, State and NTSE, CAT, College Placement, NDA Exam, SSC Exam.2. Non-verbal reasoning questions on Rankings and ascending descending ordering.3. Improves your mental ability,...
Largest Collection of Amazing, Shocking, Interesting and Fun Facts With An Elegant UI.Looking for Super Cool facts? You Know What, Look no further! You have found the World Factbook with so many fun facts about any topic you can...
The internet is a vast world, where we are just a tiny person, who will care about our personal lives, what we like and what not?You may be thinking about these things, but you do not know the value...
"Do you speak Pulaar" is a book written by Mr. Aboou Sy. This book has been turned into a mobile application by a young programmer Kane Hamath Moussa.You will discover in this application basic concepts to learn well Pulaar.
The study of the English language has spread all over the world, and high school and college students everywhere have come to realize that language mastery depends on the possession of a comprehensive vocabulary. This is just what 1100...
The Word For Today is a daily devotional that has over 3.5 million copies distributed quarterly worldwide.Many people are desperately searchingfor encouragement, direction, and a personal experience with God and His Word. A daily devotional can quickly become an...
If you’re able to save $400 per month for retirement 30 years from now, and you think you can achieve a 7% return on your money each year, enter “$400” as the Monthly Savings Amount, “30” as the Number...
Signs Your Ex Wants You Back!!When a relationship is over, it really should stay over in most cases. There are reasons that you broke up, and those reasons won't magically disappear just because your ex wants to get back...
Looking for a spell to make someone obsessed with you? Did you know that there are certain spells that can make someone obsess over you? If you didn't know read on to know more.A love spell to make...
Animals play an important role in many people's lives. Most people accepts that who have a pet have healthier hearts, stay home sick less often, make fewer visits to the doctor, get more exercise, and are less depressed. Pets...
** BETA Version - please bear in mind this alarm app is in beta test phase so it might not work as expected - please set up a regular system alarm too!!! **Alarm description: This alarm clock will QUIZ...
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