Do you want to find the best Social Skills for Autism 3 Kloogs Cosmic Classroom alternatives for Android? We have listed 43 Educational that are similar to Social Skills for Autism 3 Kloogs Cosmic Classroom. Pick one from this list to be your new Social Skills for Autism 3 Kloogs Cosmic Classroom app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Social Skills for Autism 3 Kloogs Cosmic Classroom on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Social Skills for Autism 3 Kloogs Cosmic Classroom alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 43 similar apps like Social Skills for Autism 3 Kloogs Cosmic Classroom 2025.
AutiSpark is a one-of-a-kind educational app for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with specially designed learning games and approved by experts. If you are struggling to teach basic concepts to your child, AutiSpark is a must-try for you.AutiSpark...
The gender-neutral animals socialize, take care of each other and solve problems in a tranquil and calm setting. Stay on the beach, go to the farm or visit a magical school through scenarios that your child can relate back...
Such divisions are one key feature of human networks, among several, that figure prominently in what follows. Why we form networks that have such features has some obvious explanations as well as some subtle ones, as we shall see....
SDG Game enables all people to easily learn about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs, invokes the importance of doing everything possible to achieve them and enables users to suggest solutions to achieve them. The SDGs are...
Maths game that will test and improve your calculation speed.Simple freaking Mathematics with 2 basic operations: + -But only ONE second to choose correct answer. Right or Wrong?Get the highest score.Share with your friends.Hope you have nice times with...
“Do It... Or Not?” helps learners with autism understand and practice what to do… and what not to do… in real-life social situations. Filtering thoughts and actions can be a challenge for children with autism or ADHD. This...
Math Quiz for all. Test your mental ability, Train your brain for calculation.Play math quiz fun and education.
Don’t you hate waiting for the delivery of that special package into your kids game mailbox? And don’t you get a little angry when someone who loves prank games put something else in there? Well, Mr. Grumpy McGrump, the...
Privacy Friendly Reckoning Skills helps you improving your mental calculation skills in the four basic calculating operations.For each game, the player can choose between the four basic arithmetic operations and four difficulties (exercises up to 10, 100, 1000 and...
5 Math Puzzles hacking all brains1. Equation PuzzleThere's a board with equations - but the numbers, and signs (+, -, x, :) are in pieces and not in order. Touch and drag pieces on board to make correct equations.320...
❤️All games are completely offline.You can play games without internet.No signing and sign up required.💛This application for build up your maths skills and memory power. This game belongs to fun math games to help everyone develop abstract and...
The “Got The Skills!” game is focused on developing an awareness of skills which are required for work. It intends to get the player to recognise different skills which they may have, and to understand which skills and traits...
Your child want to explore Surprise Eggs and discover what's inside the egg ? Does your toddler love surprise chocolate eggs ?you have found the right educational game !This app is a challenging and fun way to develop fine...
Does your kid want to play with diggers and excavators ?If your child want to play with a lot of construction machines you have found the right educational game !There are a lot of things to do at the...
Does your toddler love cars , trucks and every kind of peg puzzle and wooden puzzle ? If your child want to play with a lot of vehicles you have found the right educational game !This app is a...
The hottest game for kids is here! Discover the fun Firefighters Fire Rescue Kids game. Step up, get the truck ready, clean it up and head out to save the day and collect all your medals. This firefighter game...
Your child want to explore the prehistoric park and discover dinosaur species ? Does your toddler love every kind of peg puzzle and wooden puzzle ?you have found the right educational game !This app is a challenging and fun...
Does your toddler love planes , air vehicles and every kind of peg puzzle and wooden puzzle ? If your child want to play with a lot of vehicles you have found the right educational game !This app is...
Does your kid love educational games and want to go shopping in the supermarket ? If your child want to play in the supermarket you have found the right educational game !Let's go to do the shopping ! Buy...
A wonderful digger game for toddlers and little kids !Does your toddler love trucks and every kind of peg puzzle and wooden puzzle ? If your child want to play with a lot of construction machines you have found...
Does your toddler love every kind of peg puzzle and wooden puzzle ?Your child want to explore the sky and discover bird species ? you have found the right educational game !This app is a challenging and fun way...
A wonderful cars game for toddlers and little kids !Does your toddler love cars and every kind of peg puzzle and wooden puzzle ? If your child want to play with a lot of cars you have found the...
Immerse yourself in the fun world of learning the fundamentals of Mathematics of 123 Autism.The application uses the premises of structured teaching in order to assist in the learning process of children with autism through fun activities. Available in...
Immerse yourself in the fun world of learning the basics of ABC Autism.The fun for the little ones starts now with the game ABC Autism - Animals.Using premises of structured teaching with the objective of assisting in the learning...
This app teaches a child with hundreds of images in 22 categories: Actions, Animals, Food, Body Parts, Clothing, Colors, Emotions, Genders, Household items, Locations, Nature, School, Furniture, Shapes, Transport, Adjectives, the Alphabet (lowercase and uppercase), Sports and Others. ...
The free app teaches words using images and exciting animation rewards. The game is set up where the user is prompted to strike a single image and if successful, to strike one of two images and so on...
This free app that teaches children of all ages on the Autism spectrum or with learning delays to identify pictures and words using exciting animations to reward the child's progress. The app uses the ABA DTT (Discrete Trials...
This app teaches children to identify over 1800 everyday images and words using exciting animations to reward the child's progress. All the parent has to do is take a minute to select the categories (e.g. Actions, Food, Animals,...
This try for Free app that teaches children of all ages to identify pictures and words using exciting animations to reward the child's progress. The app uses the ABA DTT (Discrete Trial Training) principles to encourage the child...
It is a video game that promotes the learning of children with autism, with special emphasis on the playful factor and the fun.Everything takes place in a 3D world, composed of three islands with their own topic each one,...
Builds vocabulary and reading comprehension skills!ThinkAnalogy™ Puzzles is a fun, engaging app that helps students truly understand the basis of an analogy. These activities develop razor-sharp analogy, vocabulary, word analysis, and comprehension skills for the highest academic and test...
Alphabet Match 3 is a match three puzzle game to help preschool kids learn the letters of the alphabet. When you touch a letter it is spoken which helps kids learn what the letters are. Touch a letter and...
Word Search is a great game guarantees fun and language exercises.Strengthens and enriches vocabulary and cheerful monster bring a smile ! This game is very simple to use:- offers three levels of difficulty,- the words are written directly or backwards,...
Tomate é um jogo para crianças de 5 a 7 anos que estão na fase de alfabetização. Nas telas, elas podem juntar palavras puxando sílabas de uma linha para a outra, juntando as letras ou achando a palavra com...
Game Edukasi Anak adalah sebuah game dengan berbagai macam permainan. Permainan-permainan yang mengajarkan anak anda mengenal benda-benda atau hal-hal disekitar kita. Antara lain, mengenal macam-macam binatang, mengenal angka, mengenal huruf alfabet, mengenal bentuk, mengenal warna-warna, mengenal buah-buahan, mengenal anggota...
Math 7X is a mathematical game that presents you with various maths problems. If you are elementary or university students, you may be interested in this application. Math 7X will help you to stimulate your brain. It has unlimited...
The interactive quiz game edition of Kamus Lengkap is now available on this platform. Play the game and compete your score with your friends online.Playing this game is an excellent fun way to improve your English vocabulary and your...
GK Questions App - This new General Knowledge Question and Answers Test Game Android App contains GK Quiz with Multiple choice options. Upon wrong guess, right answer is shown. Questions are updated frequently. General Knowledge Test. General knowledge not...
Dungeon of Numbers 3 - Educational Game of the Collection of the ABC Pirate whose theme is count and sequencing, 3 in 3, from numbers 3 to 45. The context is the Dungeon of Numbers, where the Titicacas -...
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