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The best free and paid Twentieth Century Negro Literature - Public Domain alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 31 similar apps like Twentieth Century Negro Literature - Public Domain 2025.
300 of the most important examples of artillery from the twentieth century in one app.Twentieth-century Artillery brings together 300 of the most important examples of artillery used or designed between 1900 and the year 2000. Beginning with the guns...
The most widely used pistols, rifles, machine guns and other small arms of the twentieth century in one app.Twentieth-century Small Arms looks in detail at the most widely used pistols, rifles, submachine guns, machine guns and other small arms...
The HOLY BIBLE New Century Bible (NCV) Online And Offline FreeFree Holy Bible App, New Century Bible (NCV) is the best Application to carry God’s WordHave the Holy Bible at your fingertips anytime and anywhere you go. This daily...
The New Century Version of the Bible is a revision of the International Children's Bible.The ICB was aimed at young readers and those with low reading skills/limited vocabulary in English. It is written at a 3rd grade level (from...
Unlike the New King James Version, the 21st Century King James Version does not alter the language significantly from the King James Version. The author has eliminated "obsolete words.Remember, in the moments of greatest darkness, Close your eyes, calm...
The most important and most interesting uniform designs in use throughout the world in one app.Over the last 100 years the uniforms worn by soldiers around the world have changed dramatically as fabric technology has improved and the need...
El Tulipán Negro narra una historia en la Francia de 1789, acerca de un cultivador de tulipanes que se ve mezclado sin saberlo en una intriga política, que unido a la envidia de un vecino le lleva a dar...
El noble y apuesto Emilio de Roccanera, más conocido como El Corsario Negro, ha jurado una terrible venganza por la muerte de sus hermanos, el Corsario Verde y el Corsario Rojo, a manos del gobernador de Maracaibo, el flamenco...
* ¡Solo descarga y comienza a leer! *Rojo y negro es una novela de Stendhal (1783-1842), publicada a mediados de noviembre de 1830. La trama se desarrolla en la Francia de fines de los años 1820, y se articula...
This free audiobook app has a library of 100+ free public domain literature audiobooks. Download an audio book to your Android phone and start listening to a great story instantly. Experience how audio books can transform your commute, household...
Free classical Literature to read all in one place
This app contains an attempt by the Gnostic-Hermetic historian G.R.S. Mead (1906) to classify and enumerate the extant literature of Hermes Trismegistus and the ancient Hermetic tradition, including various fragmentary manuscripts. A reference of great interest to historians, rare...
The Carrier® Commercial Technical Literature Search application allows a technician to search for all technical documents available for Carrier® products, directly from their mobile device. Searches can be restricted to a particular document type and/or document status (current...
《三国演义》(全名为《三国志通俗演义》,又称《三国志演义》)描写了从东汉末年到西晋初年之间近百年的历史风云,以描写战争为主,诉说了东汉末年的群雄割据混战和魏、蜀、吴三国之间的政治和军事斗争,最终司马炎一统三国,建立晋朝的故事。反映了三国时代各类社会斗争与矛盾的转化,并概括了这一时代的历史巨变,塑造了一群叱咤风云的三国英雄人物。《三国演义》是中国文学史上第一部章回小说,是历史演义小说的开山之作,也是第一部文人长篇小说,中国古典四大名著之一。 话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。周末七国分争,并入于秦。及秦灭之后,楚、汉分争,又并入于汉。汉朝自高祖斩白蛇而起义,一统天下,后来光武中兴,传至献帝,遂分为三国。推其致乱之由,殆始于桓、灵二帝。桓帝禁锢善类,崇信宦官。及桓帝崩,灵帝即位,大将军窦武、太傅陈蕃共相辅佐。时有宦官曹节等弄权,窦武、陈蕃谋诛之,机事不密,反为所害,中涓自此愈横。
《孙子兵法》又称《孙武兵法》、《吴孙子兵法》、《孙子兵书》、《孙武兵书》等,是中国现存最早的兵书,也是世界上最早的军事著作,早于克劳塞维茨《战争论》约 2300 年,被誉为「兵学圣典」。共有六千字左右,一共十三篇。作者为春秋时祖籍齐国乐安的吴国将军孙武。《孙子兵法》是中国古代军事文化遗产中的璀璨瑰宝,优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,是古代军事思想精华的集中体现。《孙子兵法》英文名为 The Art of War,被翻译到全球多个语言。《孙子兵法》被誉为人生必读书籍。孙子曰:兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。故经之以五事,校之以计,而索其情:一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰将、五曰法。道者,令民与上同意也,故可以与之死,可以与之生,而不畏危。天者,阴阳,寒暑、时制也。地者,远近、险易、广狭、死生也。将者,智、信、仁、勇、严也。法者,曲制、官道、主用也。凡此五者,将莫不闻,知之者胜,不知者不胜。故校之以计,而索其情,曰:主孰有道?将孰有能?天地孰得?法令孰行?兵众孰强?士卒孰练?赏罚孰明?吾以此知胜负矣。将听吾计,用之必胜,留之;将不听吾计,用之必败,去之。计利以听,乃为之势,以佐其外。势者,因利而制权也。兵者,诡道也。故能而示之不能,用而示之不用,近而示之远,远而示之近;利而诱之,乱而取之,实而备之,强而避之,怒而挠之,卑而骄之,佚而劳之,亲而离之。攻其无备,出其不意。此兵家之胜,不可先传也。夫未战而庙算胜者,得算多也;未战而庙算不胜者,得算少也。多算胜,少算不胜,而况于无算乎?吾以此观之,胜负见矣。
《红楼梦》,中国古典长篇章回小说,是中国四大小说名著之一。《红楼梦》书内提及的别名,还有《情僧录》、《风月宝鉴》、《金陵十二钗》;故事是从女娲补天时所剩下的一块石头讲起,因此又名《石头记》。乾隆四十九年甲辰(1784年)梦觉主人序本题为《红楼梦》(甲辰梦序抄本)。1791 年在第一次活字印刷(程甲本)后,《红楼梦》便取代《石头记》成为通行的书名。原本前 80 回尚存。程伟元称自己经过多年收集、重金购得《红楼梦》后四十回残稿,并与高鹗一起对不连贯的地方进行补缀。于 1791 年和 1792 年印行一百二十回《红楼梦》。一百多年间,《红楼梦》以此 120 回本流传。但某些学者研究认为:据脂砚斋批语,本书应少于 114 回,并据此认定后 40 回为伪作。但持后 40 回含有曹雪芹原稿观点的人认为《红楼梦》第一回已说作者增删改数次,不排除作者在这部巨著的数年写作途中更改思路和故事架构,因此出现不符,也有人认为脂批属于伪造。 《红楼梦》被评为中国古典章回小说的巅峰之作,思想价值和艺术价值极高。在 20 世紀,《紅樓夢》是中國最受重視的文學作品之一。因为其不完整、原作者曹雪芹已亡故、內容鉅細靡遺且結局設定超乎尋常等特性,留下许多谜团引人探究,也构成了一门学問——红学。自胡适作《红楼梦考证》以来,一般认为曹雪芹以其家族的命运投射在《红楼梦》一书。
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The story begins in the High Court of Chancery, where the case of Jarndyce and Jarndyce has gone on for generations and has “become so complicated that no man alive knows what it means.” The current issue concerns two...
This book is another volume in Chesterton's works during the First World War which justified the British participation in the war. In it, Chesterton takes the unusual and highly controversial position that, while Germany is to blame for the...
[The Old Man and the Young Man had been conversing. The Old Man had asserted that the human being is merely a machine, and nothing more. The Young Man objected, and asked him to go into particulars and furnish...
One fine summer’s morning, little Susan’s mother called her to come and have her breakfast. She took her porringer, and sat down on a green bank near the cottage door to eat the bread and milk she had that...
For a graphic and memorable report of the contours of any country, see always the aboriginal account of its making. That will give you the lie of the land as no geographer could sketch it forth for you. California...
The story concerns Anne Elliot, a young Englishwoman of 27 years, whose family is moving to lower their expenses and get out of debt, at the same time as the wars come to an end, putting sailors on shore....
I went down yesterday to the Piraeus with Glaucon the son of Ariston, that I might offer up my prayers to the goddess (Bendis, the Thracian Artemis.); and also because I wanted to see in what manner they would...
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