Do you want to find the best Gk Gujarati Part 6 alternatives for Android? We have listed 40 Education that are similar to Gk Gujarati Part 6. Pick one from this list to be your new Gk Gujarati Part 6 app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Gk Gujarati Part 6 on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Gk Gujarati Part 6 alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Gk Gujarati Part 6 2025.
This free Gk Quiz Study & Test app enhances one's general knowledge about both India and the world.In order to be successful in this competitive world, this general knowledge app allows you to be sharp-witted in gk and fast...
Samanya Gyan app 2020 -2021 (सामान्य ज्ञान 2020-2021) is Hindi general knowledge android app with covering various topics.This app cover three major topics1. Indian GK 2. World GK 3. Kingdom 4. Parliament & Constitution5. History GK6. Science GK 7....
यो Hamaro Nepali GK नेपाली सामान्य ज्ञान (Nepali General Knowledge) App प्रयोग गरेर तपाईहरुले विभिन्न Nepali सामान्य ज्ञान जानकारी जस्तै:- भूगोल, इतिहास, बिज्ञान संबन्धि जानकारी, खेलकुद संबन्धि जानकारी लगाएत अन्य धेरै सामान्य ज्ञान जानकारी पाऊन सक्नुहुन्छ ।एक पटक...
Our team LaxmiSoft provide best top 10 General Knowledge quiz app. There are many app available in Android play store but 99% app fake only add earning app. There are many spam and your time loss. So...
The pocket gk app helps you to improve your general knowledge about India and word It has more than 10000 questions and helps you in cracking exams like PSC, UPSC, TNPSC
General knowledge (GK) INDIA apps contains the Study Materials which will helps Students & Professionals to prepare for Competitive exams like Banks and Other Government and pvt Jobs.And Very easy to use and it's User Friendly App.Main Purpose...
GK at Best is education based App developed with facility of online and offline quiz. We have created this app at best of education related questions for user’s knowledge improvement at main.We have sectioned our prioritized GK question with...
Kids All in One Gujarati App is one package that helps your kids to improve their Nursery knowledge in a visual way to learn & remember various important basic elements about their school course or subjects in the Gujarati...
Language translator is FREE application, translate from English to Gujarati & Gujarati to English to single clickUser friendly interface dictionary from Gujarati to English or English to GujaratiGujarati and english voice typing translation facilityCopy, paste, sharing the translated text...
English to Gujarati Dictionary (100% Offline and Free). It has word meaning from various sources. You can get meaning of any English word very easily. It has auto suggestion feature which will save you a lot of time getting...
Learn and Speak Gujarati from English, French, Hindi, Swahili, Arabic, Spanish, Afrikaans, Mandarin, Russian, Japanese, Bengali via audios, phonetics, images and games.The offline Gujarati learning app has 2,135 words with 55 categories. It contains pronunciation, images and phonetics of...
Hello Readers, ગુજરાત સમાચાર, સંદેશ સમાચાર અને દિવ્ય ભાસ્કરWe are introducing Sacha Samachar App, we are thanking to the developers who made this app for all gujarati people, Gujarati Samachar for Gujarati Newshave you ever think that this...
Talati Exam 2020 - Gujarati GK PreparationTalati Exam 2020 is One of the Best Talati Exam Preparation Apps for Revenue Talati Exam Preparation 2020, Panchayat Talati Exam 2020, Online Reading Quiz And Exams Bharti 2020, Jr. Clark Bharti 2020...
A great math app to teach your kids Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division and improve their mathematics ગણિત skills with easy and effective steps, all in Gujarati!This Math app has the following features:✓ Addition સરવાણો practise mode✓ Subtraction બાદબાકી...
The APICS® CPIM certification has two parts that professionals must successfully pass before becoming certified. The first part, previously known as the Basics of Supply Chain Management, provides a birds-eye view of SCM. The exam consists of 150 questions...
Just a quick briefing about this app that is considered as the world best learning app ever developed. (don’t worry, we are sure that you are going to confirm that later on after using this app):1- We took 2 years...
This is part second of my successful application Nepali Gk. Nepali GK, Nepali Samanya Gyan will help you to increase knowledge about Nepali Gk. This application contain 10 level and each level contain 25 multiple chose question with single...
The APICS® CPIM certification has two parts that professionals must successfully pass before becoming certified. Part 2, which serves as the combination of the original four modules, dives deeply into SCM to instill mastery of the subject material. The...
The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA Designing) is conducted online by the Council of Architecture (CoA) to select eligible candidates for graduate programs in Architecture (B.Arch.). In this app you learn full syllabus include 3 Sections Drawing Test...
Do you need to earn your TOGAF 9 certification? If so, you've come to the right place!With 12 practice exams containing 20 questions each, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test. After passing...
Find all FSc Math Solutiosn for Book 1 and Book 2. Online Lectures, 11th class Past Papers & 12th class past papers for FSc Pre Medical & Pre Engg and video online notes.This app contains FSc online lectures and...
Quiz* 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 questions answer sheet. (75 and 90 coming soon)* New and modify subject.* New and modify question type, questions, score and scoring rule.Answer* Multiple answer set for one quiz.Mark* Scan the paper continuously...
Repasa el temario de MATEMÁTICAS para niños de 6 años con nuestra divertida aplicación, completando el mapa de temas hasta llegar a realizar el examen final.- Totalmente gratuito.- Adaptado al curso 2021/2022.- Especialmente diseñada para niños de 6 años.-...
phase6 classic is Germany's leading vocabulary trainer. phase6 is the only app to offer vocabulary collections for all current course books and schoolbooks developed in close cooperation with Germany's leading educational and school book publishers and with assistance from...
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• This is first and unique Quranic App which presents the complete Quran in Beautiful Hand Calligraphic Arabic Uthmani Scripts Print of the Quran. • Beautiful colored script fonts.• Fully verified for accuracy• Authenticated by...
Totally different way to Test your knowledge of Allah, Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and Qur’an! Game encourages using life, energy and coin and Badge like Bronze, Silver, Gold platinum.It has 10 levels in Quran and Hadith section.Levels, Coin, Badge...
主なターゲット・高校生・浪人生・センター試験対策が必要な方・私大受験対策が必要な方・歴史検定を受検する方・常識力・教養力・雑学力を高めたい方・様々な分野に興味のある方・各種試験で日本史の知識が必要な方 主な機能暗記学習ここでの目的は単語を暗記することです。画面の「?」部分をタップすることで正解が表示されます。表示された単語を知っていれば「知っている」知らなければ「分からない」を選択してください。単純な作業ですが、暗記カードのようにまずは知っている単語と知らない単語に分けることで、自身の語彙の蓄積と進展具合を確認することができます。単語と一緒に音声も流れるので、同時に発音やアクセントもチェック可能です。全ての問題が正解になると次のレッスンに移動することが可能です。選択問題ここでは表示された問題に最も適切な答えを3つの選択肢の中から選択します。答えが分からない場合は適当な選択肢をタップするのではなく「分からない」を選ぶようにしてください。約10問が1つのレッスンになっているため、レッスンの問題全てに回答した後、正解を確認することが可能です。ゲームモード制限時間内に表示された問題に最も適切な答えを選択してください。正解をすると次の問題が表示され、間違えるとスコア画面に移動します。自身のレベルチェックにご利用ください。単語帳自分で単語を登録し、任意の選択問題を作成することができます。
■特徴■・単語・文法レベル:独検5級~2級・A1~B1 ・短めの文章を聞き取る能力を培います。■他のアプリとの違い■・ドイツ人女性が Hochdeutsch(標準ドイツ語) で全ての文章を録音しました。・一歩ずつ着実に聴解力が身に付くよう、レベル別に文章を分けました。■概要■外国語学習において「リスニング」学習は避けては通れない道です。「聞き取り」ができなければ相手の言っている内容が分からないため会話も成立しません。ネイティブと会話はできるのに細かな部分が聞き取れない、気がついたら話がずれていたという経験があるのではないでしょうか。日本で発売されている一般的な音声教材は意図的にスピードを抑え、はっきりと喋っているため、実際にネイティブ同士が話すドイツ語とは別のものです。ドイツ映画のDVDやPodcastを使えばリスニングやヒアリングのトレーニングにはなりますが、単語・熟語・文法が多岐に渡る上、表現を省略しているので、レベル別に体系だって学習することは不可能です。 当アプリは全くドイツ語が聞き取れない学習者がネイティブの会話を理解できるようになるために、レベル別に問題を配置、基礎的なリスニング力が身につくよう、独自のメソッドでアプリを作成いたしました。このアプリを通じて一人でも多くの方が希望の試験に合格し、ドイツ、オーストリア、スイスで不自由なくネイティブと会話ができるようになることを願っております。
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