Do you want to find the best Planning Poker MX alternatives for Android? We have listed 29 Productivity that are similar to Planning Poker MX. Pick one from this list to be your new Planning Poker MX app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Planning Poker MX on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Planning Poker MX alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Planning Poker MX 2025.
Reserve rooms, allocate your church’s resources, and publish event calendars.YOU MUST already have an account with Planning Center, and at least Viewer permissions to use this app. To sign up for an account subscription, have your organization administrator to...
You must already have an account with Planning Center, and at least Viewer permissions to use this app. To sign up for an account subscription, have your organization administrator to go Planning Center People: ======Planning Center People is...
You must already have an account with Planning Center Check-Ins, and at least Viewer permissions to use this app. To sign up for an account subscription, have your organization administrator to go Planning Center Check-Ins: ======Planning Center Check-Ins...
You must already have an account with Planning Center to use this app. To sign up for an account subscription, have your organization's administrator go to Planning Center Services: ======Planning Center Services is an online scheduling and worship...
VPGO is a new way to connect to your Visual Planning applications using a phone or a tablet. Visual Planning is a simple yet powerful resource management and scheduling application used by team members to work together more efficiently....
VPGO is a new way to connect to your Visual Planning applications using a phone or a tablet. Visual Planning is a simple yet powerful resource management and scheduling application used by team members to work together more efficiently....
You must already have an account with Planning Center Check-Ins, as well as Counter permissions to use this app. To sign up for an account subscription, have your organization administrator to go Planning Center Headcounts: ======Planning Center Headcounts...
Planning Poker is a simple yet powerful tool, implementing an agile estimating and planning technique.Features:- Simple, fast and intuitive design without irritating splash screens- Built-in decks: - Standard - Fibonacci - T-Shirt - Risk Planning- Customisable decks: - Add/Edit/Remove custom decks or edit/remove built-in...
Grâce à notre application de planning Triangle, tu gères toi-même ton agenda et les offres d’emploi qui t’intéressent:· Tu indiques tes disponibilités dans un agenda· Tu réponds facilement aux offres d’emploi reçues· Tu reçois des notifications en cas de...
Developed specifically for agile mindset, this application can be used during scrum poker planning session for accurate estimations of your stories.Features: * Lightweight, fast and responsive * Makes task estimations fun * Beautiful material design with random...
Poker planning is a powerful tool to make faster and more accurate estimations. Most important of all, it is used to make the boring meetings fun again!This app can be used in scrum poker planning sessions anywhere. Meeting rooms,...
Poker planning is a powerful tool, to make faster and more accurate estimates and most important of all, to make it fun!
Scrum Inc's Planning Poker offers a smooth experience to make your Sprint planning a breeze! Choose from the fibonacci sequence or t-shirt sizes.
Poker Cards is a tool used by an Agile team in planning and estimating tasks. Usually, the product owner or customer reads an agile user story or describes a feature to the estimators. Each estimator is holding a...
Develop balanced ranges and stop making unprofitable calls with your draws.Prevent your opponents from overbluffing. A randomizer is also included in order to play mixed strategies with indifference.Have any questions? Contact me at
Poker Ledger is the best free bankroll tracker and manager available. No subscription, no in-app purchases, no restrictions, no ads!FEATURES :- Accommodates cash games and tournaments- Blinds, Antes, Bring-ins, Straddles, and even point games (e.g. Open Faced Chinese) can...
Record your poker sessions and share them with your friends! With Poker Bankroll Tracker you can save your poker sessions to have an overview of your bankroll. With many filter options you can find leaks in your game and...
Poker Manager - Visualize your Poker CareerPoker Manager is an intelligent and amazing poker tracker / poker logger to save and improve your poker sessions and track your poker bankroll. It's intuitive, simple and fun. Use it to track...
Hi there, fellow scrum masters and developers alike, it's Scrum Time! We are bringing you the only non-lagging, designer-retouched, UI-optimized scrum planning poker card deck. It just does beautifully exactly what you think it should (we also use it...
Productivity GO es una plataforma diseñada por expertos en desarrollo organizacional, laboral y RH, que permite gestionar la calidad de vida, psicoemocional y profesional del usuario, además de brindar mejores prácticas en gestión de talento.
Eiby Taxista te ayudará a enlazar con nuevos clientes y generar más ingresos en tu día a día. Disfruta la versatilidad de uso pudiendo utilizarla de forma convencional mediante servicios solicitados por la app o con tus clientes en...
With this app you can:- Review applicants’ CVs who’ve applied to your jobs- Search for candidate profiles- Chat directly with Candidates- Scan and save candidate CVs using our QR code scannerIn order to use this app you need an...
HTML Viewer is a simple navigator where you can view html code from your web pages.Features:* HTML tags in color * Search words in the code* Select and copy content* Open web page* Share as HTML, text or Url
Aplicación para visualizar agenda de cuenta de by Nuvex Medica.
With Secret Gift (a specialized app in Secret Santa) you don't have to worry when organizing an event like this.All you have to do is:1) Create your event.2) Add the participants.3) Send the information.When creating your event you must...
Consulta el REPUVE de forma simple , veloz y sencilla sin adversidades. Puedes averiguar placa o NIV. Te garantizamos que no vas a tener problemas con esta aplicación y tu podrás hacer la Consulta Ciudadana Gratuita al REPUVE...
El sistema Mueve-T nos ayuda a realizar las solicitudes y prestación de servicios de Taxi; El sistema cuenta con muchas ventajas sobre otras apps similares, una de las principales se refiere a que nuestro sistema es modular por lo...
This cloud-based App allows company employees to register their profile picture with which they can register their entry andExit at your workplace using any type of smart device and “Just Show Up” technology which is the combination of facial...
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