Top 25 Lifestyle Apps Like Lectura Bíblica en un año - Best Alternatives

Lectura Bíblica en un año Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Lectura Bíblica en un año alternatives for Android? We have listed 25 Lifestyle that are similar to Lectura Bíblica en un año. Pick one from this list to be your new Lectura Bíblica en un año app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Lectura Bíblica en un año on your Android devices.

Top 25 Apps Like Lectura Bíblica en un año - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Lectura Bíblica en un año alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like Lectura Bíblica en un año 2025.

Lectura Pública de la Biblia

Lectura Pública de la Biblia

!Bienvenido a la aplicación Lectura Pública de la Biblia! Aquí encontrarás la nueva Audio Biblia Dramatizada, una producción con efectos de sonido, música y actuaciones de la más alta calidad que hacen que la Palabra de Dios cobre vida....

Price: Free Developer: FutureSoft, Inc.
Psíquicos - lectura psíquica y lecturas de tarot

Psíquicos - lectura psíquica y lecturas de tarot

Psíquicos connects you with the world’s most gifted psychic advisors who are available 24/7, 365 days a year. The app is available in Spanish and Portuguese with advisors who speak different languages.More than 1 million downloads! Ranked Top 3...

Price: Free Developer: adviqo Technology Corp.
Tarot Baraja Española - Lectura Cartas Españolas

Tarot Baraja Española - Lectura Cartas Españolas

Do you want to get a Spanish card reading but don't have the time or resources? Are you looking for a tarot consultation with Spanish cards? The free Spanish Deck Tarot lets you discover your present, past and future...

Price: Free Developer: WebAppDev
Electromagnetic wave detector(EMF maters)

Electromagnetic wave detector(EMF maters)

Influence to a human body by a radio wave is watched.A BC radio wave measuring machine can measure the strength of the radio wave and confirm the situation of the radio wave which isn't visible.When I turn on the...

Price: Free Developer: BreakContinue Inc.
Chakra sound

Chakra sound

It is said that each of the seven chakras has its own unique sound.The sound of the chakra echoes through the body and has the same effect as meditation.Resonate all energy with God in yourself.Sounds of 7 chakra frequencies...

Price: Free Developer: BreakContinue Inc.
Energy vortex detector

Energy vortex detector

Energy vortices are measured by geomagnetic and gravity sensors.When a singular point of geomagnetism or gravity is detected, it is notified by a screen display and sound.

Price: Free Developer: BreakContinue Inc.
Igreja Mundial (in english)

Igreja Mundial (in english)

The new Worldwide Church of God's Power official app has the following features:- TV;- Radio;- Donations;- Videos and Audios;- Photos;- Messages;- Words;- Miracles;- News;- Events;- Churches;- ServicesInstall now and have this wonderful ministry in your hands.

Price: Free Developer: Igreja Mundial do Poder de Deus
2020 Fortune Teller – Jeomsin

2020 Fortune Teller – Jeomsin

■ Cumulative downloads over Ten thousand people!- No. 1 in fortune telling applications for 4 consecutive years in 2016, 2017, and 2018,2019 (Korea)!■ Best Fortune App in Korea by British Economist magazine in 2018..■ All free of charge with...

Price: Free Developer: HANDASOFT Corp.
PostNord - Track and send parcels

PostNord - Track and send parcels

With the PostNord app you can:- Track PostNord parcels, both those you receive and those you send- Receive your parcels automatically in the app by registering your mobile number or email address- Get notifications to your phone when your...

Price: Free Developer: PostNord Group AB
Happy Affirmations Pro

Happy Affirmations Pro

App for happiness.Affirmation - a short phrase that can lift your mood,strengthen self-confidence. Used to motivate and improve the human destiny.We provide only a tool.The decision to change your life in your hands.You can take this opportunityor lose it,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: VegaStar
Prowler 930 – Kreepy Krauly

Prowler 930 – Kreepy Krauly

With this easy-to-use app you can register your Prowler 930 robot pool cleaner online, control it remotely and navigate manually.

Price: Free Developer: Maytronics
Prowler Tech

Prowler Tech

With this new and high-end app, fixing a Kreepy Krauly Prowler Robotic device just got easier.Prowler Tech is a supplementary app for professionals. With an intuitive interface, it enables dealers and technicians to carry out quick repairs remotely −...

Price: Free Developer: Maytronics


1 intercom: APP record and send to device,device record and send to app.2 map: APP can search the last position and show in the map,and get the realtime position.3 health: APP can search the movement of the device.4 footprint:...

Price: Free Developer: wcr
Comment séduire un homme ❤

Comment séduire un homme ❤

Ce guide gratuit vous offre les principes de base pour séduire un homme !Il référence les meilleures techniques et conseils de séduction afin de vous permettre d'apprendre rapidement à séduire un beau mec. Le contenu est découpé en 4...

Price: Free Developer: APP-SEDUCTION


Die App der Islamischen Gemeinschaft Millî Görüş (IGMG) soll Muslime dabei unterstützen, ihren religiösen Pflichten einfacher nachzukommen und ihr soziales und kulturelles Leben vielseitiger zu gestalten.Die IGMG App ist zweisprachig (türkisch, deutsch) und bietet folgende Inhalte:• Gebetszeiten für alle...

Price: Free Developer: UN-IT Unternehmensberatung und Dienstleistung GmbH
Bonne fête : Un jour un prénom

Bonne fête : Un jour un prénom

Chaque jour un prénom à fêter !Cette application est indispensable si ne vous voulez pas oublier de fêter les prénoms de vos proches.Quel jour pour la Saint Patrick ? Quel jour pour la Sainte Lucie ? L'application vous dira...

Price: Free Developer: InSyncApp
Un Miracle Chaque Jour

Un Miracle Chaque Jour

Price: Free Developer: Top Mission
IGMG Hac-Umre

IGMG Hac-Umre

IGMG Hac & Umre App, Müslümanların dinî vecibeleri hac ve umre ibadetlerini daha kolay yerine getirebilmeleri için hazırlanmıştır. Hac adayları ve umrecilere çıkmış oldukları bu kutsal yolculukta yanıbaşlarında adeta bir rehber gibi başvuracakları, daha bilinçli bir şekilde hac ve...

Price: Free Developer: UN-IT Unternehmensberatung und Dienstleistung GmbH
Salaam, information for asylum-seekers in Israel

Salaam, information for asylum-seekers in Israel

The Salaam app is a collective effort of UNHCR and NGO partners to bring together information relevant to asylum-seekers in Israel.Salaam is a tool for asylum-seekers and persons assisting asylum-seekers in Israel, to access reliable public information regarding the...

Price: Free Developer: UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency
SuMo Japan

SuMo Japan

■Asking questionsYou have a question? Ask away!Feel free to use any language you like for that. Questions in Japanese might get more replies, though.If you have trouble putting something into words, simply record a video or audio file.Or consider...

Price: Free Developer: 筑波大学グローバルコミュニケーション教育センター
Diamoci Un Taglio da Paolo

Diamoci Un Taglio da Paolo

Diamoci un taglio nasce dall'idea imprenditoriale di Paolo Frisa che nel 2008 apre il suo salone a Comiso cercando di dare sempre il meglio per i propri clienti regalando servizi al top e alla moda senza mai tralasciare la...

Price: Free Developer: Migastone International Ltd
Frases de Amor para Enamorar a un Hombre

Frases de Amor para Enamorar a un Hombre

Price: Free Developer: Loretta Apps
Prières Religieuses Dans un Livre

Prières Religieuses Dans un Livre

Les prières sont regroupés par catégorieCatégories et prières sont comme suit:Prières traditionnelles- Signe de la Croix- Doxologie (Gloire au Père)- Notre Père- Je vous salue, Marie- Je crois en Dieu (Symbole des Apôtres)- Confiteor- Prière à notre Ange Gardien-...

Price: Free Developer: Amor de Dios
Ao Dai Fashion Style & Designs

Ao Dai Fashion Style & Designs

Price: Free Developer: Kizee Tech

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