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NABI KAREEM saw_ MAHAISIAT E MUALLIM is one of the Islamic book the written of this book is professor Dr. fazal. In this book, the writer describes how aur prophet is the teacher for the whole universe's.
হযরত মোহাম্মদ (সাঃ) এর সংক্ষিপ্ত জীবনী নিয়ে তৈরি এই Application.আরবের নৈতিক জীবন ছিল আরো বিপর্যস্ত। শিশুবধ, নারী নির্যাতন, সতীদাহ ও ব্যভিচার প্রভৃতি তাদের চোখে পাপ বলে মনে হত না। তাদের অনেকেই অন্ধসভ্য, অসভ্য জীবনযাপন করতো। শিক্ষা-দীক্ষা ও জ্ঞান চর্চার...
Ini lah kisah lengkap nabi Nabi Muhammad SAW. Beliau adalah nabi terakhir dan penutup dari seluruh nabi dan rasul. Beliau adalah nabi dan rasul akhir zaman.Beliau berasal dari kabilah Quraisy, tepatnya keturunan Hasyim. Ayah beliau adalah Abdullah bin Abdul...
Surah Muhammad is "Madani" Surah of Quran Majeed. Now people can Read surah Muhammad offline with Arabic HD images.This surah is in Arabic text and people can read without internet. Now you can learn this surah of Quran Pak...
Aan Hazrat (SAW) Kay Fazail O Shamail is one of the Islamic book the writer of this book is Husain Bin Masud Baghawi. this book contain the following topic which given below.#Iskitaba ma hamra name#student#hazartSawKaNamoKaZaker
Names Of Muhammad (SAW) Peace Be Upon Him is a very nice application.Features:- Start from First Page- Resume / Last Read - Go To Page Number- Add To Bookmarks- Remove from Bookmarks- Bookmarks- Zoom In And Zoom Out /...
Kisah Istri Nabi Muhammad SAW Lengkap- Data App OFFLINE , Aplikasi ini dapat berjalan tanpa adanya koneksi internet- Aplikasi ringan- teks dapat di zoomAyo sebarkan aplikasi ini Barang siapa mengajarkan suatu ilmu, maka ia akan mendapatkan pahala orang...
Hadith 40 za Mtume saw kutoka kitabu cha Imam Anawawi na maana yake kwa Kiswahili.
Khawateen kay Masail ek aham aur zaroori baatoun par mushtamil app hai.Khawateen ke deeni masail k bary mein mukmal agahi.. Aortoun ki namaz Aqaid Taharat Roza (Fast) Hijab (Parda) Zakat ar Ghair Sharaee Rasmein.Islam main Khawateen ka...
Dohe are not only poetry, Its all about principles of life. There are very deep saying into dohe so Meaning of respective dohe are also provided in the application.Hundreds of sanskrit slokas are added too with their meaning in...
Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi. Please help sahitya chintan digitization project!Four or five years ago, at the instance of some of my nearest co-workers, I agreed to write my autobiography. I made the start, but scarcely had I turned over...
Digital, Spanish version of the Seventh Day Adventist Hymnal. Contains 527 songs with lyrics neatly displayed. This app features a display of the hymn's key signatures and tunes, of the hymns, you can listen to.
aqwal e hazrat ali yani hazrat ali ki baatien hain.Shair e Khuda Moula Mushkil Kusha Hazrat Ali Quotes and biography in Urdu .Hazrat Islam Ke Chouthe Khaleefa Hain.Biography Of Jaddi Hasan wa Hussain Hazrat Sayedna Ali...
hazrat ayesha ki seerat aur hazrat ayesha ki zindagi Urdu hazrat ayesha ki hadees, Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa ke bare me 100 Waqiyaat Mulahiza kijiye.Hazrat Ayesha (R.A), she is one of the beloved wife of our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)....
fatimah bint muhammad siblings and hazrat fatima nickname Is Zuhra Batool Tayyaba tahira. aur hazrat ali and fatima aqwal aur karamat ghar me bibi fatima ki zindagi in sub baaten is app me shamil hain.Features In This App:Easy...
Hazrat Baba Farid Ud Din Masood Ganj Shakar Ke Hayat e Mubaraka Ke Behtareen 100 Waqiaataur un ki yaani Hazrat Baba Farid Ud Din Masood Ganj Shakar alah Hi Rahama Ke Hayar Aur Karname Aur 100 Qissey...
مصدر القصص : موقع قصص دوت كوم رابط موقع قصصص دوت كوم :◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉ اهم مميزات البرنامج : ◉مئات القصص والفصول .◉...
What’s the secret to success?How to Be Successful and SatisfiedAlways be positive. Think Success, not Failure. Beware of a negative environment.How many times have you heard somebody claim they know ‘the secret of success’ only to find out somebody...
This is a Islami hindi book बुग़्ज़ व कीना ( Bughz-o-Keena ) In HindiBughz o Keena is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Bughz o Keena ...
Glacier Wildflowers presents 400 wildflowers, grasses, shrubs and trees readily found in the Glacier National Park region. High Country Apps is proud to team up with Shannon Kimball (curator at University of Montana Herbarium) as the app's botanist...
A very big collection of Motivating Stories for the Muslims!Plus Enjoy App Features Like:=>> Email Share200 Muslim Stories is a set of 200+ Islamic Stories compiled from authentic Islamic sources for the muslims and non-muslims both. These stories will...
* This is the Pro version!200 Soup Recipes with Pictures & more - strictly for the Soup lovers!Enjoy the Pro version of this app which includes:- More Recipes (200)- Feature to import ingredients from Recipe to Shopping list- And...
Хвала Аллаху, Господу всех творений! Мир и благословение нашему Пророку Мухаммаду, его семье, сподвижникам и тем, кто последовал за ними искренне.«Предлагаемый вниманию читателя краткий, но весьма полезный сборник содержит в себе сведения об основах и принципах религии единобожия, к...
Bachchon ke liye 60 Sunhere AahadeesApp Features:Beautiful User InterfaceEasy NavigationShare BookUse like app not as book.Completely free.Read Easy Read FastZoom in and Zoom OutPlease read and benefit from this app and share this app with your family and friends...
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