Do you want to find the best Intazar E Yar alternatives for Android? We have listed 20 Books & Reference that are similar to Intazar E Yar. Pick one from this list to be your new Intazar E Yar app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Intazar E Yar on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Intazar E Yar alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Intazar E Yar 2025.
This application is the mobile version of the website, a place for anyone who has an interest in Ostad Elahi’s philosophy and wants to further explore it, and more generally, for anyone who has set out on...
Cette application est la version mobile du site, espace d’échanges pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la pensée d’Ostad Elahi et souhaitent l’approfondir – et au-delà, pour tous ceux qui sont engagés dans une démarche spirituelle. Cette pensée...
Самый большой Чеченско-Русский и Русско-Чеченский словарь, содержащий более 110 тыс. слов современного русского и чеченского языков, наиболее употребительную научно-техническую терминологию, а также словосочетания, пословицы и поговорки, в некоторых случаях, примеры, раскрывающие варианты употребления слов.
يوفر هذا التطبيق طريقة سهلة في حفظ المتون العلمية عن طريق عرض نص المتن وتكرار قراءة المتن فيسهل حفظه .يمكن زيادة وانقاص سرعة عرض أبيات المتنيمكن تشغيل/ايقاف المتن والتنقل بين الأبيات عن طريق أزرار التحكميمكن إضافة اشارة مرجعية ،...
This app is the ebook reader for eSentral, which allows users to read EPUB standard and PDF ebooks with and without DRM. eSentral ebook reader allow users to read acquired and borrowed ebooks from respective ebook store and library...
E-Library merupakan satu aplikasi untuk membaca buku-buku dalam bentuk digital. Perisisan ini merupakan salah satu sumbangan YaPEIM dalam meningkatkan minat membaca di kalangan masyarakat.E-Library memudahkan pengguna untuk membaca dengan menggunakan gajet-gajet yang ada pada masa sekarang.E-Library ini merupakan satu...
eStudio Reader App is an ebook reading app to read contents that are created on eStudio Cloud Authoring Tool. It reads Responsive and Interactive ePub 3 ebooks.
This reader is a tool to read EPUB standard eBook files from e-Academic website. The content consist of syllabus and non-syllabus titles of Malaysian education from kindergarten right up to higher learning.e-Academic reader allows you to read the contents...
Uswa E Husna is one of the Islamic book. The writter of this book is the Molana Muhammad zafar Ud din. In this book describe about the lif of the prophet saw.
- Khana khane ka bayan- Pani Peeney - Walima Ziyafat- Zaroof k bare men- Khabar kaha mutbir ha- Libbas ka- Imama Sharif - Anghoti pehna- Salam aur musafa
Beautiful and Famous Urdu Novel "Rah-e-Yar Teri Barishain" written by Kubra Naveed and "Kamboh Studio" developed this interesting app for android users. This App has many exciting and interesting features that other apps don’t have these. You must enjoy...
Description:A novel which describe not only words but its the book of emotions of two persons, a family, friends. When you read this novel it takes you another level. Read this famous urdu novel and enjoy.
This beautiful app has been designed for every on.This application contains a book of Mufti Ahmed Yar Khan Naeemi ,name is Faizan e Mufti Ahmed Yar Khan Naeemi. Mufti Ahmed Yar Khan Naeemi is Islamic scholar and writer of...
Sabon Tsarin Soyayya A wannan Zamani, samun kulawa wajen miji, saurayi, aboki, da sauransu
Akwai alamomi da yawa da ake gane mace Yar lesbian wanda aka fi sani da Madigo a hausance, wanda da idan wanna alamomi suka bayyana dan gane da dabi'ar wata, to lallai a nisance ta sabo da gujewa wannan...
Mera Yar Mila Dein is becoming one the most famous novel now a days . Many people are reading it but carrying a novel everywhere is difficult sometimes so we have designed this beautiful app by making...
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