Top 38 Books & Reference Apps Like CPC - Civil Procedure Code - Best Alternatives

CPC - Civil Procedure Code Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best CPC - Civil Procedure Code alternatives for Android? We have listed 38 Books & Reference that are similar to CPC - Civil Procedure Code. Pick one from this list to be your new CPC - Civil Procedure Code app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CPC - Civil Procedure Code on your Android devices.

Top 38 Apps Like CPC - Civil Procedure Code - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CPC - Civil Procedure Code alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like CPC - Civil Procedure Code 2025.

Código de Processo Civil cpc

Código de Processo Civil cpc

⚠️ ATENÇÃO: A fonte deste conteúdo é o Senado Federal Brasileiro. O referido conteúdo é distribuído gratuitamente por meio do site NÓS NÃO REPRESENTAMOS O SENADO FEDERAL BRASILEIRO.

Price: Free Developer: Edson Deda
দেওয়ানী কার্যবিধি - CPC of BD

দেওয়ানী কার্যবিধি - CPC of BD

দেওয়ানী কার্যবিধি - THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE - CPC of Bangladeshদেওয়ানী কার্যক্রমে পুলিশের সরাসরি সম্পৃক্ততা নেই। যেগুলো ফৌজদারী অপরাধ নয় সহজ ভাষায় সেগুলোই দেওয়ানী আদালতের আওতায় নেয়া হয়। বাড়ি-ঘর, জমি-জমা সংক্রান্ত বিরোধ, আর্থিক দেনদেন সংক্রান্ত প্রসঙ্গ ইত্যাদি দেওয়ানী...

Price: Free Developer: Rayeed IT
CPC - Code of Civil Procedure 1908

CPC - Code of Civil Procedure 1908

The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 is a procedural law related to the administration of civil proceedings in India.The Code is divided into two parts: the first part contains 158 sections and the second part contains the First Schedule,...

Price: Free Developer: Banaka
CPC India

CPC India

The Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), 1908 with latest amendments - FREE APP with a simple, easy to UI organized as Chapters and Sections and having a powerful set of features including freetext search, text to speech,...

Price: Free Developer: SAPR Advocates
CPC - Code of Civil Procedure

CPC - Code of Civil Procedure

Complete CPC - Code of Civil Procedure presented in a user friendly design with excellent user experience. Divided clearly into Chapters and Sections and unedited text of all Rules/Sections and Orders. Browse through sections with swipe gesture in a...

Price: Free Developer: SimplySocial Technology Pvt. Ltd.


The CPC Act is very helpful to law students who are practicing lawyers, and are equally important to Indian citizens in understanding Indian law and very comfortable with legal terminology.

Price: Free Developer: REDBACK GROUPS,INC.
CPC - Code of Civil Procedure

CPC - Code of Civil Procedure

The COMPLETE Indian Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), 1908 presented in a readable and searchable format. Divided concisely into Parts and Sections and containing the full unedited text of all the 158 Sections, 58 Orders, Appendices A to H...

Price: Free Developer: HiR Consulting
Civil Procedure Code

Civil Procedure Code

Civil Procedure Code Bare Act Best App1) Direct Section Access2) Reverse search any text in Act3) View Order List4) Direct search in Rules and Orders5) Bookmark section/ listen section in Audio format etc.

Price: Free Developer:
Laws of India - IPC, CPC, CrPC, MVA, IEA & Acts

Laws of India - IPC, CPC, CrPC, MVA, IEA & Acts

📚 Laws of India : This is a Quick reference application for Indian Law, Bare Acts, Rules & Legal Terms. This app comes in handy for students pursuing Law, getting trained at a Police Academy, MPSC, UPSC and also...

Price: Free Developer: Indie Artisan
Código de Processo Civil

Código de Processo Civil

Possui as normas relacionadas aos processos judiciais de natureza civil, e ainda estabelece prazos e recursos cabíveis e forma como as partes devem conduzir o curso de uma ação civil.

Price: Free Developer: Castelo Apps
Código Civil

Código Civil

Coleção Jurídica: Os melhores aplicativos jurídicos você encontra aqui. Aplicativos leves e versáteis, de fácil consulta, e o melhor, offline. Você pode consultar de qualquer lugar na tela do seu smartphone, sem precisar estar conectado. Indicado para estudantes e...

Price: Free Developer: Castelo Apps
Civil Service Act and Ruleनिजामती सेवा ऐन नियमावली

Civil Service Act and Ruleनिजामती सेवा ऐन नियमावली

Civil Service Act and Rule निजामती सेवा ऐन २०४९ र नियमावली २०५० is a free app. This application has been designed for the Education Purpose Only. This app is educational app. This app is very helpful for the Nepali...

Price: Free Developer: The Media House
Basic Civil Engineering Books & Lecture Notes

Basic Civil Engineering Books & Lecture Notes

This Basic Civil Engineering Books & Lecture Notes App tries to explain the concept rather than the details of the topics covered in civil engineering.It aims to educate the students on civil engineering and scope of a civil engineer....

Price: Free Developer: Atish Books App
Civil Engineering Books Free

Civil Engineering Books Free

Civil Engineering books free app is an educational application for students. If you are looking for civil engineering app offline so you are in a right place. This civil engineering books free app will provide you most important topics....

Price: Free Developer: Galaxy Production
Civil Engineering Books

Civil Engineering Books

Civil engineering books app is for all civil engineering.Every institution of civil engineers can follow the app.It will be helpful for new civil engineers.The app is all about civil engineering.Employees from tip civil engineering company will also get help...

Price: Free Developer: Tech explorer
Civil Engineering Dictionary

Civil Engineering Dictionary

Civil Engineering Dictionary contains 3,400 of the most frequent but however most difficult to find civil engineering terms, expressions and idioms used for educational and professional purposes with clearly understandable definitions, everywhere off-line, without internet connection..This app is very...

Price: USD 1.49 Developer: Eros Apps
Civil Service Exam Reviewer

Civil Service Exam Reviewer

Wanted to pass the Civil Service Exam? Download this Complete Civil Service Exam Reviewer. Get to answer and really try our quiz based reviewer to see how much you learned and see if you can pass the exam. We...

Price: Free Developer: RRA Soft
Código de Processo Civil FREE

Código de Processo Civil FREE

Código de Processo Civil Brasileiro completo 100% GRÁTISCompilado. Constantemente atualizado.-----------------------------------A concorrência está postando comentários ruins nos nossos apps pois eles são GRATUITOS e os deles são PAGOS. Baixe, teste e poste um comentário. Obrigado. -----------------------------------Muito útil para advogados, estudantes...

Price: Free Developer: FREEBOOKS Editora
Code Civil Français GRATUIT

Code Civil Français GRATUIT

Le Code civil des Français, Complet, GRATUIT, FREE----------------------------------------------------Toucher un article pour marquer le texte. Excellent pour les étudiants en droit, des avocats, et tout citoyen qui veut savoir à propos de la loi.----------------------------------------------------Le Code civil des Français, appelé usuellement...

Price: Free Developer: FREEBOOKS Editora
Hysterectomy Procedure Learning

Hysterectomy Procedure Learning

hysterectomy procedure is the application to know the main operation to eliminateuterus. Since the main function of the uterus is explosion and menstruation, a hysterectomy will therefore mean that you no longer hold children nor menstruation.In this app we...

Price: Free Developer: FluffyCuteApps
CrPC - Code of Criminal Procedure 1973

CrPC - Code of Criminal Procedure 1973

Complete Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC 1973) Reference with optimized search options. Covers every chapters and sections of Code of Criminal Procedure including First and Second Schedules, in a presentable format. A must for Lawyers, Advocates, Law Students and...

Price: Free Developer: Sparkle Solutions
TX Code of Criminal Procedure (2018, 85th Legi...)

TX Code of Criminal Procedure (2018, 85th Legi...)

TX Code of Criminal Procedure (Texas State laws and statutes codes)Complete list of latest titles with on time updates to keep you up to date with latest titles.Features: ✺ Complete offline access - No need of Internet Connection nor...

Price: Free Developer: TVN Labs
CrPC 1973 in English

CrPC 1973 in English

The Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC ) is the main legislation on the procedure for administration of substantive criminal law in India. It was enacted in 1973 and came into force on 1 April 1974. It provides the machinery...

Price: Free Developer: Banaka
India - Code Of Criminal Procedure(CrPC)

India - Code Of Criminal Procedure(CrPC)

‘Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 (CrPC)’ is the Best Criminal Procedure Code learning App with latest Amendments. It is a free and offline app providing detail Section-wise and Chapter-wise Legal Information of CrPC of India.The Code of Criminal Procedure...

Price: Free Developer: Rachit Technology
Kenya's Civil Procedure Act

Kenya's Civil Procedure Act

‘Civil Procedure Act (Kenya)’ is the Best Civil Procedure Act learning App with latest Amendments. It is a free and offline app providing detail Section-wise and Chapter-wise Legal Information of Kenya.The Civil Procedure Act is the law of the...

Price: Free Developer: Rachit Technology
Code of Civil Procedure India

Code of Civil Procedure India

‘Code of Civil Procedure 1908 (CPC)’ is the Best Civil Procedure Code learning App with latest Amendments. It is a free and offline app providing detail Section-wise and Chapter-wise Legal Information of CPC of India.The Code of Civil Procedure,...

Price: Free Developer: Rachit Technology
Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC)

Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC)

A list of all the Sections Code of Criminal Procedure 1973The Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC ) is the main legislation on procedure for administration of substantive criminal law in India. t provides the machinery for the investigation of...

Price: Free Developer: Cliq Education App
Rules of Procedure PH

Rules of Procedure PH

Your useful offline reference to the Rules of Procedure (Philippines)Contents:A.M. No. 004-07-SC Rule on Examination of a Child Witness 2000-11-21A.M. No. 01-7-01-SC Rules on Electronic Evidence 2001-07-17A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC Rule on Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Void Marriages and ...

Price: Free Developer: Azimuth
Мудрость Дня

Мудрость Дня

"Мудрость Дня" – это приложение, которое подарит вам хорошее настроение и вдохновит на совершенствование себя и своей жизни. "Мудрость Дня" - это тщательно отобранные, мотивирующие слова о самом главном. Приложение пополняется новыми цитатами.Пусть "Мудрость Дня" дарит вам полезные...

Price: Free Developer: MaxLab
Python Code Play

Python Code Play

Python Code Play is a one among the best learning apps to learn Python programming language fromthe Python experts in the form of tutorials on all the topics in Python. The learners can feel theexperience of learning from the...

Price: Free Developer: Code Play
Code De La Route Maroc 2020 - Code Rousseau 2020

Code De La Route Maroc 2020 - Code Rousseau 2020

Prenez-vous votre examen écrit de conduite demain? Pas préparé du tout?Aucun problème! avec Code De La Route Maroc 2021 - Code Rousseau 2021 maîtrisez les tests de pratique et les tests théorique et les examens blancs, et votre réussite...

Price: Free Developer: SuaveStudio
দন্ডবিধি (Penal Code of BD)

দন্ডবিধি (Penal Code of BD)

This is Penal Code of Bangladesh with Bengali Language. Bookmar button added.দন্ডবিধি থেকে অপরাধ এবং অপরাধের শাস্তি সম্পর্কে জানা যায়। মোট ৫১১টি ধারা আছে দন্ডবিধিতে, এসব ধারাগুলোর অনেকগুলোর আবার উপধারা আছে। ধারাগুলোর কোনটিতে অপরাধের বর্ণনা বা সংজ্ঞা দেয়া...

Price: Free Developer: Rayeed IT
History of India

History of India

this app contains information about India, like...Government of IndiaPolity of IndiaGeography of IndiaNational identity of Indiahistorical places of Indiaculture and festival of IndiaIndian ancient history, medieval history and freedom struggle.

Price: Free Developer: Code Jupiter
IPC Indian Penal Code - 1860

IPC Indian Penal Code - 1860

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the main criminal code of India. It is a comprehensive code intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law. The code was drafted in 1860 on the recommendations of first law commission...

Price: Free Developer: Banaka
Local Government Code PH

Local Government Code PH

One of the fundamental state policies enshrined in the Constitution is the autonomy of local government units. (Const., Art. II, Sec. 25). In this regard, the Constitution mandated Congress to “enact a local government code which shall provide for...

Price: Free Developer: RRA Soft
New York Penal Code FREE

New York Penal Code FREE

Complete. FREE.The New York Penal Code, FREE, on your Android device. You can search for a section. You can search for a word. You can highlight a section or any part of the text with a single touch on...

Price: Free Developer: FREEBOOKS Editora
Code Pénal Français GRATUIT

Code Pénal Français GRATUIT

Le Code Pénal des Français, Complet, GRATUIT, FREE----------------------------------------------------Toucher un article pour marquer le texte. Excellent pour les étudiants en droit, des avocats, et tout citoyen qui veut savoir à propos de la loi.Code Penal Francais Gratuit - French Penal...

Price: Free Developer: FREEBOOKS Editora

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