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Welcome the holy month of Ramadan let's learn Ruqyah Shariah with Sheikh Saad Al Ghamidi and Sheikh Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy.Ruqyah Shariah MP3 Offline is free offline Islamic apps. Ruqyah Shariah MP3 App is an Islamic way to help Combat...
Free islamic application for any muslim to read and listen to Yasir Dosari ruqyah with quran recitation of sheikh Yasser Dossari.With this Ruqyah you can protect you and your family from alain, sihr and hasad based in noble...
Ruqyah Shariah MP3 App is an Islamic way to help Combat Jinn, Black Magic (Sihr), and The Evil Eye. No streaming required. This App works Completely Offline. تطبيق الرقية الشرعية من الكتاب والسنة لعلاج العين و المس و السحر...
Ruqyah is a vast subject and covers many topics such as Sihr (Magic) Masaha (Possession) and Ayn (Evil Eye). We have presented a basic outline in regards to what is Ruqyah and how it is related to us via...
Free islamic application for any muslim to read and listen to ruqyah with quran recitation of sheikh Idrees Abkar.With this Ruqyah you can protect you and your family from alain, sihr and hasad based in noble quran .Features...
Free islamic application for any muslim to read and listen to ruqyah with quran recitation of sheikh Fares Abbad.With this Ruqyah you can protect you and your family from alain, sihr and hasad based in noble quran .Features...
Free islamic application for any muslim to read and listen to ruqyah with quran recitation of sheikh Abdulaziz Zahrani.With this Ruqyah you can protect you and your family from alain, sihr and hasad based in noble quran .Features...
Free islamic application for any muslim to read and listen to Afsi ruqyah with quran recitation of sheikh Mishary Afasi.With this Ruqyah you can protect you and your family from alain, sihr and hasad based in noble quran...
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On July17, 2015, a Bible’s reading project of Seventh Day Adventist Church began with an unusual purpose. Just one chapter per day and in 2018 the worldwide participants will read all bible. Reading this book affects spiritual life...
If you ever feel at a loss for what to pray, there’s no better guidebook for petitions to our Heavenly Father than the very book He wrote—the Bible. Almost every book in there contains a plea or request, and...
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The app requires no internet connection to work (it is Offline) and voice quality is very high. Just download and start listening even when offline. Saukar da wannan manhajja kan wayoyinku domin sauraron Sheikh Muhammad Auwal Adam Albani Zaria...
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Ali Bin Abdur Rahman al Huthaify (Al Awamer,1947) (Sheikh Al Huzaifi) is the chief imam and the khateeb of the Great mosque of Medina, and a former imam of Quba Mosque. He was a lecturer of Islamic jurisprudence and...
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muna adduar Allah ya jikan malam da rahama Allahummah ameen.
wanan free application offline na sheikh Jafar kano wato RIYADHUS SAALIHEEN 2 wanda baya bukakar internet,ayi downloading a saurara,muna adduar Allah ya jikan malam da rahama Allahummah ameen.
Features of this mp3 audio koran:Online there is need of internet.Part of the holy quran Surah YusufThe reciter is 12 Sheikh Online Mp3.You can repeat surat multiple time.Auto shuffle between tracks.Play audio surat without internet.Pausing for incoming phone call.You...
wanan free application ne offline na sheikh Jafar kano wato karatun littafin RIYADHUS SAALIHEEN 3 wanda baya bukakar internet,ayi downloading a saurara,muna adduar Allah ya jikan malam da rahama Allahummah ameen.
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