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Pneumonia is a type lung infection. Common symptoms are cough and running fever, which can make it hard for us to breathe.In this app we have listed down the common causes of Pneumonia with their aids. Just come...
Vomiting may occur in dogs for a variety of reasons, some more serious than others. Dietary indiscretion is a common reason for vomiting in dogs (like getting into the trash or eating table scraps).However, vomiting may also be caused...
Allergic is a simple word, yet very powerful and life dangerous if not taken well care of!Allergic can come from many sources, such as food and animals. Try out this audio book to learn what you need to know...
How to Reduce Blood Pressure - These Facts May Save Your Life, According to the American Heart Association, about one in three adults in the United States suffer with high blood pressure. More so, nearly one- third of these...
हमारे देश में 18 से अधिक भाषायें प्रयोग में आती हैं फिर भी सभी अत्याधुनिक चीज़ों/सेवाओं को प्रयोग में लाने के लिए हमें अंग्रेजी भाषा पर निर्भर रहना पड़ता है। अंग्रेजी भाषा में सहज नहीं होने की वजह से...
Whether you find it difficult to fall asleep in total silence, or just prefer to listen to nature as you relax in bed, Soothing Sleep Sounds Nature offers an easy way to play nature sounds on your phone/tablet. Our...
Care to Translate is a digital medical translator for healthcare staff and patients. The app serves as a complement to human interpreters in healthcare and is available 24/7 in your smart device. Care to Translate can be used in...
Guide to Diagnostic Tests - The essential guide to more than 450 of the most commonly performed diagnostic tests – updated with the latest molecular, genetic, and microbiological tests - A Doody's Core Title for 2017!Download the FREE app...
আমাদের জন্য খুবই প্রয়োজন রোগের চিকিৎসা করা ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা ( drug guide ) সঠিক না হলে কোন রোগের চিকিৎসাই ভালো হয় না। তাই আামদের সকলেরই রোগের চিকিৎসা খুব সর্তকতার সাথে এবং ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা গুলে খুবই সাবধানতার সাথে মেনে চলতে...
The Road To Recovery App is a free guide to senior health and well-being. This app helps seniors and their families locate senior healthcare related services. These services include senior living facilities (skilled nursing, assisted living, personal care,...
Doctor A to Z Application for healthcare management with 4 features- Online telemedicine- Booking telemedicine - Health records- Second opinion
Best Medicinal Plants to Keep in Your Home!Most Powerful Medicinal Plants and Herbs.Medicinal plants are useful to keep on hand to treat common ailments. You can reach for certain medical plants to relieve headaches, tummy trouble and even irritation...
Lybrate for Doctors is already offering its services to thousands of doctors, helping them with crucial things like managing practice, boosting their incomes, enhancing their credibility and connecting with patients across the world. Build a strong online presence with...
What are the Common Massage Therapy Techniques!What to expect from your first massage.Enjoying this practice together allows you to connect through the power of touch in a private, soothing setting.Use this guide to learn some key massage techniques that...
Yoga Anatomy Information, Tips & Techniques!This application lets you see inside every yoga pose.With clear, expert instruction and full color, detailed anatomical drawings, "Yoga Anatomy" depicts the most common asanas to provide a deeper understanding of the structures and...
Welcome to the digital healthcare revolution. Your Health Key For Doctors adds a new dimension in healthcare. It offers its services to all the doctors who want to explore the field of teleconsultation and increase their visibility & credibility...
Welcome to Greencamp, a place where hundreds of thousands of cannabis enthusiasts come to grow their knowledge.READ THE LATEST CANNABIS NEWSStay on the frontlines of the global cannabis industry. Read Greencamp’s daily coverage of breaking cannabis news in United...
- Medicalcul est un calculateur médical permettant de calculer différents scores et formules (clearance de la créatinine, score d'Apgar, surface corporelle brûlée... vous pouvez voir la liste complète sur Une fois installé, le logiciel vous demande de faire...
How are children’s lives changing and what role do child psychologists have in supporting children? Child psychology is a broad area, covering how people change as they grow up from birth through to adolescence and trying to explain how...
Among health fanatics, E numbers have gained a reputation for being worse than Frankenstein’s monster. Critics claim they trigger everything from hyperactivity and mood disorders to life-threatening diseases. Main Features:1. Offline – It wok offline, no active internet connection...
Wie kommt es zu einem Asthma? Welche Ursachen hat Schlaganfall? Hier finden Sie zuverlässige und leicht verständliche Informationen zu vielen Hundert Krankheiten und Symptomen: Erfahren Sie mehr über Auslöser und Risikofaktoren sowie Diagnose- und Therapiemöglichkeiten. Dazu erhalten Sie Tipps...
Die Internationale statistische Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheits-probleme ist das wichtigste, weltweit anerkannte Diagnoseklassifikations- und Verschlüsselungssystem der Medizin. Die Klassifikation ICD 10 wurde von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) erstellt.Welche Erkrankung Ihnen der Arzt bescheinigt hat, können Sie mithilfe unserer...
Справочник психологических терминов от А до Я. Удобный формат, не нужен интернет, моментальный поиск. Словарь содержит определения к более чем 10 000 психиатрическим терминам. Справочник психологических терминов будет полезен как студентам медицинских вузов так и всем интересующимся медициной. ...
Справочник медицинских терминов от А до Я. Удобный формат, не нужен интернет, моментальный поиск. Словарь содержит определения к более чем 40 000 медицинским терминам. Справочник медицинских терминов будет полезен как студентам медицинских вузов так и всем интересующимся медициной. ...
Справочник болезней с подробным описанием, лечением, симптомами и тд... Работает без интернета. Составлен специалистами ОМС. Удобный, быстрый поиск, в том числе и поиск голосом. Избранное, "Поделиться" - и это все в современном дизайне и всегда под рукой.Каждое заболевание помимо...
Nutrients, Supplements & Vitamins are essential nutrients because they perform hundreds of roles in the body.This is dictionary contain advice and information on vitamins, minerals and trace elements essential for health, including:- what they do;- how much you need;-...
Very friendly and beautiful interface. The best choice for pocket drugs dictionary. Drug Dictionary is a medical hand book that provides all information about drugs used for medication: uses, dosage, how to take, side effects, precautions, drug interactions, missed...
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