Top 14 Lifestyle Apps Like Biryani Recipe - Best Alternatives

Biryani Recipe Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Biryani Recipe alternatives for Android? We have listed 14 Lifestyle that are similar to Biryani Recipe. Pick one from this list to be your new Biryani Recipe app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Biryani Recipe on your Android devices.

Top 14 Apps Like Biryani Recipe - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Biryani Recipe alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 14 similar apps like Biryani Recipe 2025.

Biriyani Recipes in Malayalam

Biriyani Recipes in Malayalam

We are presenting here 10+ delicious Kerala Biriyani recipes.The way of preparation is simple but here we explained it in a dedicated way. So this will help you to make it possible, now you can also cook super tasty...

Price: Free Developer: Orotti Apps
Biryani Recipe Hindi

Biryani Recipe Hindi

Price: Free Developer: Ocean Devloperhub
500+ Biryani Recipe Hindi 2020 -  Chicken Recipes

500+ Biryani Recipe Hindi 2020 - Chicken Recipes

Biryani Recipes is a South Asian mixed rice dish with its origins among the Muslims of the subcontinent. It is popular throughout the subcontinent and among the diaspora from the region. It is generally made with spices, rice, and...

Price: Free Developer: techtwodesign
recipe bangla বা বাঙালী রান্না

recipe bangla বা বাঙালী রান্না

বাঙালি রান্না বা bangali ranna মানেই হচ্ছে একটু টক - ঝাল আর মিষ্টির সমন্বয়। বাংলা রান্নার রেসিপি র দিক দিয়ে বাঙালীদের তুলনা নেই । বাঙালী বলতে সাধারনত যারা বাংলা ভাষায় কথা বলে তারাই মুলত ranna banna bengali বা...

Price: Free Developer: bdappsstudio


This includes details about the recipes that make up the different foods.

Price: Free Developer: Online Media Apps
ঝটপট নাস্তা bikaler nasta recipe sokaler nasta

ঝটপট নাস্তা bikaler nasta recipe sokaler nasta

বাঙালী রান্না - Bangla Recipe, এই অ্যাপটি সেরা রান্নার রেসিপি তাদের জন্য যারা আধুনিক বিশ্বের সাথে তাল মিলিয়ে চলতে চায়, সেরা বাংলা রেসিপি তাদের জন্য যারা সব সময় ব্যস্ত জীবন কাটায়।এই দৌড়ঝাঁপের জীবনে পেটপুরে ও মন ভরে নাস্তা খাওয়ার...

Price: Free Developer: Capital App
পহেলা বৈশাখ রেসিপি বই-pohela boishakh ranna recipe

পহেলা বৈশাখ রেসিপি বই-pohela boishakh ranna recipe

পহেলা বৈশাখ বাংলা সনের প্রথম দিন যা বাংলা নববর্ষ হিসেবে পরিচিত। দিনটি বাংলাদেশ এবং ভারতের পশ্চিমবঙ্গে শুভ নববর্ষ হিসেবে বিশেষ উৎসবের সাথে পালিত হয়। আমরা নববর্ষে সবাইকে নববর্ষের শুভেচ্ছা বিনিময় করি ও মজাদার বৈশাখী স্পেশাল রান্নাবান্না করে থাকি।...

Price: Free Developer: FnF Studio
New Farali Recipe Gujrati

New Farali Recipe Gujrati

Farali RecipesIndian families practice the traditional form of fasting where they consume only some of food items and fruits. There are several Indian recipes for fasting.Farali food is a type of food that can be eaten during certain fasts,...

Price: Free Developer: pingixsoft
100+ Breakfast Recipe In Gujrati

100+ Breakfast Recipe In Gujrati

All Indian Recipes in Gujarati. App include 24 categories.1. નાસ્તા 2. મીઠાઈ 3. સબ્જી 4. રોટી /પરાઠા 5. ફરાળી વાનગી 6. રાયતા/ સલાડ7. આઇસક્રિમ /શરબત8. વિવિધ કેક9. Oven Recipes / ઓવન રેસીપી10. Sizzling Starters /સ્ટાર્ટર રેસીપી 11. ચિલ્ડ્રન સ્પેશીયલ 12. Mango Magic Week /મેંગો મેજિક સપ્તાહ 13. South Indian Recipe / દક્ષિણ...

Price: Free Developer: pingixsoft
Pasta American Recipe 2017

Pasta American Recipe 2017

American food recipes are very famous recipes all over the world to cook and eat. Tasty American recipes like hamburger, yummy burger, native American recipes has a very goods taste. People from all over the world moves to United...

Price: Free Developer: pingixsoft
Marathi Recipe in Marathi 2017

Marathi Recipe in Marathi 2017

खास मराठी खवय्यांसाठी "मराठी रेसेपी अँप ". या अँपमध्ये सर्व प्रकारचा दैनंदिन जीवनातील पदार्थांच्या रेसिपींचा समावेश करण्यात आला आहे. जर तुम्हाला नवीन पदार्थाची आवड असेल तर हा अँप खास तुमचासाठी आहे. या अँप मध्ये शाकाहारी आणि मांसाहारी पदार्थांचा समावेश...

Price: Free Developer: pingixsoft
Cake Recipe In Gujrati 2017

Cake Recipe In Gujrati 2017

In Cake Recipe app you can find taste of Cake Recipes in Gujarati Language.Vagitarian people need the eggless cake but many cakes come with egg in Cake.All People can make & enjoy Tasty Cake Recipe step by step by...

Price: Free Developer: pingixsoft
Ramadan Moon Recipe | Iftar-Suhoor 1440 H - 2019

Ramadan Moon Recipe | Iftar-Suhoor 1440 H - 2019

Collections of delicious Iftar and Suhoor recipes (Ramadan Moon Recipes)This Ramadan 1440 H, Let's pay a visit to India which has a lot of healthy food!In this month of Ramadan, let's go to India which presents a diverse collection...

Price: Free Developer: SP Developer

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