Top 50 Books & Reference Apps Like Al Quran Offline - Baca dan Mp3 - Best Alternatives

Al Quran Offline - Baca dan Mp3 Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Al Quran Offline - Baca dan Mp3 alternatives for Android? We have listed 50 Books & Reference that are similar to Al Quran Offline - Baca dan Mp3. Pick one from this list to be your new Al Quran Offline - Baca dan Mp3 app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Al Quran Offline - Baca dan Mp3 on your Android devices.

Top 50 Apps Like Al Quran Offline - Baca dan Mp3 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Al Quran Offline - Baca dan Mp3 alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like Al Quran Offline - Baca dan Mp3 2025.

مؤلفات السيد الصرخي الحسني

مؤلفات السيد الصرخي الحسني

النسب الشريف لسماحة المرجع الديني آية الله العظمى السيد الحسني (دام ظله العالي)هو محمود بن عبد الرضا بن محمد بن لفته بن بلول بن حاوي بن حسن بن محمد بن غزال بن جنديل بن خليفة بن سلطان النجدي بن...

Price: Free Developer: saif AL-Zubaidi
Al-Quran Al-Karim

Al-Quran Al-Karim

The Quran is the holy book which Muslims recite and turn to for guidance in all aspects of their lives. Its verses have remained intact since their original revelation by God in the 7th century. This brochure explains the...

Price: Free Developer: Indo Soft
Ratib Al-Attas

Ratib Al-Attas

Ratib Al-Attas was compiled by Habib Umar Bin Abdur Rahman Al-Attas Radhiallahu Anhu who passed away on 23 Rabiul Awal 1072H. The late Habib Muhammad Bin Salim Al-Attas said that Allah shall bless the people who practice this Ratib...

Price: Free Developer: Kreatif Muslim
Sahih Al Bukhari (Indonesia)

Sahih Al Bukhari (Indonesia)

Complete sahih bukhari urdu book which has sahih bukhari indonesian jild1, sahi bukhari jild 2, sahih bukhari hadees indonesian complete, bukhari shareef hadees in indonesian, bukhari sharif complete in indonesian, bukhari sharif and bukhari shareef with english translation. This...

Price: Free Developer: Al-Qalam Islamic Apps
al quran or কুরআন শরীফ ~ কোরআন শরীফ

al quran or কুরআন শরীফ ~ কোরআন শরীফ

বিসমিল্লাহির রাহমানির রাহিম - পরম করুনাময় মহান আল্লাহ্‌র নামে শুরু করছি । আমাদের এই বাংলা কুরান শরিফ অ্যাপটিতে কুরআন শরীফ অডিও এবং ভিডিও ছাড়া আল কোরআন বাংলা অনুবাদ সহ মোট ১১৪ টি সুরা খুব সুন্দর ভাবে আরবি - বাংলা...

Price: Free Developer: bdappsstudio
বিষয় ভিত্তিক আল কোরআন - Subject wise Al-Quran

বিষয় ভিত্তিক আল কোরআন - Subject wise Al-Quran

বিসমিল্লাহির রহমানির রাহিম। আসসালামু আলাইকুম প্রিয় ভাই বোন ও বন্ধুরা। আল কোরআনের আয়াত থেকে বিষয় ভিত্তিক আয়াত নিয়ে আমাদের এবারের আয়োজন বিষয় ভিত্তিক আল কোরআনের আয়াত –Subject wise Al-Quran অ্যাপটি । কুরআনের বাণীসমূহ যে শুধুমাত্র স্ববিরোধিতা থেকেই মুক্ত তা...

Price: Free Developer: HTR Studio
40 Hadits Fadhilah Al Quran - Lengkap

40 Hadits Fadhilah Al Quran - Lengkap

40 hadits fadhilah quran termasuk didalamnya fadhilah membaca al quran di bulan ramadhanfadhilah membaca al quran setiap hari fadhilah membaca alquran menghafal al quranfadhilah surat al quran keutamaan hafidz quran keutamaan membaca al quran beserta dalilnya

Price: Free Developer: Al-Ahzar Apps
99 Names of Allah with Audio & Meaning offline mp3

99 Names of Allah with Audio & Meaning offline mp3

Allah SWT 99 names of Allah which are Also called 'Asma Ul Husna' in Arabic which means The Most Beautiful names In the month of Ramadan/Ramzan you can read and listen 99 names of Allah beautiful names...

Price: Free Developer: Al-Ghani Apps
Al-Quran -(All Language)

Al-Quran -(All Language)

Price: Free Developer: SleepyDev
Al Quran - Bangla Translation with Audio

Al Quran - Bangla Translation with Audio

Price: Free Developer: SleepyDev
Quran - Naskh (Indopak Quran)

Quran - Naskh (Indopak Quran)

Quran for Android Naskh is a free Quran application for Android devices. There are many features under development. Please send us your feedback and feature requests and keep all the contributors in your prayers!Quran for Android Naskh is a...

Price: Free Developer:
Learn Quran Tafsir: Read Tafsir & Quran Search

Learn Quran Tafsir: Read Tafsir & Quran Search

Have the difficulty of understanding Quran interpretation and relating it to daily problems? The app version of Learn Quran Tafsir ( now have come with sophisticated search features and trusted tafsir resources. Learn Quran Tafsir will help you understand...

Price: Free Developer:
Quran - Qaloon

Quran - Qaloon

Quran for Android is a free Quran application for Android devices. There are many features under development. Please send us your feedback and feature requests and keep us in your prayers! *Important Note* - This version is for those...

Price: Free Developer:
Quran for Android

Quran for Android

Quran for Android is a free Quran application for Android devices. There are many features under development. Please send us your feedback and feature requests and keep us in your prayers!Quran for Android provides the following features:-...

Price: Free Developer:
Quran - Warsh Nafe' with Asbahani

Quran - Warsh Nafe' with Asbahani

Quran for Android is a free Quran application for Android devices. There are many features under development. Please send us your feedback and feature requests and keep us in your prayers! *Important Note* - This version is for those...

Price: Free Developer:
Quran Khmer - 2 in 1 Offline Quran Translation

Quran Khmer - 2 in 1 Offline Quran Translation

The Holy Quran translated in Khmer Language by H.E. Zakaryya Adam and CMCD.App Feature:- Working offline without internet connection.- 2 in one Quran translations by H.E. Zakaryya Adam and CMCD. You can filter to show all or one of...

Price: Free Developer: Mat Roya
Quran Lafzi - Word by Word Quran MP3 Offline

Quran Lafzi - Word by Word Quran MP3 Offline

*** Best Gift for Muslims for Month of Ramadan and on Eid ul Fitr ***Word by Word Quran Offline or Quran Teacher App: Learn Quran Pak Easily at home without any teacher, Simple learning, Easy Memorization of Holy Quran,...

Price: Free Developer: Quran Apps 360 - Islamic Apps
Quran Spanish

Quran Spanish

Read and Listen to the Holy Quran with Spanish translation, which has a full and verse by verse recitation & translation in Spanish text and audio without limitation.Features:- User friendly & simple design- Reading Quran / Koran with mode...

Price: Free Developer: Mat Roya
Quran English

Quran English

Read and Listen to the Holy Quran with English translation, which has a full and verse by verse recitation & translation in English text and audio without limitation.Features:- User friendly & simple design- Reading Quran / Koran with mode...

Price: Free Developer: Mat Roya
Quran French

Quran French

Read and Listen to the Holy Quran with French translation, which has a full and verse by verse recitation & translation in French text and audio without limitation.Features:- User friendly & simple design- Reading Quran / Koran with mode...

Price: Free Developer: Mat Roya
Tamil Dictionary Offline & Multilingual Translator

Tamil Dictionary Offline & Multilingual Translator

If you use the languages Tamil and English on a daily basis and live with limited access to the internet, then this is your newest best friend. Tamil Dictionary Offline is a FREE must-have app for English to Tamil...

Price: Free Developer: sdSysnet
Good News Bible Offline Free

Good News Bible Offline Free

Good News Bible, Free and Offline☆ Reading Plans: Canonical, Chronological and Historical☆ Daily Verses with notifications☆ Bookmarks, Notes, Highlights by folders☆ Good News Audio Bible - offline TTS feature☆ Day/Night modes☆ Easy, smart ,offline and well designed Bible app☆...

Price: Free Developer: Offline Bible Apps
King James Version Holy Bible-Offline Free Bible

King James Version Holy Bible-Offline Free Bible

✝️We offer a unique free offline Bible study tool that you can learn and share the Holy Bible on your own or with your trusted bible study group. Comparing to traditional Holy Bible, our e-bible allows you to access...

Price: Free Developer: Bíblia Offline
Audio Bible Offline

Audio Bible Offline

Bible Home: Audio Bible Offline - Daily Verse And Audio Books is a study tool. With the help of this Bible app, people can study, read, share and listen to the King James Bible. This app is the one...

Price: Free Developer: King James Bible (KJV Bible) - Audio Offline Free
Amplified Bible Offline Free

Amplified Bible Offline Free

The Amplified Bible is attempt to take both word meaning and context into account in order to accurately translate the original text from one language into another. Multiple English word equivalents to each key Hebrew and Greek word clarify...

Price: Free Developer: Offline Bible Apps
The Message Bible Offline

The Message Bible Offline

The Message Bible Offline☆ Reading Plans: Canonical, Chronological and Historical☆ Daily Verses with notifications☆ Bookmarks, Notes, Highlights by folders☆ Audio Message Bible - offline TTS feature☆ Day/Night modes☆ Easy, smart ,offline and well designed Bible app☆ Synchronization & Statistics!

Price: Free Developer: Offline Bible Apps
Jewish bible JPS 1917 offline

Jewish bible JPS 1917 offline

We are glad to offer a Bible created for American Jews that could not read the Bible in Hebrew. Download freely on your phone or tablet this English version of the Tanakh: the JPS 1917, the renowned English...

Price: Free Developer: Bible Offline
Sinhala Dictionary Offline

Sinhala Dictionary Offline

In a digital era which brings the whole world to your fingertips if you are online, here is something to save you in a connectivity crisis! Welcome to the Sinhala Dictionary Offline, a FREE English to Sinhala / Sinhala...

Price: Free Developer: Sachith Dassanayake
Pharmacy Dictionary Offline

Pharmacy Dictionary Offline

pharmacy dictionary app is applications that discuss medicine and health. it does not require internet connection, full offline to work. there are search features and bookmarks to make it easier for you to use this application. small application size,...

Price: Free Developer: Borneo IT
English dictionary offline: Multi-languages

English dictionary offline: Multi-languages

Price: Free Developer: Excellent flames Hub
NovelMe - Baca webnovel dan love story tiap hari

NovelMe - Baca webnovel dan love story tiap hari

Baca ribuan novel digital yang romantis, seru, menghanyutkan, dan bisa menghilangkan rasa bosan. Bisa dibaca kapan saja, dan di mana saja, online dan offline sesukamu eksklusif hanya di aplikasi asli Indonesia, NovelMe! Dijamin bikin kamu good mood!Nikmati novel populer...

Price: Free Developer: STARLIGHT.DEV
Belajar Baca Qur'an

Belajar Baca Qur'an

Selamat datang dan selamat bergabung dengan kami dalam program KEMBALI KEPADA AL-QUR'AN. Program ini kami mulai dengan metode praktis belajar membaca Al-Qur'an. Hanya dengan 7 langkah dan dengan prediksi waktu 28 jam, atau juga lebih kurang dari itu, Anda...

Price: Free Developer: Fathuddin Ja'far, M.A.
Cara Cepat Baca Al-Quran Bagi Pemula

Cara Cepat Baca Al-Quran Bagi Pemula

Bagaimana cara belajar membaca Al-Qur’an dengan cepat? Mungkin kamu beranggapan bahwa Al-Qur’an sulit dipelajari dan susah dimengerti karena berbahasa arab.Jangankan untuk mengerti artinya, untuk belajar membacanya saja butuh waktu yang tidak sebentar. Apakah benar demikian? Kok kesannya seram sekali...

Price: Free Developer: New App Barokah
Cara Baca Hati/Fikiran Seseorang

Cara Baca Hati/Fikiran Seseorang

Kemampuan untuk membaca pikiran orang lain dan memahami suasana hatinya sangat berguna di berbagai kondisi. Hal ini akan membuat kita lebihmudah dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang tersebut, menghindari komentar atau tindakan yang bisa menyakiti hatinya, serta membuat kita terlihatlebih simpatik....

Price: Free Developer: nara grafika
Pojok Baca - Buku Tema Sekolah Dasar 1-6

Pojok Baca - Buku Tema Sekolah Dasar 1-6

Price: Free Developer: KermaxDevTeam
Buku Iqro Lengkap Jilid 1-6 Cara Cepat Baca Quran

Buku Iqro Lengkap Jilid 1-6 Cara Cepat Baca Quran

Price: Free Developer: Ibnu Saugi Studio
Whenz - Baca Dan Tulis Cerita, Puisi, dan Pantun

Whenz - Baca Dan Tulis Cerita, Puisi, dan Pantun

Price: Free Developer: T-studio Dev
Iqro Digital Lengkap 1 - 6

Iqro Digital Lengkap 1 - 6

Satu aplikasi terbaru Iqro Digital Lengkap 1 - 6 bisa kita dapatkan melalui hp Android Anda masing masing dengan mudah, IQRO DIGITAL JILID 1 - 6 FULL untuk Anda semua dimanapun berada. Terkadang kita kesulitan mendapatkan Download Buku Iqro...

Price: Free Developer: david cogan nyel
Rahasia Rezeki Lancar Dengan Baca Dua Ayat Ini

Rahasia Rezeki Lancar Dengan Baca Dua Ayat Ini

Price: Free Developer: Doa Hadist Terpopuler Apps
Al-Quran Latin Dan Terjemahan

Al-Quran Latin Dan Terjemahan

Assalamualaikum wr wbAl-Qur'an dan Terjemahan sangat cocok untuk pengguna android di Indonesia dengan tulisan arab offline, tersedia Latin dan Terjemahan bahasa IndonesiaFitur :- Tulisan arab Al Quran Offline- Latin dan Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia dalam Al Quran juga sudah disiapkan-...

Price: Free Developer: PS Media
Ilmu Makrifat Tarekat Syariat dan Hakekat

Ilmu Makrifat Tarekat Syariat dan Hakekat

Price: Free Developer: Tutidev
Yasin dan Tahlil Lite

Yasin dan Tahlil Lite

Aplikasi Surat Yasin dan Doanya. Merupakan yang terbaik di kelasnya, terdapat lima tampilan dengan huruf arab yang berbeda. Aplikasi cepat dan ringan, serta dibuat dengan desain terbaik untuk memudahkan navigasi dan pengalaman pengguna.Fitur Utama Aplikasi ini : + 5...

Price: Free Developer: STARMEDIA
Yasin dan Tahil Offline

Yasin dan Tahil Offline

Aplikasi Surat Yasin dan Doanya. Merupakan yang terbaik di kelasnya, terdapat lima tampilan dengan huruf arab yang berbeda. Dilengkapi teks latin beserta terjemahan bahasa Indonesia, juga audio MP3 (full offline). Aplikasi cepat dan ringan, serta dibuat dengan desain terbaik...

Price: Free Developer: STARMEDIA
Materi Ceramah dan Khotbah Jumat

Materi Ceramah dan Khotbah Jumat

Alhamdulillah puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa akhirnya kami team developer google android telah berhasil menyelesaikan Aplikasi Materi Ceramah dan khutbah Jumat Versi Terbaru, Aplikasi ini berisi Kumpulan berbagai sumber dan kami rangkum ke dalalam aplikasi ini ....

Price: Free Developer: STARMEDIA
Kumpulan Doa Nabi dan Rosul

Kumpulan Doa Nabi dan Rosul

Price: Free Developer: dilapedia
Aku dan Sebatang Rokokku || KASKUS SFTH

Aku dan Sebatang Rokokku || KASKUS SFTH

Mawar Asia Tenggara Karya : Anarchia58Lunatic menari bersama bintangKu nikmati bersama rokok sebatangSepoi angin malam tenangTeringat denganmu sayangKisah klasik didalam ruangSayu mata mu melihatkuSenyum manis di wajah girangMembuatku jatuh hati padamuTapi,apakah kita bisa bersama selamanya?Bersatu dan menulis kisah cinta di...

Price: Free Developer: ProStudy Publiser
Aku, mereka dan Kamu [a boring story](Kaskus SFTH)

Aku, mereka dan Kamu [a boring story](Kaskus SFTH)

Well, nama gue Ronan Leandro Akbar.. Call me whatever you want, tapi temen-temen gue seringan manggil “Nan”, actually gue juga rada ga sregg sama panggilan ini, gue prefer dipanggil Ronan, or Ron, atau Akbar aja juga boleh, tapi karena...

Price: Free Developer: Grewal17
Dan Brown

Dan Brown

Price: Free Developer: Code Crunch
Kamus dan Pepatah Dayak Ngaju

Kamus dan Pepatah Dayak Ngaju

Di Kalimantan Tengah memang ada beberapa bahasa daerah yang cukup banyak pemakainya, di antaranya (1) Bahasa Dayak Ngaju, (2) Bahasa Maanyaan, Bahasa Ot Dan um, (3) Bahasa Katingan, (4) Bahasa Bakumpai, dan (5) Bahasa Lamandau. Akan tetapi, pada umumnya...

Price: Free Developer: Borneo IT

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