Do you want to find the best Ketu Pooja and Mantra alternatives for Android? We have listed 34 Lifestyle that are similar to Ketu Pooja and Mantra. Pick one from this list to be your new Ketu Pooja and Mantra app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ketu Pooja and Mantra on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Ketu Pooja and Mantra alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 34 similar apps like Ketu Pooja and Mantra 2025.
Rahu, the 8th planet, in shadows and like Ketu, this planet is also not visible in the galaxy. A mine of information about Rahu is available in Brahma puraana, Mahabhagavata, Mahabharat, Matsya puraan, Vishnu puraan and Rigved.Rahu was born to...
This is a free app containing complete collection of Vedic pooja mantras of all Hindu god and goddesses.This All Hindu Gods app provides most Popular ram,Krishna,Vishnu,Saraswati,Laxmi . There is best collection of vedic mantras Primary categories are:-*Shri Krishna*Hindu...
This app offers you all collections of pooja like all aarti, stotras, shlok, mantra and information about all Hindu festivals. You can use this app when you dont have any book for aarti or shlok/stotras.. You can read it...
Saturn, the hard task master, is a slow moving as well as very powerful planet. He is the ruler of longevity, aging and death and controls the practice of yoga and denial from this material world. A strongly placed...
Venus is a mysterious planet and has a huge impact on you. He does not show his cards so how his influence unfolds in your life is not straight-forward. He can compel you to be in relationships and determines...
Open your doors for the riches and luxuries to step in! Lord Kubera is on his way to your home. When the divine treasurer walks in with heaps of money and wealth for you, he also pours happiness, peace...
Jupiter is the biggest, elegant and bountiful planet among others and brings fortune and good luck. He controls all the other planets and hence is supposed to be their revered master.Worshiping Jupiter every day during the Jupiter Hora is...
Goddess Parvathi can bless you with beauty, good relationships and also helps to remove negativity. Her Pooja is the doorway to the liberation from troubles. She can help you acquire beauty and restore the youthfulness of childhood. She also...
Mercury is considered to be a neutral planet and represents studies and an artistic bend of mind. It is a very fickle planet and can have a dual nature. Mercury is strongly connected to intellect and communication.Worshiping Mercury every...
Mars, the sports planet, is fiery in nature and is the indicator of physical and mental energy. It rules over physical strength, courage, determination, leadership qualities etc., and his placement in your birth chart indicates the amount of energy...
There is no life without the Sun. He is the foundation of life energy for every being and embodies your conscious mind. He symbolizes your determination as well as the ingenious life force in you. He provides an...
BellesEglises est une application collaborative et gratuite qui permet de découvrir et visiter de belles églises en France. Vous aimez une église, une chapelle, une abbaye, une cathédrale… proposez la, envoyez une photo, une notice, un lien… elle figurera...
You know that feeling - you’ve got a great photo, but, you need the right caption to make it sing. The perfect caption makes a statement, is catchy and memorable. It can greatly increase the chances for more likes...
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Hindi New Year SMS, Shayari and Quotes 2021 is brought to you by Apps Platform to welcome new year 2021 with hindi sms, hindi shayari and hindi quotes. All new hindi sms shayari and quotes are available here. All...
Happy new year sms app in Bangla Hindi and English is a sms sharing app. Through this app you can send sms, wishes and greetings to others in bangla ,hindi and english.হ্যাপি নিউ ইয়ার 2021 SMS Collection অ্যাপে থাকছে...
Panj Surah Quran is an islamic Application with 5 most read Surahs of the Holy Quran i.e Surah Yaseen (or Surah Yasin), Surah Ar-Rahman, Surah Al-Mulk, Surah Al-Waqiyah and Surah Al-Muzzammil for every Muslim. The audio is recited by...
Full mp3 Quran by famous reciter Abdul Basit. This app offers Quran Karim or The Koran with all the 114 Surahs in order, a minimal Qibla compass, names of Allah and reading quran with translationsThe app has following features:-...
Have access to all the latest content from Mountain and Sea Adventures. Stay in touch, get connected, and get updates on all that is happening at Mountain and Sea Adventures any time any where. Mountain and Sea Adventures app...
Offline Mantras, No internet required!All popular Bhajan, Peacefull Mantra for all occasion.Sholkas & Chalisa of Hindu Gods & GoddessDevotional bhajans and songs of hindu god & hindu bhajansSome of Top devotional songs & top hindi bhajansMeditation mantras This app...
Used for meditation.. use head phone or ear phone for the best performance. About :Avalokiteśvara (Sanskrit: अवलोकितेश्वर lit. "Lord who looks down") is a bodhisattva who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. Portrayed in different cultures as either male...
Shabar Siddhi MantraVery helpful to solve your day to day problem. Mantra for a successful life, know how to siddh a mantra and make your life prosperous. Win in every aspect and achieve your ultimate goals in life. Have...
Most Popular Bhajans - All devotional songs are available for download - Listen to Shiva, Ramayan, Hanuman Chalisa plus all popular Hindi song and Hindi Bhajan.The app has aarti, bhagavad gita, bhajan video, bhakti song, devotional songs, durga chalisa,...
Punjabi and Chinese Recipe Application Describe different large Number of Recipes Varieties in Hindi Language.Through this application you can easily learn to how to make Punjabi and Chinese Varieties,All Recipes included with image.Punjabi Recipes in 100+ Categories.1. Aalu...
Listen and chant this powerful wealth attraction mantra daily to open new avenues of wealth creation.Lord Kubera is the God of wealth, money, prosperity. The God's treasurer denotes wealth, money, power, fame and success in business as well as...
Listen and read famous Hindu God mantras and stotras offline by using Mantra Box. Our App has a fine collection of handpicked best mantras. This app is for anyone who love God or want to learn god mantras. Listening...
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