Do you want to find the best Tafseer-e-Haqqani - Muhammad Abdul Haq Haqqani alternatives for Android? We have listed 41 Education that are similar to Tafseer-e-Haqqani - Muhammad Abdul Haq Haqqani. Pick one from this list to be your new Tafseer-e-Haqqani - Muhammad Abdul Haq Haqqani app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Tafseer-e-Haqqani - Muhammad Abdul Haq Haqqani on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Tafseer-e-Haqqani - Muhammad Abdul Haq Haqqani alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 41 similar apps like Tafseer-e-Haqqani - Muhammad Abdul Haq Haqqani 2025.
This Android Application provides lectures given by Dr. Israr Ahmed on Tafseer-e-Quran (English).As you may know Dr.Israr Ahmed has done tremendous work in the direction of Deen.We can't access his work because of its high volume in data required...
Tafseer Ibn e Abbas - Urdu Translation by Hafiz M. Saeed Ahmed Atif and Quran Translation by Fateh Muhammad Jalandhary.نام: تفسیر ابن عباسمترجم: حافظ محمد سعید احمد عاطفقرآن ترجمہ: فتح محمد جالندہریApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer Ibn e Abbas...
Tafseer al-Jalalain (Arabic: تفسير الجلالين, lit. 'Tafsir of the two Jalals') is a classical Sunni tafsir of the Qur'an, composed first by Jalal ad-Din al-Maḥalli in 1459 and then completed by his student Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti in 1505, thus...
Tafseer As-Saadi by Abd ar-Rahman ibn Nasir as-Saadi - Urdu Translation by Tayyab Shaheen Lodhiنام: تفسیر السعدیمصنف: ابو عبداللہ عبدالرحمان بن ناصر بن عبداللہ بن ناصر آل سعدیاردو مترجم: جناب پروفیسر طیب شاہین لودھیاردو ترجمہ قرآن: فتح محمد جالندہریApplication...
Tafseer al Qurtubi - Complete Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer.Application Features: - Complete Tafseer al Qurtubi - Colored Word by Word Quran Translation - Advance Search functionality in Quran, Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer - Latest Material Design UI -...
Tafsir e Mazhari - Quran Translation and tafseer by Qazi Sana ullah Pani Patti translated in Urdu by Maulana Syed Abdur Daim Al-Jalali. This app also includes Urdu Translation of Quran written by Fateh Muhammad Jalandhary.By using this app...
هيئة البرنامج -تفسير القرآن الكريم كاملاً بدون اتصال بالانترنت -مجموعة التفاسر :تفسير الطبري، تفسير ابن كثير، تفسير السعدي، تفسير القرطبي، تفسير البغوي، تفسير ابن عاشور، تفسير الوسيط لطنطوي -إعراب القرآن الكريم -بحث مع الكلمة في...
Tafseer Dur-e-Mansoor by Imam Al-Suyuti - Urdu Translation by Maulana Muhammad Khalid Khan Gharhi.نام: تفسیر درِ منثورمصنف: امام جلال الدین السیوطیمترجم: مولانا محمد خالد خان گڑہیترجمہ قرآن: مولانا عاشق الٰہی البرنیApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer Dur-e-Mansoor by Imam Al-Suyuti...
Tafseer-e-Majidi - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Maulana Abdul Majid Daryabadi.نام: تفسیرِ ماجدیمصنف: مولانا عبد الماجد دریابادیApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer-e-Majidi by Maulana Abdul Majid Daryabadi - Colored Word by Word Quran Translation - Advance Search functionality in...
E-LEARNING.NG is a platform designed to drive Learning and Teaching.Are you a proprietor, teacher or student? Sign up to get started.Our Vision is that one day, every child in Nigeria will have access to world class quality education at...
Al-Huda eLearning is a free platform for learning authentic knowledge of Quran and Sunnah under teacher supervision. This App is offered by Al-Huda International Welfare Foundation. Key features 🔹 Learn as a student/guest.🔹 Attendance marking and points calculation.🔹 Communication...
E-klases aplikācija paredzēta vecākiem un skolēniem.Tikai E-klases aplikācijā var izmantot sava lietotājvārda un paroles saglabāšanu, katru reizi tos neievadot no jauna.Aplikācija nodrošina pilnu E-klases funkcionalitāti tāpat kā .
With eCourses app, access your digital courses platform directly from your mobile to continuously learn and enrich your knowledge. At any time and any place, even offline, learners can access personalized e-learning content to stay on the right track of their learning journey.The eCourses app offers...
We Muslims, who are not native speakers of Arabic, normally learn to read the Arabic language from an early age but only a few of us are lucky enough to move beyond that and understand the divine language. This... adalah sebuah platform yang menyediakan layanan teknologi untuk sekolah, seperti Absensi Online, Buku Tamu Online, Ujian Online, Belajar Online, danTeknologi Software dan Hadware lainnya
Read offline Musbat e Ashar without any internet access , from Khanqa Sultania Ghulshan e Azeem Kala Deo Jehlum.
Read offline Aourad e Fathia - Azkar-e-Sultania , No need to access internetKhanqa Sultania Ghushan e Azeem Jehlum Pakistan
Offline version of Durood e Mustaghas and Darood e Hazri from Khanqa Sultania Ghulsan e Azeem Jehlum (Kala Deo)
Teach, learn and collaborate with Electa Live on your Android Phone and Tablet!Electa Live 8 is a virtual classroom and an online collaboration environment for live online teaching and web conferences with live audio, screen sharing, guided presentations and...
> Best Islamic App> Memorize 99 Names Of Muhammad (SAW) With Meaning> Islamic Radio> Memorizing Asma ul Muhammad tests included> 99 Names Of Muhammad (SAW) Audio/MP3Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said “There are 99 names of Muhammad and that anyone...
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یەکەمین فەرهەنگی زانستیە کە بە شێوەی وشە و پێناسە بە هەدوو زمانی کوردی و ئینگلیزی دانراوە . ئەم فەرهەنگە لە لایەن کۆمەڵێک خوێندکاری زانکۆوە دروست کراوە بۆ خزمەتی زیاتری بواری فێربوون و بە زانستی کردنی زمانی کوردی. ئامانجی سەرەکیشمان...
This application is very useful for learning and english training , it have many section that comfortable for all age with beginner and elementary skill level1- beginner : The beginner part is contain words , that teach you...
The best tutorial App for learning how to create your own app in sketchware for beginners. If you are looking for the app to learn programming without complicated code this is the right app for you. It is easy...
Read the Prophet's teachings in Chichewa, 40 Hadith Qudsi in Chichewa with Arabic offline, easy to use, and it is free, no ads.
Wives of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) "Mothers of the Believers"Who are the Mothers of the Believers? You might have heard the expression Ummahat al-Mumineen. This translates into English as the ‘Mothers of the Believers’ and this is a title...
Ruqyah Mp3 Offline : Abdul Basit Abdul Samad is offline android app to listen Ruqyah Ash Shar'eeyah offline by Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdul Samad. In addition there are online ruqyah by :Sheikh Abdallah KamelSheikh Abdul Rahman Al SudaisSheikh...
selamat datang di aplikasi kumpulan ceramah ust abdul somad lc. aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan ceramah ust abdul somad yang begitu menginspirasi dan juga menggugah jiwa, ayo miliki sekarang dan raih samudra ilmu dari beliau. barakallah ustad abdul somad, semoga...
In the Name of Allah the most Beneficial and most MercifulAbdul Basit Quran MP3 Offline 30 Juz is an Islamic Muslim application for android smartphone that contains a collection of recitation of Surah of the Holy Quran by International...
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watch quran live. this app created by ABDUL SAMI.THE SIZE OF THIS APP IS ONLY 7 MB watch quran any time any where live
Ruqyah Mp3 Offline : Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al Sudais is offline android app to listen Ruqyah Ash Shar'eeyah offline by Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al Sudais. In addition there are online ruqyah by :Sheikh Abdallah KamelSheikh Abdul Basit Abdul...
This app is a tribute to late DR. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam for his unforgettable contribution to society. With this app we present you his valuable & inspiring quotes which will certainly motivate you. Please share this app with your...
Ustad Abdul Somad, Lc., M.A. lahir di Silo Lama, Asahan, Sumatera Utara, 18 Mei 1977 adalah seorang pendakwah dan ulama Indonesia yang sering mengulas berbagai macam persoalan agama, khususnya kajian ilmu hadis dan Ilmu fikih. Selain itu, ia juga...
Aplikasi "Dakwah Islam Ustadz Abdul Somad" menyajikan kumpulan ceramah islam mp3 audio dakwah dari Ustadz Abdul Somad, LC. MA. Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan secara offline sehingga anda dapat langsung mendengarkan kajian tanpa perlu terkoneksi internet.Melalui Aplikasi "Dakwah Islam Ustadz...
This application is basically a small attempt to showcase a story of a great professor, wonderful author, fabulous aerospace scientist and GREAT human being.
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