Do you want to find the best Bariatric Medicine Institute alternatives for Android? We have listed 29 Medical that are similar to Bariatric Medicine Institute. Pick one from this list to be your new Bariatric Medicine Institute app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Bariatric Medicine Institute on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Bariatric Medicine Institute alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Bariatric Medicine Institute 2025.
Bariatric Times, a peer-reviewed journal, is published monthly and is is intended for surgeons, physicians, nurses, and other allied healthcare professionals in the field of bariatrics. Bariatric Times offers its readers concise articles from nationally renowned authors and delivers...
A tool for bariatric surgeons to help assess a patient’s risk and to choose the best procedure for the patient.
Bariatric IQ is a specially designed app for patients preparing for or after weight loss surgery such as gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, gastric band, and gastric plication. The app was developed especially for post-bariatric patients to help them comprehend...
Baritastic is the # 1 app for bariatric surgery! Baritatric surgery patients have specific goals, requirements and guidelines before and after surgery. And now there is a free app specifically built for bariatric surgery.* Nutrition and Water Tracking* Reminders...
Weight management is a battle that can significantly compromise quality of life. For many, it prohibits the ability to enjoy our community’s natural resources in an active, healthy way. And for some, it is a serious, life-threatening condition that...
The Roper St. Francis Bariatrics app provides everything you need to know about your upcoming surgery at your fingertips. Quickly access important pre- and post-op information on the go, and other helpful content such as FAQ’s, recipes and more....
Comprised of six of the nation’s leading bariatric surgeons, the New York Bariatric Group represents New York’s elite institution in the treatment of obesity. The best surgeons in the world can stay calm under pressure and have remarkable hand-eye...
Medical EducationAll medical and paramedical information in one place
এমন একজন মানুষ পরিচিত থাকা বা প্রতিবেশি থাকা খুবই সৌভাগ্যের বিষয় যিনি বিপদের সময় বিভিন্ন রোগের চিকিৎসা পদ্ধতি সম্পর্কে ভাল পরামর্শ দিয়ে সাহায্য করেন। এতে করে রোগীকে সঠিক জায়গায় সঠিক চিকিৎসার মাধ্যমে দ্রুত সুস্থ করে ফেলা সম্ভব।কোন রোগের কোন...
Key features:- 1000+ clinical medicine questions- medical dictionary- 8000+ medical words- bookmark feature for questions and dictionaryDescription:The medical dictionary feature is a new addition to this clinical medicine app. It provides more than 8000 medical words.This clinical medicine...
কোন রোগের কোন ঔষধ জানা থাকাটা অনেক দরকার, আমাদের আশেপাশে পরিচিত অনেকেরই এই গুনটী আছে, মুখস্থ বলে দিতে পারে কোন রোগের কি ঔষধ। আবার কিছু লোকের গুন থাকে রোগের নাম, রোগের লক্ষন, রোগের চিকিৎসা কোন ডাক্তার দেখানো উচিৎ, এই...
হটাত করে অসুস্থ হয়ে পরলে চিকিৎসা করার জন্য ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা ( drug guide ) অনেক বেশী সাহায্য করে, এমন সকল ওষুধ এর বিস্তারিত ব্যাবহার ও নির্দেশিকা, রোগের চিকিৎসা খুব সর্তকতার সাথে জেনে অতপর করা উচিত।স্কয়ার ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা আমাদের...
আমাদের জন্য খুবই প্রয়োজন রোগের চিকিৎসা করা ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা ( drug guide ) সঠিক না হলে কোন রোগের চিকিৎসাই ভালো হয় না। তাই আামদের সকলেরই রোগের চিকিৎসা খুব সর্তকতার সাথে এবং ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা গুলে খুবই সাবধানতার সাথে মেনে চলতে...
Extremely popular resource has become the definitive pocket guide to the management of medical emergencies for front-line hospital doctors. It provides detailed guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of all common condidtions and includes a step-by-step guide to the...
UM BP Track is an app for research use only, and can only be utilized by participants enrolled in an affiliated research study at the University of Michigan. UM BPTrack allows users to monitor their blood pressure (BP) and...
Explain Medicine is a reliable and easily accessible medical article repository, serving as a rapid refresher for healthcare professionals and students keen on evidence-based knowledge. In Explain Medicine, facts and their explanations are directly backed by citations to papers...
Medical examsA medical examination is a diagnostic procedure performed for health reasons. For example :to diagnose illnessesto measure the progression, regression or cure of diseaseto confirm that someone has no diseaseSome consist of a simple physical examination, also called...
Containing 1'000s of medical illustrations, the patient-education-institute app is a unique visual aid that helps health care professionals enhance the quality of conversations with their patients. Each clinical situation is presented in a well-structured manner with simple illustrations, icons...
Com 100s ilustrações médicas, a aplicação do instituto de educação do paciente é um apoio visual único, que ajuda os profissionais de saúde a melhorar a qualidade das suas conversas com os doentes. Cada situação clínica é apresentada de...
Containing 100s of medical illustrations, the patient-education-institute app is a unique visual aid that helps health care professionals enhance the quality of conversations with their patients. Each clinical situation is presented in a well-structured manner with simple illustrations, icons...
Conteniendo 100s ilustraciones médicas, el App Oftalmologia del CAO en collaboracion con el Patient Education Institute es un instrumento visual único que ayuda a los profesionales de salud a mejorar la calidad de las conversaciones con los pacientes. Cada...
L’app Patient Education Institute, contenente migliaia di illustrazioni mediche, costituisce un supporto visivo senza eguali che consentirà agli operatori sanitari di migliorare la qualità delle conversazioni con i propri pazienti. Ogni situazione clinica si presenta in modo ben strutturato,...
Containing 100s of medical illustrations, the patient-education-institute app is a unique visual aid that helps health care professionals enhance the quality of conversations with their patients. Each clinical situation is presented in a well-structured manner with simple illustrations, icons...
Conteniendo 100s ilustraciones médicas, el App Oftalmologia del CAO en collaboracion con el Patient Education Institute es un instrumento visual único que ayuda a los profesionales de salud a mejorar la calidad de las conversaciones con los pacientes. Cada...
Containing 100s of medical illustrations, the patient-education-institute app is a unique visual aid that helps health care professionals enhance the quality of conversations with their patients. Each clinical situation is presented in a well-structured manner with simple illustrations, icons...
L’app Patient Education Institute, contenente migliaia di illustrazioni mediche, costituisce un supporto visivo senza eguali che consentirà agli operatori sanitari di migliorare la qualità delle conversazioni con i propri pazienti. Ogni situazione clinica si presenta in modo ben strutturato,...
Com 100s ilustrações médicas, a aplicação do instituto de educação do paciente é um apoio visual único, que ajuda os profissionais de saúde a melhorar a qualidade das suas conversas com os doentes. Cada situação clínica é apresentada de...
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