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Il codice del consumo è una legge della Repubblica italiana, emanata con il decreto legislativo 6 settembre 2005, n. 206, in materia di diritti del consumatore.In data 23 ottobre 2005 è entrato in vigore il Codice del consumo. Si...
Il codice della navigazione italiano regolamenta e disciplina la navigazione, marittima, interna ed aerea, nelle acque territoriali e nello spazio aereo sotto la sovranità della Repubblica Italiana.Le funzioni di polizia e vigilanza per le attività marittime sono generalmente esercitate...
Leadership is paramount to our profession. It is integral to our institutional success today and tomorrow. As we transition to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex and uncertain environment, our Army requires intelligent, competent, physically and mentally...
Edwin Arlington Robinson (December 22, 1869 - April 6, 1935) is poet, writer, playwright from the USA. Nominated for the Nobel Prize. Pulitzer Prizes laureate. Edwin Arlington Robinson’s creative work has touching lyrics that intersecting with the dramatic world...
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The government of Bangladesh has been supplying all kinds of NCTB textbooks every year for the general level students such as primary and secondary school certificate examination. We live in a modern age so all the ancient system has...
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Book house now in revamped design!!! Book house has all NCTB board text books from Class 1 to Class 12. Both English and Bangla version books are available. Please note that it does not have any writers book....
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