Do you want to find the best KHMER Language -Cambodia- alternatives for Android? We have listed 29 Education that are similar to KHMER Language -Cambodia-. Pick one from this list to be your new KHMER Language -Cambodia- app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to KHMER Language -Cambodia- on your Android devices.
The best free and paid KHMER Language -Cambodia- alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like KHMER Language -Cambodia- 2025.
This application will teach your kids about Khmer alphabet with pronunciation sound- 33 consonants with pronunciation- 33 consonants footer with pronunciation- 24 Vowels with pronunciation- Khmer numbers from 0 to 100- ១៥ ស្រះពេញតួខ្មែរThe kids will enjoy to learn and...
Aan Khmer Application is the educational game for grade one and grade two based on the five key reading skills: Phonemic Awareness, Alphabet Principle, Reading Fluency, Vocabulary and reading comprehension. The contents have been extracted from Ministry of Education...
The feature of Khmer Math for high school student:- Content in Khmer Language - Collect all math formulas specifically for grade 7, 8 ,9, 10, 11 and 12- General mathematic formula, summary lesson, example and exercise- Mathematic formula from...
We can read a detail of Khmer proverb in Khmer Language, Watch video of mental mind.We can :- Search by title- Zoom in and out- Add article to favorite - Play video
English to Khmer Dictionary (100% Offline and Free). It has word meaning from various sources. You can get meaning of any English word very easily. It has auto suggestion feature which will save you a lot of time getting...
សុភាសិតខ្មែរ ជាឃ្លាខ្លីៗ តែមានអត្ថន័យជ្រៅជ្រះ ជាឱវាទល្អៗដែលមានប្រយោជន៍គួររៀនគួរស្តាប់។ ទំព័រនេះគឺជាកម្រងប្រមូលផ្តុំសុភាសិតខ្មែរ ដកស្រង់ចេញពីសៀវភៅប្រមូលភាសិតខ្មែរ ផ្សាយចេញពីសមាគមសម្តេច ជួន ណាត។
★KHMER LANGUAGE★Welcome to learning Khmer Alphabet (Khmer Script, Khmer Syllable, Khmer Symbol, Khmer Letters, Khmer Characters )The Khmer alphabet or Khmer script is an abugida (alphasyllabary) script used to write the Khmer language (the official language of Cambodia)....
Der Superior Language Latein Vokabeltrainer richtet sich an Schüler und Studenten, die Latein in der Schule oder an der Universität lernen.Die Vokabeldatenbank des Vokabeltrainers beinhaltet die Vokabeln der meisten gängigen Lehrwerke, d. h. du musst keinerlei Vokabeln erfassen, sondern...
Der Superior Language Englisch Vokabeltrainer richtet sich an Schüler, die Englisch in der Schule lernen.Die Vokabeldatenbank des Vokabeltrainers beinhaltet die Vokabeln vieler gängiger Lehrwerke.Besonderes Augenmerk habe ich bei der Entwicklung darauf gerichtet, dass das Lernen der Vokabeln mit minimalem...
This App contain the most used Danish words in the daily life , using multiple exercises of dictation, Also you can hear the words , if you have installed one application of text to speech in your phone .the...
Learn how to speak most used Malay words , Malay language is the language of Malaysia and Brunei and some regions of Indonesia and Singapore .there are multiple exercises ,that help you to remember these words , in this...
Learn how to speak most used Bulgarian words , with multiple exercises ,that help you to remember these words , in this lesson you find the numbers and the colors and the seasons and the directions and the days...
With this Arabic Interpreter - Learn & Speak Arabic Language app you can easily translate words and text from Arabic to English translation and from English to Arabic translation. You are able to translate words and even sentences, in...
What if Croatian vocabulary learning would be a crazy fun game instead of boring memorisation drills? Drops makes language learning an effortless fun. Practical vocabulary is bound to your memories through beautiful graphics and quick mini-games.The crazy part? You...
What if 🇵🇹 European Portuguese vocabulary learning would be a crazy fun game instead of boring memorisation drills? Drops makes language learning an effortless fun. Practical vocabulary is bound to your memories through beautiful graphics and quick mini-games.The crazy...
Learn a variety of nine languages playfully with Akelius for free.Choose out of our portfolio and discover a new language in a thousand small steps using parallel learning methods responding to numerous learning styles.Choose your method of learning- lectures...
This App is for beginner learning Japanese language.*Simple and Easy to use*Work on offline*Don't need to register and login【For Free Version】・ "380 Japanese words" ・ "75 Japanese phrase"・ "Verb Conjugation" ・ "Japanese Character Table"・ "Fruit Fortune"* with pronunciation by...
이 앱은 크메르어를 배우는 초보자를위한 것입니다.* 간단하고 사용하기 쉽습니다.* 오프라인에서 작업* 등록 및 로그인 할 필요가 없습니다.포함 :-----------------------------------------・ "274 크메르어 어휘"・ "67 크메르어 구"・ "2 회화 예"・ "크메르 알파벳 표"・ "과일 운세"* 크메르어 원어민의 발음 포함.-----------------------------------------앱 업그레이드를 통해더 많은...
这个程序是为初学者学习高棉语*简单易用*离线工作*无需注册和登录【免费版】-----------------------------------・“ 275高棉语词汇”・“ 68高棉语例句”・“高棉字母表”・“水果算命”・“2高棉语会话”*高棉语母语发音语音*语音速度可以改变*有限范围内的其他功能-----------------------------------【升级版】在下面添加所有功能和所有单词-----------------------------------词汇数1350短语数254对话10最喜欢的词表最喜欢的短语列表搜索词汇功能搜索词组功能随机单词游戏------------------------------------English-This App is for a beginner learning Khmer language in Chinese.Very simple and easy to use. You don't need to register, login, and it works on offline.Include : -----------------------------------------・ "275 Khmer words" ・ "68 Khmer phrase" ・...
Wiki TV is the first education TV in Cambodia. We broadcast 24 hour a day and 7 days a week.Wiki TV focus on the following program:- Education - Sport - General Knowledge
WikiSchool is an ERP for School Management System (SMS) to help school principal, teachers managing their administration, scoring, student profile and followup attendance in both teachers and students.The system also help parents to receiving inform and information about their...
The drivers of all kinds of vehicles should implement and follow the following measures:1. All drivers who drive the vehicles with the cylinder size from 49 cm upward must obtain thedriving licenses according to the types of vehicles.2. When...
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