Do you want to find the best ASHRAE HVAC PT Chart alternatives for Android? We have listed 32 Tools that are similar to ASHRAE HVAC PT Chart. Pick one from this list to be your new ASHRAE HVAC PT Chart app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ASHRAE HVAC PT Chart on your Android devices.
The best free and paid ASHRAE HVAC PT Chart alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 32 similar apps like ASHRAE HVAC PT Chart 2025.
The ASHRAE HVAC Duct Sizer application allows you to quickly size one HVAC duct run or a range of duct sizes using the constant friction method. Think of this application as a digital version of the classic Trane Ductulator®...
HVAC duct designing is now fast. Additional feature of ‘Unit Converter’ for various HVAC parameters.Find the duct sizes on your fingertips ! Designed with Modern Architect and better UI experience. Option to choose from British and SI units...
Application: compatible with radiant electric heaters, fan forced heaters, line voltage baseboards.Features: Program and control your thermostats via Wi-Fi at home or outside, set up and change the schedule anytime, view and adjust the temperature of the thermostats installed...
You asked for it and you got it! This Pro version is subscription-based that allows your entire team to have access to the same product list which can be fully customized by the admin. Designed specifically for heating and...
HVAC Refrigerant PT™ is designed for professionals in the air conditioning industry. This app provides convenient access to refrigerant pressure/temperature (PT) charts as well as other physical properties for common refrigerants. Temperature can be displayed in degrees Celsius or...
Inspector Nation presents a general reference application to provide insight into the world of HVAC equipment inspection. It is never good practice to mention the exact age or tonnage rating in the home inspection report, but having a...
Peirce Phelps strives to make life as an HVAC professional easier and faster. The HVAC Contractor Assist provides access to product information and easy to use tools while on the go.Key Features:* Look up the warranty entitlement and...
free application calculator for HVAC Engineering Refrigerant , btu calculation for air conditioning unit ,heat colling window ac size ,convert UNITE btu, ton ,kw hp ,bar ,pressure psi ,°C ,°F , btu sq ftThis application included a lot of...
The SuperCool HVAC app provides comprehensive and dynamic solutions to the most complex diagnostics in the air conditioning industry. The app provides the user with an interactive experience, possible solutions, on-screen instructions and guides the technician through each step...
a Ductulator - a duct sizing calculations program for Android OS, is specially designed by a professional engineer to replace the conventional hand-held ductulator. It is a lot more than just a Ductulator.Highlights:- Duct sizing for Rectangular, Round...
Calculator app for use in HVACR diagnostics and service. Can calculate target superheat for fixed orifice expansion devices, superheat and subcooling for 26 refrigerants, airflow calculations and psychrometric calculations to aid with field service of HVACR equipment. Detailed instructions...
Aplicação da Administração Pública que lhe permite guardar e consultar os seus cartões (Ex: cartão de cidadão, carta de condução, cartão ADSE) em qualquer momento e em qualquer lugar recorrendo à sua Chave Móvel Digital.
Vê as tuas praias preferidas em direto e encontra na App MEO Beachcam toda a informação útil e relevante sobre surf, desportos aquáticos, dados detalhados sobre as tuas praias, locais turísticos de eleição em primeira mão! Agora já podes...
Tira uma selfie e descobre o preço do teu seguro de saúde!Com o recurso a tecnologia de reconhecimento facial irás obter uma estimativa de valor mensal para um seguro de saúde. Selfie Insurance é uma App da MDS...
Motor24 é uma publicação digital dedicada à mobilidade humana e aos veículos, tecnologias, comportamentos e políticas que definem a forma como ela evolui e influencia as nossas vidas.
CTT Now permite que clientes ocasionais ou clientes contratuais façam pedidos de recolhas e entregas urgentes na região da grande lisboa. Os pedidos são definidos pela identificação das moradas de recolha e entrega e dos objetos associados. O limite...
MyHomeCity apresenta uma forma simples e inovadora de interação com o seu município.Esta aplicação é orientada para o cidadão, destinando-se a residentes, visitantes e turistas permitindo reportar problemas que encontre no espaço público.Uma nova forma de comunicar do Município.Guimarães...
Register in real time the hours of work dedicated to your jobs and projects in an easy and organized way.Two options for counting time:· Automatic - Activate the timer when work...
Your feedback is welcome. Password manager. It's based on KeePass project. Supports KeePass 2.x database format. It supports:- Icon packs;- Bank cards;- History for entries;- Password & Key file to protect your database;- Searching- Custom fields- Recycle Bin- More...
Queremos tornar as suas deslocações mais simples e cómodas. Nos seus percursos habituais do dia a dia e nas viagens de lazer. Por isso, mudámos a app da Via Verde. Facilitámos a navegação para que chegue mais rápido ao...
A aplicação Chave Móvel Digital é uma alternativa ao envio do código de segurança por sms, email ou mensagem direta no Twitter, sendo este enviado através de notificação push para o smartphone que fica associado ao número de identificação...
Graphically show Psychrometric Chart for HVAC design in SI unit.Input based on any two inputs as mentioned below:1. Dry bulb and Wet bulb2. Dry bulb and Relative Humidity3. Dry bulb and Dew PointYou may add line by drop down menu to select...
Chart signals & Network speed test 3g 4g 5g Wi-FiMobile chart signals and measure the network speed of lte 3g 4g 5g Wi-Fi"Chart signals & Network speed test 3g 4g 5g Wi-Fi" has the following main functions:1) Measure network...
Preflop+ is the only GTO poker equity odds calculator trainer app you need to upswing improve and drill your preflop range analysis when you are shortstacked and facing snapshove decision at the tables. Raise your edge and know the...
This is a guide which can be used as reference for charts.Application includes total 301 chart symbols.Lido : 141 symbols from lido charts.Jeppesen :160 symbols from jeppesen charts.*You...
Simple and elegant look of age calculator.Now it's easy to calculate your age using this age calculator by selecting your birth date and birth time.Age calculator calculates your age in years, months and days.Get your next birthday in months...
App to create graphs and charts. Easily create beautiful graphs and charts on your smartphone or tablet. The Chart Maker app has many different graphs to display your data. You can create both regular charts and pie charts. Simply...
Ham Solar is using code from Paul, N0NBH website. Its requires internet connection.Hourly Area Prediction (HAP) chart feature is also provided by this app. Its specifies the Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) for HF communications between the base specified...
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