Top 30 Finance Apps Like CIMB Niaga Digital Publishing - Best Alternatives

CIMB Niaga Digital Publishing Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best CIMB Niaga Digital Publishing alternatives for Android? We have listed 30 Finance that are similar to CIMB Niaga Digital Publishing. Pick one from this list to be your new CIMB Niaga Digital Publishing app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CIMB Niaga Digital Publishing on your Android devices.

Top 30 Apps Like CIMB Niaga Digital Publishing - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CIMB Niaga Digital Publishing alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like CIMB Niaga Digital Publishing 2025.



Manage your business accounts easily and securely from your mobile device anytime, anywhere.Feature highlights:1. Instant - View balances, transaction status, account statement and forex rate enquiry on the go2. Manage - Access business accounts across ASEAN in just one...

Price: Free Developer: CIMB Bank Berhad
CIMB Clicks Singapore

CIMB Clicks Singapore

"Time to enjoy the security and convenience of banking on the move"CIMB Clicks on Mobile App offers a quick and easy way to access your account using the same log in details as CIMB Clicks Internet Banking. It enables...

Price: Free Developer: CIMB Bank Berhad
CIMB Clicks Malaysia

CIMB Clicks Malaysia

Introducing the all-new CIMB Clicks Mobile App – Power in your hands.Make cashless QR payments, enjoy personalized deals & experience simplified banking, all-in-one power packed app. With the new CIMB Clicks Mobile App – It’s all in your hands.Here’s...

Price: Free Developer: CIMB Bank Berhad


CIMB Bank Philippines aims to equip Filipinos with the right financial tools to make them reach their life’s goals. In doing so, CIMB Bank was able to secure 35 awards to date, which includes, The European's Best Digital Bank...

Price: Free Developer: CIMB Bank Berhad


CGS-CIMB CFD (Contracts for Difference) allows you to view real-time financial market news and pricing, and orders and tracks your portfolio and holdings directly from your Android or iOS devices..Leverage proven IRESS infrastructure to stay connected with real-time market...

Price: Free Developer: CGS-CIMB Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.


CGS-CIMB iTrade is an internet online and real-time trading platform to add value to investment decisions including executing stock transactions on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. One of features is CGS-CIMB iTrade, ideal for investors who are constantly on the...

Price: Free Developer: PT CGS-CIMB Sekuritas Indonesia


CGS-CIMB Securities is proud to be awarded Best Retail Broker, Singapore at the 11th Annual Alpha Southeast Asia Best Financial Institution 2017 and Top SGX-ST member, SGX Award 2017.■ To start trading, use your iTrade user id to log...

Price: Free Developer: CGS-CIMB Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.


We all agreed dealing with cost take our time and energy, especially reimbursement. If you are frequent business traveller, meet and entertain client often and do some payment to vendors, CIMB Niaga Smart is here for you.Forget about manual...

Price: Free Developer: PT. Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk
OCTO Mobile by CIMB Niaga

OCTO Mobile by CIMB Niaga

Sophisticated, cutting edge and fully capable to provide enhanced digital banking experience, OCTO Mobile is created for you.So, anytime a financial need ever comes to you, let OCTO Mobile provides the right solution. Anytime. Anywhere.· ...

Price: Free Developer: PT. Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk
BizChannel@CIMB Token

BizChannel@CIMB Token

Mobile Token for BizChannel@CIMB is an application that can be used to authorize transaction initiated from BizChannel@CIMB. To start authorizing BizChannel@CIMB’s transaction, user need to activate Mobile Token by using either QR Code or Activation File that will be...

Price: Free Developer: PT. Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk
Swing Trades - Short Term Stock Buying Safer

Swing Trades - Short Term Stock Buying Safer

Financial Freedom Achieved Here!Whether you are trading long, short, day, swing, or position, a quick check that you are staying within your set risk level is always helpful. With hundreds of terms and phrases, the stock market seems like...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Tectonics


Kian Digital is a high-yield investment fund management application for all members of the community. In this application, all the processes of capital investment in the stock market are as simple as possible. With the Kian Digital application, you...

Price: Free Developer: KIAN DIGITAL
Check Writer - Print Checks at Home

Check Writer - Print Checks at Home

Tired of spending money on bank checks? Or keeping track of your checkbook?Write and organize checks simply! Check Writer allows you to print checks at home, directly from your phone. No more ordering checks from your bank 🏦! Have...

Price: Free Developer: DigitalDashSoft LLC
RAKBANK Digital Banking

RAKBANK Digital Banking

Welcome to a whole new Digital Banking Experience! RAKBANK Digital Banking App offers convenience and security to individuals and business banking users. The app offers a fresh & intuitive user experience along with many new features making it one...

Price: Free Developer: RAKBANK
Digital Pay - O Seu pagamento digital por Cartão

Digital Pay - O Seu pagamento digital por Cartão

Digital Pay - O Seu pagamento digital por Cartão===============================================A revolução digital sem fronteira na palma da sua mão. No mundo Globalizado estamos criando solução para ajudar o dia-a-dia das pessoas, por algum motivo de força maior precisam efetuar o...

Price: Free Developer: VIRTUES LLC
Ame Digital: Carteira Digital com Cashback

Ame Digital: Carteira Digital com Cashback

Oi, somos a Ame ;)Viemos para facilitar a sua vida. Com nosso app você consegue pagar mais rápido e ainda ganhar dinheiro de volta. Tudo pelo celular e sem estresse!O famoso cashbackQuer dizer “dinheiro de volta”, ou seja, quando...

Price: Free Developer: B2W Digital
IME Pay - Mobile Digital Wallet (Nepal)

IME Pay - Mobile Digital Wallet (Nepal)

Experience the legacy of IME now on your smartphone. Presenting IME Pay!With the aim to simplify daily life for all Nepalese, IME introduced IME Pay for easy, quick, and hassle-free online digital payments for day-to-day services. Licensed by Nepal...

Price: Free Developer: IME Digital Solution Limited
Paiblock - Digital Banking Tool

Paiblock - Digital Banking Tool

Have you been looking for a modern digital banking tool for a long time? Paiblock is a digital solution for modern people. Paiblock — is a digital lifestyle platform that helps you gather all the digital dots in one...

Price: Free Developer: Paiblock A/S


Meet Monifi, a mobile bank built for your goals. Monifi lets you be in charge of your money; so you can save now and live better. A real bank for your real goals. No confusing bank jargon - transactions...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Development LLC
Tip Guide

Tip Guide

Tip Guide is a reference for travel tipping in the United States.Recommendations are provided for the more common situations that can be encountered while traveling within the United States. The amounts shown should be used only as a guide.The...

Price: Free Developer: PeterClements


«Миниденьги» – программа для учета личных и семейных финансов, разработанная на новой версии мобильной платформы 1С:Предприятие 8. Простое, удобное и функциональное приложение «Миниденьги» поможет Вам вести детальный учет доходов, расходов и долгов, контролировать перемещения денег и обмены валют, получать...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: 1C-Publishing LLC
Book Publishing Guide: learn it from a to z

Book Publishing Guide: learn it from a to z

Radical Honesty Is Our #1 Priority------------------------------------------------------There are a lot of scammers and fakes online these days. Maybe you’ve fallen for BS before like we did and are now very skeptical when people talk about making money online.That’s why radical...

Price: Free Developer: DZ Developers
pro Book Publishing Guide: learn it from a to z

pro Book Publishing Guide: learn it from a to z

Radical Honesty Is Our #1 Priority------------------------------------------------------There are a lot of scammers and fakes online these days. Maybe you’ve fallen for BS before like we did and are now very skeptical when people talk about making money online.That’s why radical...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: DZ Developers
UMPG Window

UMPG Window

UMPG Window is the leading royalty portal for songwriters and clients. The technology provides users with clear, complete and real-time access to information and earnings – now with a download capability. An intuitive and simplified program, UMPG Window offers...

Price: Free Developer: Universal Music Publishing Group
Money Assistant

Money Assistant

Price: Free Developer: Binus Media & Publishing
Split the Bill

Split the Bill

Price: Free Developer: Binus Media & Publishing
USS Gross Pay Calculator

USS Gross Pay Calculator

American steelworkers employed by US Steel can use this app to verify that the gross earnings amount on their pay stub is correct. Includes calculations for Shift Difference, Holiday Not Worked, Base Pay, Holiday Worked, Overtime and Sunday premiums....

Price: Free Developer: Alsoft Publishing Co
經濟一週 EDigest

經濟一週 EDigest

《經一》App提供一站式經濟投資 (港股、美股、ETF、虛擬貨幣) 、樓市地產、理財策劃(保險、MPF、按揭)、移民教學、商業故事、職場創業、金融科技等資訊,大量文章、短片免費送上。 【主要功能】1. 每日報導最快最新財經、新聞資訊 2. 追蹤本地及全球股市走勢,一手分析潛力股票及版塊,包括 • 中概股:騰訊、阿里巴巴、美團、京東、小米、百度、拼多多、bilibili等 • 高市值美股:Tesla、Amazon 、Facebook、Apple、Netflix、Microsoft、Paypal 、Disney、 Adobe、Nike、McDonald等 • 大行報告、基金持倉交易、北水流向(深港通、滬港通) 3. 由淺入深解構加密貨幣(比特幣、以太幣、幣安幣、狗狗幣等)及區塊鏈技術 4. 新聞推播:即時通知你重大市場消息5. 用戶可按興趣收藏精選文章6. 透過社交媒體分享喜愛內容 7. 理財懶人包+電子書下載 8. 經一TV:多元化高質影片節目 【焦點內容】1. 名家專欄 獨到觀點 :專家列陣解答讀者投資疑難,分享心水貼士 2.《經一投資展望 》 :定時為香港及環球市場把脈,提供專業投資策略參考 ...

Price: Free Developer: Media Publishing Limited
JetsoBee著數蜂子 - 個人化信用卡優惠平台

JetsoBee著數蜂子 - 個人化信用卡優惠平台

JetsoBee - 著數蜂子︱搜羅全港著數︱你的個人化信用卡優惠平台JetsoBee著數蜂子為你四出採集全港著數、最抵折扣,以及最齊全的信用卡迎新禮品等資訊!透過個人化信用卡優惠平台,利用搜尋及篩選功能,可以隨時隨地找到屬於你的信用卡簽賬優惠,結賬前輕鬆一按,用邊張credit card畀錢一目了然,無時無刻精明消費Smart Spending,讓你使錢使得更明智! - 餐飲、購物、娛樂、旅遊、生活等信用卡簽賬優惠一應俱全 - 無需信用卡號碼即可添加信用卡,搜尋您的精明消費資訊 - 添加您的信用卡,隨時隨地接收第一手著數通知 - 設定你的喜好,令優惠內容更加個人化 - 包羅理財貼士及生活消閒等資訊 - 信用卡懶人包提供不同信用卡的深入分析及比較 - 利用篩選功能,輕鬆瀏覽屬於你的信用卡優惠 - 可輸入文字搜尋你心目中的消費項目JetsoBee網羅全港各大銀行及發卡機構的信用卡優惠,包括:滙豐信用卡、恒生信用卡、中銀信用卡、Citibank信用卡、DBS信用卡、渣打信用卡、美國運通信用卡、東亞銀行信用卡、建行(亞洲)信用卡、交通銀行信用卡、大新信用卡、招商永隆信用卡、富邦信用卡、信銀國際信用卡、上海商業銀行信用卡、創興信用卡、ICBC信用卡、華僑永亨信用卡、安信信用卡、AEON信用卡等。立即下載JetsoBee著數蜂子,隨時隨地搜羅全港著數!

Price: Free Developer: Media Publishing Limited

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