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Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503 - 11 October 1542) is a statesman, politician and the greatest English poet. Was the first to introduce the sonnet to English literature. He is considered to be the founder of the new English poetry.We...
Walter Scott (15 August 1771 - 21 September 1832) is the greatest son of Ireland. Prose writer, poet, historian, lawyer. The founder of the genre of historical novel. His prose is translated into most languages of our planet. Such...
QEYD: Proqramda yalnız "əl-Fatihə" surəsindən "ən-Nisa" surəsinə qədər olan təfsirlər qoyulmuşdur. Zaman keçdikcə, digər surələrin təfsirləri də Allahın izni ilə qoyulacaqdır.Əlimizdə olan bu tərcümə İbn Kəsirin "Əzəmətli Quranın Təfsiri" kitabının Əhməd Şakir tərəfindən ixtisar edilmiş variantıdır. Əsər Quran ayələrinin...
Free eBook Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John, Religious, Christianity views by Isaac NewtonIsaac Newton was, as considered by others within his own lifetime, an insightful and erudite theologian. He wrote...
Are you in love with english novels and their characters? If yes, we have brought this great app for you. Forget about carrying a novel every where and download this smart novel app and ready any where any time...
إن كنت ترغب في النجاح، فعليك أن تسير على دربمن سبقوك ممن لا تزال آثار أقدامهم مطبوعة علىالرمال، ولو تتبعت خطواتهم فستعرف ماهية نفسك،ويمكنك بذلك أن تترك بصماتك التي توضح تجربتكالشخصية في النجاح. ولكي تعرف جوهر النجاح، فإنكبحاجة أوالا...
Sir John Mandeville is the supposed author of The Travels of Sir John Mandeville, a travel memoir which first circulated between 1357 and 1371. The earliest surviving text is in French.By aid of translations into many other languages, the...
Title: Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to NewfoundlandAuthor: Edward HayesLanguage: English
Title: Days with Sir Roger De CoverleyAuthor: Joseph Addison and Richard SteeleLanguage: English
The American Neurological Association is a professional society of academic neurologists and neuroscientists devoted to advancing the goals of academic neurology; to training and educating neurologists and other physicians in the neurologic sciences; and to expanding both our understanding...
The National Kidney Foundation is the leading organization in the U.S. dedicated to the awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney disease for hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals, millions of patients and their families, and tens of millions of...
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