Do you want to find the best Detector de Mão PimPoint THT alternatives for Android? We have listed 31 Tools that are similar to Detector de Mão PimPoint THT. Pick one from this list to be your new Detector de Mão PimPoint THT app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Detector de Mão PimPoint THT on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Detector de Mão PimPoint THT alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 31 similar apps like Detector de Mão PimPoint THT 2025.
Free your phone from potential spyware and ads! This app detects all annoyances of apps installed on your phone, such as Push Notifications, Desktop icon spam ads and apps with privacy concerns or spyware. It identifies the adware and...
**IMPORTANT: This app does not block pop-up ads and not detect in-app pop-up ads. It will not tell you which app contains ads either. It only indicates which app is causing pop-up ads.Are you tired of finding which app...
Metal Detector uses your device Electromagnetic Field sensors to detect nearby metallic or magnetic objects. The app displays the X, Y, and Z field sensor readings and gives you the total electromagnetic field strength measured in microteslas. Normal ambient...
Stud Detector allows you to easily find metal framing studs, screws, and nails in walls. This simple to use application will help you hang pictures and art, as well as anything else that requires strong support. Tablets and phones...
Are you looking for a metal detector? You lost your ring and wants to find it? So don’t worry about, our Metal and Gold Detector is a great, and extremely useful metal finder app on play store...
If you are looking for the gold and metal detector and you didn’t find any Metal Detector to scan and then finally you are at the right place.we have developed the app for you. Metal Detector 2020 is a...
Metal and Gold DetectorThis Application will help you to Find metal and Gold near by you.If you are still searching for the real metal detector and you didn’t find any Gold Metal Detector to scan metals and gold then...
Gold Detector and Metal Detector 2020, Stud FinderGet our App for Gold detector 2020 and Metal detector.Through this application you can detect your metal.very easy to use just install and press start button and keep your Smartphone to near...
We are proud to be able to offer you our KS TOOLS app free of charge. That way you have helpful functions set up on your Smartphone under one app. See for yourself.The following features are included in this...
MotoScan provides a professional diagnostic for most current BMW motorcycles using a OBDLink LX/MX, UniCarScan UCSI-2000 or ELM327(with restrictions) diagnostic adapter. Please tell us your impressions, suggestions and wishes: [email protected]+++ Information Source +++For extensive information about the app, see...
The app helps to align your satellite dish. Based on your location and the selected satellite the app shows you the horizontal and vertical direction in wich you have to align your satellite dish.To calibrate the App touch the...
Encrypting texts is similar to enclosing a text into a safe. To enclose the text in the safe, a secret key is used for enclosing the Text into the safe.If you want to encrypt a text, first enter a...
Need a toolbox when you're on the go? Our app is for you! We’ve bundled the most important tools for home handymen and professionals, at home or on the job. Here’s what you get. Protractor Measure angles and slopes...
Lux Light Meter is a simple light meter for measuring illuminances by using the light sensor of your device. The light intensity is shown in lux and fc.Key Features of Lux Meter:✓ 100% free✓ no in-app purchases✓ supports lux...
Lux Meter is a simple light meter for measuring illuminances by using the light sensor of your device. The light intensity is shown in lux and fc.Key Features of Lux Meter:✓ record your measured light illuminances✓ create locations for...
Easy tool to configure the Abus Secvest 2WAY alarm system from remote.You must only configure the phone number and the code of your Abus Secvest 2WAY alarm system. You can also set, which buttons should show on the home...
This barometer shows the actual air pressure (e.g. in hPa / mBar or inHg) measured by your device and calculate the altitude (m or ft) by configuring the QNH value of the next airport. Key Features of Barometer and...
Are you looking for a solution to see the presence of your employees in one overview?A quick and easy way to log in and out?You can easily open our app “Time Clock” from a tablet and use it as...
「勞工事務局資訊站」,是由澳門特別行政區政府勞工事務局(DSAL)製作的手機應用程式,以便公眾可隨時隨地獲取勞工事務局有關勞動、就業、職業安全健康及職業培訓的各類資訊,通過本手機應用程式,用戶除可查閱勞工事務局的「最新消息」外,還可查閱以下資訊及使用以下功能:- 強制性假日;- 勞動權益模擬計算,輸入月薪等資料模擬計算「強制性假日提供工作額外報酬」、「週假提供工作額外報酬」、「解僱賠償(不具期限合同)」及「年假補償」;- 現正接受報名的培訓課程或考試,包括職業培訓課程、職安卡課程及考試及技能測試;- 職位空缺查詢:透過行業、薪酬水平等資訊搜尋合適的職位空缺;- 個人化資訊:我的檔案,使用者可查閱已於勞工事務局登記的服務狀態及資訊;- 書面勞動合同範本:輸入僱主及僱員個人資料、工作內容及合同條件,制作勞動合同。
The Macao Post Mobile App provides you with the following convenient and practical functions:"The Latest News" - Check the latest news such as postal service notices, stamps issue information and promotional activities of Macao Post"Mail Tracking" - Track multiple...
The “FreeWiFi.MO” mobile app let citizens and visitors to use the public free Wi-Fi service easily in Macao. With this app, users can find the nearest and nearby public free Wi-Fi service locations of “FreeWiFi.MO” based on their current...
Let LED Blinker Notifications show your missed calls, SMS and Gmail messages. If you have no hardware led, the screen is used.Only some applications are supported by the lite version, see advantages of the full version below!All apps are...
AN CAMERA can realize efficient image transmission by connecting a USB lens, real-time preview, and save photos and videos while previewing
Itimo can transmit images efficiently through WiFi endoscope and otoscope, which can help people detect places that are not easy to see with the naked eye. At present, the software realizes the functions of photographing, video recording, image calibration...
This is a FREE and Fast VPN & UNLIMITED VPN Proxy. Without register, just need one tap to connect to the fastest server. You can surfing online securely and anonymously.Features:Simple - only contain a “Connect” button- One touch to...
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