Do you want to find the best Ishihara Color Blindness Test (PRO) alternatives for Android? We have listed 36 Health & Fitness that are similar to Ishihara Color Blindness Test (PRO). Pick one from this list to be your new Ishihara Color Blindness Test (PRO) app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ishihara Color Blindness Test (PRO) on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Ishihara Color Blindness Test (PRO) alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like Ishihara Color Blindness Test (PRO) 2025.
color blind test using 15 Ishihara plates.Test results summary is also generated to check which answer is wrong with correct answer if any.
The Ishihara test is a color perception test for red-green color deficiencies, the first in a class of successful color vision tests called pseudo-isochromatic plates. It was named after its designer, Dr. Shinobu Ishihara, a professor at the University...
Biyee color vision deficiency (a.k.a. color blindness) tests are based on research work originally carried out in the early 1990s at Cornell University. They were brought on-line in 2000. The online version ( has been used by...
Aura is kind of an energy spectrum that is spread all over our body. This human aura contains color which different in every situation and changes person to person. If you are feeling depressed, the color of the aura...
Have you ever wondered whether you're color-blind or not? Color Blind Test app helps you to identify color deficiency, reveals red, green or blue color blindness or any kind of color vision weakness. This Color Blindness Test includes Ishihara...
✤ Now is the right time to stop using that boring touch keyboard and change your user interface design with these free themes. We guarantee that you will relish our background themes with cool keyboard symbols. Our free “keyboard...
Free and simple to use tests to screen your vision anywhere, anytime. Keep track of your eyesight and ensure that you’re always on top of your eye health. Developed with the help of eye care professionals, these tests are...
We all need help in our journey to wellness or healing. YourCoach gives coaches the tools and ability to coach their clients and manage their business in a simple and seamless way. This app will appeal to both a...
This App will tell about different acupressure points for different illness in kids. This app is handy to be available to you always and to apply the colors on kids palm.color therapy for acute gastritiscolor therapy for allergy of...
Color Band A1, your personal health assistant, tracking your exercise and sleep status daily.The app can only use together with Color Band A1, Here are the function list:1) Record exercise steps, calculate the calorie and distance daily;2) Record sleeping...
The Color Blindness Test was developed to determine if a person is color blind. You can determine your own status with the pictures included in the test content and the notes in the picture.Color blindness is the lack of...
The purpose of this app is to check if you have color blindness in less than one minute. ATTENTION: this is the only purpose of this app.
The color blindness test is designed to know what is color blindness, what are the types of the color blindness, what are symptoms of the color blindness and how to cure color blindness. You can take the test then...
Every test consist of 9 randomly generated pictures. You have 10 seconds to type two numbers. You can choose how hard test will be, and what color u want to test, red, green, blue or mixed.
A small app that will help you determine if you suffer from color blindness
The test was created based on scientific research. Test gives three types of results:1) Negative – indicating healthy individuals, with a specificity of 93.33%2) Uncertain (mild fatique) – the sensitivity and specificity of the test does not allow a clear separation...
*New FeatureCan Export to .csv file and read on spreadsheet or excelCan share database to social mediaMSFT is abbreviation from Multi-Stage Fitness Tes or also called The Beep Test. MSFT used for measure vo2max level of athlete or sometimes...
This android app is to measure or determine fitness state from people that was conduct the 2.4 km run test. This test is also widely used to test the physical fitness of prospective students who will enter the sports...
Operation Procedure Cooper Test 12 MinutesThe 12 Minute physical test is popular for measuring physical fitness and is commonly used in some sports clubs to gauge the fitness of players. The data collected from this cooper test is the...
Warning!!! For android user 6.0 above, when you open this app will show dialog box to allow accessing the storage. Because we must save the database in your device.Astrand Treadmill TestThe objective of the Astrand Treadmill Test (Astrand 1952)...
GymUp is a workout notebook for those who are focused on the results and want to improve the effectiveness of their training. Choose a training program, record your results, monitor the progress!Main features of GymUp:★ RECORD TRAINING RESULTSRecord the...
***ATENÇÃO: App para alunos das academias e treinadores assinantes***Ok, você se matriculou na academia, agora é hora de treinar! Com o app Pro-Treino, disponibilizado pela sua academia, você tem todo o suporte para realizar os treinos e ainda gera...
Com o aplicativo Pro-Treino Treinador você pode executar suas atividades utilizando o celular ou o tablet, tudo online e sincronizado. Desfrute dessa comodidade e tenha a melhor experiência de usabilidade em cada dispositivo.ATENÇÃO: Baixe seu aplicativo gratuitamente como parte...
- Consulta las sesiones que ofrece tu centro, así como su disponibilidad.- Realiza, comprueba o cancela reservas en actividades del centro.- Recibe notificaciones cuando un aparece un hueco libre en la sesión que andabas buscando.- Añade tus reservas al...
Smart Coach is an all-in-one solution for a personal trainer or a gym. Everything the professional personal trainer needs is built-in to Smart Coach.Working in the Smart Coach application is simple and fast, which will give you excellent results...
Fitness Coach Workout : Personal Trainer at HomeWorkout at home and get amazing results. This app includes everything you need to get great results - use Fitness Coach Workout as your personal trainer and see your body improve, fast!⚡️Fitness...
Amb l'app del Banjara gestiona fàcilment les teves reserves a classes, tallers, espectàcles, aules obertes... i estigues a la última de totes les novetats i ofertes!
- Consulta las sesiones que ofrece tu centro, así como su disponibilidad.- Realiza, comprueba o cancela reservas en actividades del centro.- Recibe notificaciones cuando un aparece un hueco libre en la sesión que andabas buscando.- Añade tus reservas al...
Living a healthy way of life, prefer sport & fitness or just would like to know more about your health? In this case, this app is for you!FitCalc is a second version of popular app - Fitness Calculator 1.0...
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