Do you want to find the best SKS World School alternatives for Android? We have listed 27 Education that are similar to SKS World School. Pick one from this list to be your new SKS World School app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to SKS World School on your Android devices.
The best free and paid SKS World School alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like SKS World School 2025.
Der SKS Trainer basiert auf dem aktuellen und offiziellen Fragenkatalog für den Sportküstenschifferschein.Quelle: www.elwis.deHinweise zum SKS Trainer:1. Die Fragenkataloge sind aufgeteilt nach „Alle Fragen“, „Navigation“, "Schifffahrtsrecht", "Wetterkunde", "Seemannschaft I", "Seemannschaft II" und alle Prüfungsbögen (Antriebsmaschine und unter Segel).2. Alle...
Mit der Bootsschein SKS App hast Du ALLE amtlichen Prüfungsfragen für den Sportküstenschifferschein immer mit dabei (Quelle ELWIS, ergänzt um Multiple Choice Antworten, damit das Lernen einfacher fällt.)DIE 10 GRÜNDE FÜR DEN PROFI-TRAINER 1. OFFIZIELLER ELWIS FRAGENKATALOG -...
The "Sportküstenschifferschein" (SKS) is a German driving license for pleasure crafts in costal waters not exeeding 12 nautical miles.To get the license you have to pass three tests: a written one, a navigation test and a practical test.This app...
Hallo, schön dass Du unsere App SKS: Sportküstenschifferschein gefunden hast.Wir helfen Dir dabei, dass Du Dich optimal auf Deine Prüfung vorbereiten kannst.In unserer App sind alle relevanten SKS-Scheine enthalten:• SKS Motor• SKS Motor & SegelDIE WICHTIGSTEN FUNKTIONEN AUF EINEN...
Der SKS Trainer Free basiert auf dem aktuellen und offiziellen Fragenkatalog für den Sportküstenschifferschein.Quelle: www.elwis.deEs handelt sich hier um die kostenfreie Vollversion des SKS Trainer.Die App zeigt sehr dezent Werbebanner. Hinweise zum SKS Trainer Free:1. Die Fragenkataloge sind aufgeteilt...
SKS Public School,Raniganj in association with Edunext Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ( launched India's first ever Android app for schools. This app is very helpful app for parents,students,teachers & management to get or upload information about student. Once the app...
Лучшее шиитское приложение на русском языке, вмещающее в себя тысячи хадисов (преданий от Пророка Мухаммада и членов его непорочной семьи, да будет над ними всеми мир и благословение Всевышнего) на самые разнообразные темы, множество дуа (молитв) и зияратов (молитвенных...
Still don't have the best technology? Download the World Mastery (WM) APP to visualize all the exclusive content of you favorite artists' courses in a super simple and intuitive way. Don’t worry if you don't have an Internet connection....
Download the YourStepUp APP and you can view all the exclusive content of the masters of your favorite artists in a super simple and intuitive way. And if you don't have internet you won't have to worry about why...
Studying abroad is a global phenomenon, with students crossing countries, continents, and oceans to get the best education possible.We have simplified the whole process within an App.Download & Register NowTeam Worldwise EducationThank You
Study on the Go with IFT App for CFA Level I, II, III.Get the IFT App now and Accelerate your Learning!IFT has helped thousands of students pass the challenging CFA Program Exams since 2011. IFT videos, study notes and...
Hours of creative activities, games and open-ended play = positive, interactive screentime for preschoolers. Giggles Help Kids Grow: Delight in hundreds of engaging activities that encourage self-expression, empathy and creativity through open-ended discovery. Less TV Time, More Active Minds:...
Getting confused to english learning ?Confuse how to learn & speak in english ?Want to improve your pronunciation ?Sunkar English Bolna Sikhe application helps to listen and learn easy English.Using this application you can solve english learning & speaking...
ویدیوهای آموزشی فیلیمو مدرسه، ترکیبی از آموزش معلم و انیمیشنهای جذاب هستند که در آنها سعی شده انتقال مطالب علمی به دانشآموز، درستتر و سریعتر انجام بشه. همچنین شیوههای تدریس تو فیلیمو بر پایه اصولیترین و مدرنترین شیوههای آموزشی... is a institutional management system that covers up most of the common and complex management processes found in varied kinds of educational institutions, whether it be a small or large sized school.All the services are provided through online.... is a institutional management system that covers up most of the common and complex management processes found in varied kinds of educational institutions, whether it be a small or large sized school.All the services are provided through online.... is a institutional management system that covers up most of the common and complex management processes found in varied kinds of educational institutions, whether it be a small or large sized school.All the services are provided through online....
This is the official Android app to access “NHK for School”, the educational video service for schools offered by NHK(Japan Broadcasting Corporation).You can easily watch about 9000 educational videos in various subjects including Japanese, math, science, social studies, English,...
This is an app for the students at Tonbridge School**Please note that you must be a student at Tonbridge to use this app**For suggestions please email
School ConnectSchool Connect APP -Connecting Schools and Parents/Students made easy.Login to see the demo details (username/password is pranay/123)The only sleek Mobile APP that lets the school administration & teachers connect with parent & student community connect App is making...
Official App for attending Live Classes, Participating Online Exams, Submitting online homework & E-Learning Platform.
New Features in this Application1. Online Students AdmissionGet admission form filled online. Customization admission form2. Student ManagementDetailed information of each student; report on any aspect at a click.3. Bulk SMS ModuleSend SMS to entire school or section or a...
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