Do you want to find the best Bible Roman Hindi (Pavitra Baaibil) alternatives for Android? We have listed 35 Books & Reference that are similar to Bible Roman Hindi (Pavitra Baaibil). Pick one from this list to be your new Bible Roman Hindi (Pavitra Baaibil) app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Bible Roman Hindi (Pavitra Baaibil) on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Bible Roman Hindi (Pavitra Baaibil) alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar apps like Bible Roman Hindi (Pavitra Baaibil) 2025.
The King James Version is considered one of the most accurate English Bible. The most sold, read, published, believed, translated, quoted, and accurate Bible!This app will be good companion in your journey into KJV Bible!☆ Daily DevotionalsMorning and Evening...
Good News Bible, Free and Offline☆ Reading Plans: Canonical, Chronological and Historical☆ Daily Verses with notifications☆ Bookmarks, Notes, Highlights by folders☆ Good News Audio Bible - offline TTS feature☆ Day/Night modes☆ Easy, smart ,offline and well designed Bible app☆...
This An Bíobla Naofa is a simple Bible in your pocket. We’ve intentionally made the application simple to have focus on God’s word without distractions. The interface to browse and search the Bible is easy to use with the...
This Dinka Bible is a simple Bible in your pocket. We’ve intentionally made the application simple to have focus on God’s word without distractions. The interface to browse and search the Bible is easy to use with the added...
The Living Bible Version (TLB)☆ Reading Plans: Canonical, Chronological and Historical☆ Daily Verses with notificationns☆ Bookmarks, Notes, Highlights by folders☆ Living Audio Bible, offline TTS feature☆ Easy, smart and offline well designed Bible app☆ Synchronization & Statistics!
La Bible Louis Segond est l'équivalent Français classique de l'anglais King James VersionDictionnaire et Concordance Biblique!☆ Concordance BibliquePour chercher dans la Bible par plusieurs mots - l'utilisation d'espace entre eux. Toujours dans cette application, vous trouverez l'index alphabétique de...
New King James Bible Version and Daily Devotions - Offline!One-hundred-and-thirty respected Bible scholars, church leaders, and lay Christians worked on NKJV Bible for seven years with the goal to retain the purity and stylistic beauty of the original King...
The Bible is a unique anthology of devotions and historical records. This is a great collection of the spiritual and cultural heritage for the followers of Jesus Christ. This app is for everyone who wants to familiarize themselves with...
The Amplified Bible is attempt to take both word meaning and context into account in order to accurately translate the original text from one language into another. Multiple English word equivalents to each key Hebrew and Greek word clarify...
44 new novelمجموع 44 عاشقانه,ترسناک, طنز وکلکلی, پلیسی, ایرانی و خارجی در یک برنامه.با این برنامه روزها خودتان را سرگرم کنید.لیست رمان ها:آب نبات چوبیآریاناآقای مغرور ، خانم لجبازارمغان باراناناهیتااینجا زنی عاشقانه میباریدبا عشق شدنیهبخیهبه رسم رقص کولی هادايی...
We offer the Catholic Bible to download, read and listen on your smartphone or tablet.Download this beautifully written version of the Holy Word, the Challoner’s Revision of the Douay-Rheims (DRC).Richard Challoner was a Roman Catholic bishop born in England...
Roman Catholic Bible allows you to listen to the entire Bible, both Old and New Testament. This app includes the Douay-Rheims translation of the Bible, the traditional Bible used by Catholics.Listen to the Word while you do something else,...
بیش از ۷۰ رمان درگوشی اندرویدی شما. در این مجموعه رمانها بر اساس ژانر تقسیم بندی شده اند. رمانهای داخل این برنامه بدون نیاز بهاینترنت است و شما میتوانید همیشه و در هرکجا ازاین برنامه استفاده کنید. لطفا با...
In the modern era we have seen everyone using unique and useful dictionaries for words we present to you roman english urdu dictionary which contains huge amount of encyclopedia and research with detailThis Roman english to urdu dictionary...
"Premotaj roman – Ekspert" je elektronski roman autora Ivice Milarića, čija priča prati Srđana, mladog čoveka odlučnog da pronađe posao na političkoj sceni moderne Srbije. Jednog običnog dana, nakon uspešnog sastanka, on odlučuje da poseti prijatelje i to proslavi,...
`Lire des histoires d'amour et autres types sur Onlit. Ne manquez pas ces histoires populaires qui obsèdent tout le monde. De nouveaux chapitres sont publiés quotidiennement!---------------Livres chauds récents---------------Titre de livre : Le piège d'AcePrésentation : Sept ans auparavant, Emerald...
Livres chauds récents : Oups ! Faux Numéro, Le dernier baiser, Le piège d'Ace, À toi pour toujours, À couper le souffle, La fille gâtée, Prise au piège par le PDG, La mariée remplaçante.Profitez...
Mehmed Alagaş’ın tavsiye ve fikir yoğunluklu roman çalışmalarından birisi de Tapusuz Süleyman’dır. İsminden de kitabın muhtevası hakkında biraz düşünce üretilebilir. Dünyayı önemsemeyen ve ona meyletmeyen bir şahsiyetin profilini çizmiştir yazarımız. Kariyer ve karizma uğruna, Müslümanlar’ın ne tür olmazlıklara düştüklerini...
Hindi Calendar 2021 - 2022 is a free app for users across the globe. This panchang provides details like:* Government Holidays List 2021 to 2022* Hindu Panchang calendar 2021 - 2022* Lala Ramswaroop ramnarayan calendar* Thakur prasad panchang 2021...
This is a Islamic book सरमायए आख़िरत : Sarmaya e Aakhirat In Hindi LanguageSarmaya e Aakhiratis a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Sarmaya e Aakhirat book is available as...
This is a Islami book सुब्हे बहारां : Subh e Baharan In Hindi LanguageSubh e Baharan is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Subh e Baharan book is available...
This is a Islamic book तकलीफ़ न दीजिये : Takleef Na Dijiye In Hindi LanguageTakleef Na Dijiye is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Takleef Na Dijiye book is...
This is a Islami book चौक दर्स : Chowk Dars In Hindi LanguageChowk Dars is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Chowk Dars book is available as an Android...
नाम रखने के अह़काम (نام رکھنے کے احکام): Naam Rakhnay kay Ahkam HindiNaam Rakhnay kay Ahkam is a collection of hand written by Al Madinat-ul-Ilmiyah.Naam Rakhnay kay Ahkam is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you...
This is a Islami hindi book बुग़्ज़ व कीना ( Bughz-o-Keena ) In HindiBughz o Keena is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Bughz o Keena ...
This is a Islamic book Uswai Rasoole Akram In Hindi LanguageUswai Rasoole Akram is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiThe book is related to the life of the Holy...
This is a Islami book मेंडक सुवार बिच्छू : Mendak Sawar Bicho In Hindi LanguageMendak Sawar Bicho is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Mendak Sawar Bicho book...
हयातुस्सहाबा Hyatus Sahaba Part 2 is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiHayatus Sahabah(Lives of the sahabah) is a book written by Sheikh Muhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi, which aims to portray...
Hindi Bible (Romanized) - The best application about Holy Bible in transliterated Hindi which include text and audio format. This is a good news! Now you can listen to the God's words on your android device with this...
WHAT'S NEW*************** Updates in Version 2.3 Released on 10 Oct 2015 ******************************** Updates in Version 2.0 Released on 9 Sep 2015 ****************** A completely new, user friendly and catchy user interface.* A new Quiz Game option with multiple levels...
पवित्र बाइबल or King James Bible is the oldest KJV translation. According to scholars this KJV Bible is very close in translation to the Hebrew language. This Bible or KJV Bible was started in 1604 till year 1611. God...
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