Top 19 Medical Apps Like Bubbles Brain Games - Best Alternatives

Bubbles Brain Games Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Bubbles Brain Games alternatives for Android? We have listed 19 Medical that are similar to Bubbles Brain Games. Pick one from this list to be your new Bubbles Brain Games app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Bubbles Brain Games on your Android devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Bubbles Brain Games - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Bubbles Brain Games alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Bubbles Brain Games 2025.

My Brain Anatomy

My Brain Anatomy

My Brain Anatomy app for studying brain anatomy whichallows you to rotate 360° , Zoom and move camera around a highly realistic 3D model.My Brain Anatomy gives users an in depth look at the heart allowing them to...

Price: Free Developer: Visual 3D Science
Medical Dictionary free offline terms definitions

Medical Dictionary free offline terms definitions

This medical dicitionary is work offline ones you this apps almost all terminology is used that is normaly used in medical field its help for student to use this medical apps.This dictionary has also been expanded in many...

Price: Free Developer: Brain Apps Ville
Ishihara Color Blindness Test : Eye Care

Ishihara Color Blindness Test : Eye Care

Ishihara Color blindness test is a completely free app which will make out very easily if you are color-blind. Don't doubt anymore and take this test which will last only a few seconds! (100% Successful).Red-Green color deficiency tests.1. The...

Price: Free Developer: King Brain Inc.
Fetal Brain Tutor 4us

Fetal Brain Tutor 4us

Il FETAL BRAIN TUTOR 4 US è un atlante dinamico e interattivo di ecografia cerebrale del feto riservato ai medici specialisti o specializzandi in ostetricia e ginecologia. Questa app è stata sviluppata per supportare gli ecografisti nel riconoscimento dell'aspetto...

Price: Free Developer: Forge Reply
BIAL Foundation 12

BIAL Foundation 12

This app contains the program for the 12th BIAL Symposium “Behind and Beyond the Brain”. The topic of the meeting is: ENHANCING THE MIND.The program starts in the main mode (Home icon selected in tab bar at the bottom)....

Price: Free Developer: Rainer Goebel, Brain Innovation
Atlas of MRI Brain Anatomy

Atlas of MRI Brain Anatomy

AMBA is the definitive MRI neuroanatomy guide. It contains zoomable cross sectional MRI brain in three planes, labelled in detail covering:- Overview: axial, coronal and sagittal brain sections labelled in moderate detail- Detailed subsections covering anatomy of individual...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Clinical Apps
Journal Club: Medicine

Journal Club: Medicine

We added the word 'Medicine' to our app's name but kept its heart and soul (and content) the same. We still put internal medicine literature at your fingertips and are still continuing to deliver 3+ new reviews of classic...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Peripheral Brain, LLC
Brain Therapy - Neurosync

Brain Therapy - Neurosync

The mental fitness brought by Dr Lefebure's Methods' neurosynchronizer allows you to obtain optimal states of mind, according to your needs.STRESSEMOTIONSENERGYRELAXATIONSLEEPCALMWILLPOWERREADINGMEMORY60 years of diffusion and many international prizes guarantee the efficiency of Dr Lefebure's neurosynchronizer.Discovered by Doctor Lefebure, neurosychronization...

Price: Free Developer: Fosfenismo España e Iberoamérica
CT Brain Basic Interpretation

CT Brain Basic Interpretation

Price: Free Developer: Kadira Apps
Clash of Zombies: New zombie shooting games 2019

Clash of Zombies: New zombie shooting games 2019

Are you passionate about zombie & zombie hunting and want to become a zombie hunter?Have you capability to destroy zombie defense with zombie sniper or even without zombie shooting sniper in zombie city? Will you perform like a pro...

Price: Free Developer: Top Shooting Games 3D
Acupuntura Gratis

Acupuntura Gratis

Aplicación de acupuntura en 3D para que puedas observar desde cualquier ángulo la localización de los puntos de acupuntura.Fórmulas de acupuntura.Juego para estudiar los puntos de manera rapida y entretenida.La aplicación contiene informacion de todos los puntos de los...

Price: Free Developer: NatureSoft Games


Aplicación de acupuntura en 3D para que puedas observar desde cualquier ángulo la localización de los puntos de acupuntura.Fórmulas de acupuntura.Juego para estudiar los puntos de manera rapida y entretenida.La aplicación contiene informacion de todos los puntos de los...

Price: USD 10.99 Developer: NatureSoft Games
Medical Software

Medical Software

★ Although medical and management disciplines are world apart from each other, however like any other aspect of life, medical profession too requires proper management to prosper. For those who find it hard to manage all their medical accounts...

Price: USD 19.95 Developer: Mobile Software and Games
IMC Calculadora

IMC Calculadora

Price: Free Developer: Positive Apps and Games
Ruffier test Free

Ruffier test Free

What is this program for?- determining child's PE group;- understanding how much exercise can the child’s heart sustain;- aiding health professionals and computerizing part of their work.We have computerized the conduct of the «Ruffier test»: - the sequence of...

Price: Free Developer: DOMOsoft
Spotters 1 Lite

Spotters 1 Lite

A case based and image based medical quiz. All important and interesting case scenarios provided.Images include skin lesions, oral lesions, cardiac conditions, ECG/EKGs, X rays, CT scans, anything that you can come across in daily clinical practice.This is similar...

Price: Free Developer:
Natural Medicines for Health

Natural Medicines for Health

Herbal medicines are naturally occurring, plant-derived substances that are used to treat illnesses within local or regional healing practices. These products are complex mixtures of organic chemicals that may come from any raw processed part of a plant.Herbal medicine...

Price: Free Developer: Alec_Games
Medicina Natural - Salud Gratis

Medicina Natural - Salud Gratis

This app contains relevant information about the medicinal benefits of each of the plants, herbs, trees and fruits that we consume, and their uses that will be useful in your daily life, bringing you closer to good living through...

Price: Free Developer: Alec_Games

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