Do you want to find the best 1A: English for kids alternatives for Android? We have listed 40 Education that are similar to 1A: English for kids. Pick one from this list to be your new 1A: English for kids app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 1A: English for kids on your Android devices.
The best free and paid 1A: English for kids alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like 1A: English for kids 2025.
التعريفالتربية الإسلامية للمستوى الأولتطبيق تربوي تعليمي لتقديم دروس التربية الإسلامية للمستوى الأول دروس الوحدات الدراسية كاملة : 1- دروس التزكية2-دروس الاقتداء3- دروس الاستجابة4- دروس القسط5- دروس الحكمة ...
The App shows the geological time scale of the history of the earth. It is useful for geologist, paleontologists or other people interested in earth science.The time scale shows the units Eonothem, Erathem, Period, Epoch and Stage. It...
The app shows the sky for an user defined point of time and an arbitrary location on the earth:- sun and moon- over 9000 stars- constellation lines- constellation names in English, Latin or as abbreviation- constellation boundaries- all eight...
BibleInsight - Hebrews1A is an Android Application that helps people to better understand what the Bible says in the book of Hebrews Chapter 1 verses 1 through 5.It also includes a brief introduction to the book. You might find...
Aplikacija Pravopis združuje najpomembnejša poglavja slovenskega pravopisa, ki so obrazložena na enostaven in razumljiv način, poleg tega pa so pravila podkrepljena s številnimi konkretnimi primeri, ki so dodatna pomoč pri razumevanju. Dejstvo je, da slovnica in pravopis ne bi...
वैदिक साहित्य भारतीय संस्कृति के प्राचीनतम स्वरूप पर प्रकाश डालने वाला तथा विश्व का प्राचीनतम् साहित्य है। वैदिक साहित्य को 'श्रुति' भी कहा जाता है, क्योंकि सृष्टिकर्ता ब्रह्मा ने विराटपुरुष भगवान् की वेदध्वनि को सुनकर ही प्राप्त किया है।...
SAINIK SCHOOL , these are the Premier and Best institutes for education and all round development of child up to 10+2. This App lists all the existing SAINIK SCHOOLS of India and provide a brief introduction about each...
ASHDHK has been portrayed as the limit and readiness to create, sort out and deal with a business adventure alongside any of its dangers so as to make a benefit. While meanings of enterprise ordinarily center around the starting...
Do you want to learn English online? More than 1000 videos by one of the most popular educational tv channels will help you learn English grammar and English spelling, expand your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation easily. With this...
Метод Тичера — программа для последовательного изучения английского: от нуля до продвинутого. Смотрите и слушайте объяснения преподавателей, проходите тренировку после каждого урока и экзамен после каждой темы.Вам доступны 5 курсов:Первый — для изучающих английский язык с алфавита.Второй — для...
Learn English in context at home with your favorite YTube videos, improve fluency with interactive games in 10 minutes, and track your daily progress. Discover a unique way to learn English! Are you tired of lengthy and unenjoyable English...
It is an excellent tool to learn English without tutors for those who have basic knowledge of the language. Tasks:VideoPuzzles and AudioPuzzles — exercises for developing your English listening skills.Games:Phrase Master — complete the phrase you hear on the...
This application allows you to translate online and even offline your english words to portuguese words and portuguese sentences to english sentences.Key features : English to Portuguese TranslationPortuguese to English TranslationRevise your Portuguese or EnglishImport your english and Portuguese...
Would you like to improve your English skills, especially listening and writing skills? With “ English Listen & Write”, you can train your English pronunciation, Speaking and Listening skills.If you are looking for an application to improve your English...
English vocabulary flashcards will help you to improve vocabulary by images and games. Games will make your learning become easier, funny and more interesting than.Each card includes image with example and definition of the word.App include a lot of...
Учи английский просто. Уникальная методика Lim-English позволяет научиться слышать и понимать английские слова, свободно говорить; грамотно писать.Интерактивный самоучитель по изучению английских слов, в котором использован уникальный обучающий материал, озвученный профессиональными дикторами из США.Весь материал грамотно подобран профессиональными методологами,...
Learn English in ArabicThis app covers English Arabic routine words, conversations, grammar and exercise. Learn English in Arabic also comes with free translator.Learn English in Arabic easily with interactive lessons. Learn the English with given listening vocabulary lessons and...
eJOY Reader is a part of eJOY All-in-One solution for mastering English language. The best way to learn English in the long run is to learn with content you love such as news, stories and videos.eJOY Reader app helps...
Geometric shapes and colors for children. Educational kids games for toddlers from 2 to 6 are very popular among children and their parents. Computer learning games for kids are a very important part of the modern development of the...
A drawing app for kids of all ages. Drawing for kids does not contain ads and works offline.Basic functions:1. Draw on the screen with your finger or stylus.2. Color squares on the board.It is completely safe for your child...
Howie Find Vowels Lite is a vowel game to improve your child's reading and writing skills. Learning vowels helps your child to distinguish distinct words such as fan fin fine fun, and recognize those words easily. This app is...
Snow Spelling Sound Out is a great app for beginning readers to learn words. Your child will learn 1,122 words that can be sounded out using common phonics rules (i.e, grouped by short vowel, long vowel, Bossy R's and...
Howie Build Words is a great app to improve your child's reading abilities and memorizing new words. Learning to build words by sounding them out adds to a strong foundation in reading for beginning readers. All of...
Cimo Spelling Sight Lite is a great app for kindergarten through 3rd grade children. Your child will learn a combination of high frequency and sight words (from the Dolch Sight Word list). The list of 50 words...
Howie Find Vowels is a great app to improve your child's reading and writing skills. Learning vowels helps your child to distinguish distinct words such as fan fin fine fun, and recognize those words easily. This app is useful...
Moofy Recognizing Pattern is a great app for preschool, kindergarten to 1st grade children to practice ordering and patterning. They will learn alphabetizing and ordering numbers, easy number patterns (i.e, count on to 20, even numbers, and count...
Snow Spelling Sound Out Lite is a great app for beginning readers to learn words. Your child will learn 100 words that can be sounded out using common phonics rules (i.e, grouped by short vowel, long vowel, Bossy R's...
Moofy Recognizing Pattern Lite is a great app for preschool, kindergarten to 1st grade children to practice ordering and patterning. They will learn alphabetizing and ordering numbers, easy number patterns (i.e., count on to 20, even numbers, and...
Cimo Spelling Sight is a great app for kindergarten through 3rd grade children. Your child will learn a combination of high frequency and sight words (from the Dolch Sight Word list). The list of 255 words was selected...
Howie Build Words Lite is a fun game to improve your child's reading abilities and memorizing new words. Learning to build words by sounding them out adds to a strong foundation in reading for beginning readers. All of the...
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