Do you want to find the best Golden Rule alternatives for Android? We have listed 20 Education that are similar to Golden Rule. Pick one from this list to be your new Golden Rule app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Golden Rule on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Golden Rule alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Golden Rule 2025.
برنامج تدبر مع طفلك هو برنامج يهدف لفتح آفاق التفكر والتدبر لأطفال المسلمين وتربيتهم على منهج القرآن حيث يقدم البرنامج درسا لتدبر آية بشكل يومي مع نشاط يقوم به الطفل لترسيخ معنى اﻵية في ذهنه عمليا ومع التطبيق ....
البرنامج عبارة عن صاحب تذكر الله معه في تدبر آياته في القيام والبكرة والأصيل وهي أوقات الذكر في القرآن .يرسل لك البرنامج درسا لتدبر القرآن مختلفا كل يوم لتكون من الذاكرين الله كثيرا والذاكرات الذين أعد الله لهم مغفرة...
Learn Turkish Conversation - With pronunciation Learn Conversation by basic phrases, simple and easyWith pronunciation Per sentencesMore than a thousand phrase in the Turkish languageAll basic Turkish sentences that you will need in your life and your transaction with...
Multilingual Dictionary, (Dictionary in Arabic, English Dictionary), where mainly focuses on solutions to problems translatorComprehensive designed to be the companion of the great need to return to the dictionary without blocking or slowing the progress of work. This program...
Learn French ConversationWith everything you need in everyday lifeMost of the phrases you need to speak the native language perfectlyThe correct pronunciation of each phrase in the French languageConversation in the following cases:meet people and welcome themessential phrasesTelling the...
Learn German Conversation for arabic speakers - With pronunciation in GermanLearn Conversation by basic phrases, simple and easyWith pronunciation Per sentencesMore than a thousand phrase in the German languageAll basic German sentences that you will need in your life...
Learn English, French, German, Turkish, Arabic Conversation - With pronunciation Learn Conversation by basic phrases, simple and easyWith pronunciation Per sentencesMore than a thousand phrase in the English, French, German, Turkish, Arabic languageAll basic sentences that you will need...
Learn English Conversation (Arabic) - With pronunciation With pronunciation Per sentencesMore than a thousand phrase in the English languageAll basic English sentences that you will need in your life and your transaction with peopleConversation sentences about the following topics...
This app have basic rule of Quran pak Study1. How you read Proper word of the Quran accurate 2. How to earn 10 Nikkian on each word.3. Color scheme for good looking Arabic Text4. Simple Way to read and...
Learn English Grammar Rules -Best Grammar Test with English grammar exercises and lesson Are you confident about your grammar? Do you want to check your grammar or want to know what exactly grammar that you need to learn again?...
The DC Motor K12 physics education app demonstrates the conversion of DC electrical power into mechanical power, and constructive learning of fleming’s left hand rule. The DC electric motor virtual experiments are illustrated by high-quality professional animations. Our objective...
Composed Rule of Three is an application for the daily life, which is not always at hand everything you need to perform simple operations like:"If 3 orange cost 8 dollars, how much do 20 oranges cost?"Perform rules of three...
আসসালামু আলাইকুম,তাহাজ্জুদের নামায অতীব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ও ফযিলতপূর্ণ ইবাদত। তাহাজ্জুদ নামায সুন্নাত। নবী করীম (সাঃ) হরহামেশা এ নামায নিয়মিত পড়তেন এবং সাহাবায়ে কেরাম রা. কে তা নিয়মিত আদায় করার জন্য উদ্বুদ্ধ করতেন।ইশার নামাজ আদায়ের পর থেকে সুবহে সাদেকের আগ পর্যন্ত...
Khmer Driving RuleThis is the smartphone app has been designed for both Cambodian citizens or foreigners to:- Understand the theory of driving in Cambodia.- Learn before you go do exam on the theory of driving at ministry for easy...
iKnow! is a personalized language learning tool based on advanced learning algorithms designed to help you learn faster and more efficiently. The mobile app is a companion study tool to the iKnow! website ( With this app, you...
The slide rule was used for over 400 years as a calculating/estimation tool. Abandoned with the advent of hand-held calculators, computers and smart phones, their elegant simplicity is still a thing of wonderment. This program replicates the...
Contains all the Adventist Youth Ministries Materials (Books) from Adventurer, Pathfinder, Ambassadors to Young Adults/Senior Youths. These materials are free to use in all the circles of the Seventh Day Adventist Church for spiritual growth.
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