Top 45 Education Apps Like Namaz Ka Tarika in Urdu - Best Alternatives

Namaz Ka Tarika in Urdu Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Namaz Ka Tarika in Urdu alternatives for Android? We have listed 45 Education that are similar to Namaz Ka Tarika in Urdu. Pick one from this list to be your new Namaz Ka Tarika in Urdu app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Namaz Ka Tarika in Urdu on your Android devices.

Top 45 Apps Like Namaz Ka Tarika in Urdu - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Namaz Ka Tarika in Urdu alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 45 similar apps like Namaz Ka Tarika in Urdu 2025.

Namaz Dua Ghusl Masail

Namaz Dua Ghusl Masail

Namaz:Is app mein aap sikh sakte hai Namaz ka tarika, Mard aur Aurato ki namaz ka tarika Hindi aur Gujarati bhasa mein. Iske sath sath Namaz e Janaza aur Tasbih namaz aur Eid ki namaz ka bhi tarika sikh...

Price: Free Developer: Nauman Saiyad
Namaz Öğreniyorum | Ezan Vakitleri, Namaz Hocası

Namaz Öğreniyorum | Ezan Vakitleri, Namaz Hocası

Namaz hocası, İmsakiye ve Pusula - Kıble bulucu;Web, IOS ve diğer platformlarda kullanmak için adresini kullanabilirsiniz.Bu uygulama sayesinde namaz ile tanışın, tanıştırın... Diyanet servislerinden çekilerek en doğru Ezan VakitleriÇocuğunuzun, sevdiğiniz gençlerin ve her yaştan öğretmek istediğiniz kişilerin namaza...

Price: Free Developer: Metin SEVİNDİK
Namaz Hindi Urdu Step By Step, Namaz Ka Tarika

Namaz Hindi Urdu Step By Step, Namaz Ka Tarika

We going to about this Namaz Hindi Urdu App.Learn Namaz in Hindi & Urdu app is a simple guide for offering Salah (Prayer or Namaz). Main advantage of Learn Namaz in Hindi & Urdu is it’s a without internet.Namaz...

Price: Free Developer: TECHNICAL SHAVEZ
Aurat ki namaz ka tarika hindi | Auraton ki namaz

Aurat ki namaz ka tarika hindi | Auraton ki namaz

We going to about thisAurat ki namaz ka tarika hindi urdu App.Learn Namaz in Hindi & Urdu app is a simple guide for offering Salah (Prayer or Namaz). Main advantage of Learn Namaz in Hindi & Urdu is it’s...

Price: Free Developer: TECHNICAL SHAVEZ
Qaza Namaz Ka Tariqa In Hindi Urdu | Kaza namaz

Qaza Namaz Ka Tariqa In Hindi Urdu | Kaza namaz

This application is very useful and helpful for every Muslim. We going to about this Kaza Namaz Ka Tariqa In Hindi urdu App.Namaz is the important in Islamic life. five time of Namaz is necessary for Muslim.This app is...

Price: Free Developer: TECHNICAL SHAVEZ
Momin Ki Namaz Hindi Urdu,  Namaz Ka Tarika

Momin Ki Namaz Hindi Urdu, Namaz Ka Tarika

We going to about this Namaz Hindi Urdu App.Learn Namaz in Hindi & Urdu app is a simple guide for offering Salah (Prayer or Namaz). Main advantage of Learn Namaz in Hindi & Urdu is it’s a with internet.Momin...

Price: Free Developer: TECHNICAL SHAVEZ
Namaz Öğreniyorum Pro (Reklamsız)

Namaz Öğreniyorum Pro (Reklamsız)

**** ÜCRET ÖDEMEDEN ÖNCE LÜTFEN OKUYUNUZ *****!!!! KURULUM HATASI ALIRSANIZ ÖNCE ÜCRETSİZ SÜRÜMÜ KALDIRINIZ !!!!!!!! ÜCRETSİZ VERSİYON İLE REKLAMLAR HARİÇ TÜM ÖZELLİKLERİ BİREBİR AYNIDIR !!!!Reklamlar haricinde ücretsiz versiyonla birebir aynıdır. Kullanıcılarımızdan gelen istek üzerine; reklamsız versiyon isteyen veya...

Price: USD 6.49 Developer: Metin SEVİNDİK
Namaz - How to Pray Namaz

Namaz - How to Pray Namaz

This application teaches you how to pray Namaz and other important surah in English. In this app you will get: - Namaz Times (Prayer Times)- Namaz Rakat (Prayer Rakat)- Intention (Nawayt) of Prayer- How to Pray Namaz (Fajr)- How...

Price: Free Developer: Amar Apps
Namaz, Namaz e Janaza, 6 Kalmas, Masnoon Duain

Namaz, Namaz e Janaza, 6 Kalmas, Masnoon Duain

Aik asaan aur achi islamic app jis ma users ko asaani ho aur is ma sb kuch urdu tarjumy k sath byaan kiya gya hai.

Price: Free Developer: Dollarcity Apps
Namaz Öğreten: Videolu Namaz, Abdest ve Sureler

Namaz Öğreten: Videolu Namaz, Abdest ve Sureler

Videolu namaz, abdest ve sure uygulaması size benzersiz bir rehber olacak. ◆بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ◆Artık huşu içinde namazlarınızı kılacaksınız."Bir adam Hz. Peygamber'e (s.a.s.), 'Amellerin / İbadetlerin en faziletlisi hangisidir?' diye sordu. Peygamber Efendimiz, 'Vaktinde kılınan namazdır.' buyurdu."-Bismillahirrahmanirrahim-Animasyon namaz videolarıyla...

Price: Free Developer: Serapeum Games
Fatiha ka tarika hindi & urdu - Fatiha kaise padhe

Fatiha ka tarika hindi & urdu - Fatiha kaise padhe

This application is very useful and helpful for every Muslim.Guys agr aap fatiha ka tarika hindi ko use karenge to apko insha allah bahut kuch asani se seekhne ko milega jo ki apke kaam ayga.fatiha ka tarika hindi aap...

Price: Free Developer: PRINCE ARIF
Qabar ka azab (qabar ka bayan)

Qabar ka azab (qabar ka bayan)

Qabar Ka Azab in Urdu is an Islamic App for Muslim brother and sisters. This app is based on Book "Qabar Ka Bayan”. This Application Includes Superb Knowledge Of Topics Like Everyone has to die one day, The first...

Price: Free Developer: AppsBit
RTI Suchna Ka Adhikar (सूचना का अधिकार 2005)

RTI Suchna Ka Adhikar (सूचना का अधिकार 2005)

15 जून 2005 को इसे अधिनियमित किया गया और पूर्णतया 12 अक्टूबर 2005 को सम्पूर्ण धाराओं के साथ लागू कर दिया गया। सूचना का अधिकार अर्थात राईट टू इन्फाॅरमेशन। सूचना का अधिकार का तात्पर्य है, सूचना पाने का अधिकार,...

Price: Free Developer: Education 100%
Namaz Ka Tareeqa

Namaz Ka Tareeqa

Qaza Namaz ka Tarika is Complete Application That provide Correct method of Namaz.This Application designed for every Muslim.This islamic App contain lot of topic about Namaz.Namaz during journey,way of Qaza Namaz and much more.Read this book which is really...

Price: Free Developer: AbdalianApps786
Hazrat Yousaf AS ka Qisa

Hazrat Yousaf AS ka Qisa

Price: Free Developer: greenwayeducation
miswak ka tarika

miswak ka tarika

Price: Free Developer: greenwayeducation
Hazrat Nooh AS ka qisa

Hazrat Nooh AS ka qisa

Price: Free Developer: greenwayeducation
Mardana Our Zanana Kamzori Ka Mukamal Ilaj

Mardana Our Zanana Kamzori Ka Mukamal Ilaj

Sexual diseases in male is one of the big problem in over daily life. Sexual diseases in female is also the famous problem in world its solvation is available in this application. Healthy Reproduction Secrets is also include in...

Price: Free Developer: Droodideas
Namaz Ka Tarika (Apni Namaz Drust Krain)

Namaz Ka Tarika (Apni Namaz Drust Krain)

Namaz ka tarika is an Islamic App for Muslim brother and sisters. This app is based on Book "Apni Namaz Drust Krain Urdu".This app contains basic information regarding Namaz,Complete Method of Namaz, Mistakes We Make In Namaz.This app has...

Price: Free Developer: AppsBit
ქართულ-ინგლისური ლექსიკონი

ქართულ-ინგლისური ლექსიკონი

კეთილი იყოს ინგლისურ-ქართული ლექსიკონი, საბოლოო ინსტრუმენტი, რომელიც დაგეხმარებათ ქართული სიტყვის ქართულიდან ინგლისურ ენაზე თარგმნოთ.ქართულ-ინგლისური ლექსიკონის საშუალებით თქვენ დაუყოვნებლივ წვდებით სიტყვების უზარმაზარ მონაცემთა ბაზას, რომლის საფუძველზეც მუდმივად ვრცელდება.ინტერფეისი მარტივია გამოსაყენებლად და თქვენ უბრალოდ უნდა ჩამოწეროთ ის სიტყვა, რომლის თარგმნაც გსურთ.

Price: Free Developer: FA Games
Istikhara Karne Ka Tarika Or Istikhara Ki Dua

Istikhara Karne Ka Tarika Or Istikhara Ki Dua

Price: Free Developer: Creative Sam
Namaz Ka Asaan Tarika

Namaz Ka Asaan Tarika

Price: Free Developer: Pikka
Namaz e Janaza ka Tarika Hanfi

Namaz e Janaza ka Tarika Hanfi

Namaz Janaza ka Sunat Tareeqa Ahadees with urduSalatul janaza method, dua for namaz e janaza full, How to pray mayyith namaz, Tareeqa namaz janaza in Hindi, what to read in namaz janaza, Namaz-e-janaza hanafi for female in Urdu, how...

Price: Free Developer: IslamGuide
Istikhara in Urdu Dua & Tarika

Istikhara in Urdu Dua & Tarika

Islamic App about Dua Istikhara.This application brings you all about dua Istikhara. Istikhara (Arabic) means to ask Allah to guide one to the right thing concerning any affair in one's life, especially when one has to choose between two...

Price: Free Developer: Deen & Dunia
Namaz ka tarika

Namaz ka tarika

Namaz BookNamaz ka tarika is best application for learning namaz with easily and correctly. if you want to learn namaz (namaz ka tarika) then this application is best for you. you can learn six kalimas of islam you can...

Price: Free Developer: HDdeveloperz
Master in Miter Bend Layout Development in Hindi

Master in Miter Bend Layout Development in Hindi

In This App You Can Learn Miter Bend Fabrication Layout Development in Hindi language.In this App Video Lecture in Hindi is Available. you can learn each Step in simple easy way with details.In this App Miter Bend, Segmental Bend,...

Price: USD 6.49 Developer: LetsFab
Master in Screw Flight Layout in Hindi

Master in Screw Flight Layout in Hindi

In this app Video lectures for learning Screw Flight Layout Development in Hindi is available.Screw Flight Layouting method using Numerical method with Practical example solution is explained in details.Content of this video Course is :1. Screw Flight Introduction2. Course...

Price: USD 6.49 Developer: LetsFab
Design Patterns in Java

Design Patterns in Java

✴ Design patterns are programming language independent strategies for solving the common object-oriented design problems. That means, a design pattern represents an idea, not a particular implementation.✴► By using the design patterns you can make your code more flexible,...

Price: Free Developer: Softecks
Yocket - Study in US, Canada, UK, Germany

Yocket - Study in US, Canada, UK, Germany

Planning to study abroad? Yocket provides a finely crafted community of aspirants planning to study Master’s, MBA, Bachelor's, or PhD courses abroad. We have a warm and helpful environment where students help each other, engage with overseas education experts,...

Price: Free Developer: Stupidsid & Yocket Study Networks
Design Patterns in Java Pro

Design Patterns in Java Pro

►Design Patterns in Java Pro is an Feature Rich Version of Popular Design Patterns in Java App.It Contains 250+ Concepts related to Design Patterns in Java.✦►Currently Pro Version Contains Ad Free Feature & Save as PDF Option,Plus the Full...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Softecks
MajhiNaukri (माझी नोकरी™)

MajhiNaukri (माझी नोकरी™)

This 'Majhi Naukri™ -' App is all about the latest and upcoming jobs / Sarkari Naukri / MajhiNaukri . You can use our app to find latest job Information under following categories.* Bank Jobs* SSC Jobs* MPSC*...

Price: Free Developer:
Skill In Android

Skill In Android

Android Skill is a fun and powerful android learning app.The “Android Skill” is an app designed to provide complete reference to support android learner(s). The Android Skill app has very descriptive and managed tutorial content with simple UI, which...

Price: Free Developer: NetParam Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Skill In JavaScript

Skill In JavaScript

JavaScript Skill is a fun and powerful android learning app.The “JavaScript Skill” is an app designed to provide complete reference to support JavaScript learner(s). The JavaScript Skill app has very descriptive and managed tutorial content with simple UI, which...

Price: Free Developer: NetParam Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Skill in DBMS

Skill in DBMS

DBMS Skill is a fun and powerful dbms learning app.The “DBMS Skill” is an app designed to provide complete reference to support dbms learner(s). The DBMS Skill app has very descriptive and managed tutorial content with simple UI, which...

Price: Free Developer: NetParam Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Skill In HTML & CSS

Skill In HTML & CSS

This is a fun and powerful html & css learning app.The "Skill HTML & CSS” is an app designed to provide complete reference to support web learner(s). The app has very descriptive and managed tutorial content with simple UI,...

Price: Free Developer: NetParam Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Naat Sharif Urdu | Naat Pak Urdu | नात शरीफ उर्दू

Naat Sharif Urdu | Naat Pak Urdu | नात शरीफ उर्दू

We going to about this Naat Sharif urdu guys hamne is app Naat Sharif urdu me bahut sari naato ko shaamil kiya hai urdu me aap is app ko download karke asani se use kar sakte ho, Naat...

Price: Free Developer: TECHNICAL SHAVEZ
Learn German in Urdu

Learn German in Urdu

Learn German Language in Urdu. The best app to learn German in no time. You can start learning by installing this app right now! and we are to guarantee you that you will start communicating in German in few...

Price: Free Developer: Urdu Pure
Urdu Counting Board

Urdu Counting Board

Another colorful app for kids to learn Urdu Counting with correct pronunciation. This is an interactive Android App in which you will experience toggle buttons with vocal pronunciation of numbers. Click the button and it will pronounce the number...

Price: Free Developer: AndroidBubbles
Urdu Learning Board

Urdu Learning Board

Toggle buttons with beautiful images. Background and text color will change on tap. Clicking again, it returns to previous state.

Price: Free Developer: AndroidBubbles
English : Urdu Dictionary

English : Urdu Dictionary

English to Urdu Dictionary (100% Offline and Free). It has word meaning from various sources. You can get meaning of any English word very easily. It has auto suggestion feature which will save you a lot of time getting...

Price: Free Developer: SoftValley
Learn Urdu Free

Learn Urdu Free

Price: Free Developer: Learn For Free
LND Urdu

LND Urdu

This is an application to make practice of LND Test for Urdu subject. It is very helpful for teachers, parents and students to make practice of LND Urdu test. This is public lnd version available for everyone. It is...

Price: Free Developer: Addtomob
Advance Urdu Grammar

Advance Urdu Grammar

This application is design and develop specially for guidance of students, teachers and parents to clarify advance Urdu grammar concepts. This app is very affective for both students and teachers. Students can learn advance Urdu grammar quickly and easily....

Price: Free Developer: Addtomob
Urdu Grammar

Urdu Grammar

This application is design and develop specially for guidance of parents, teachers and students to clarify basic concepts of Urdu Grammar. Teachers can teach their students more effectively after consulting this app. This application is design according to best...

Price: Free Developer: Addtomob

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