Do you want to find the best Namaz Shikhar Dua Surah alternatives for Android? We have listed 32 Books & Reference that are similar to Namaz Shikhar Dua Surah. Pick one from this list to be your new Namaz Shikhar Dua Surah app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Namaz Shikhar Dua Surah on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Namaz Shikhar Dua Surah alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 32 similar apps like Namaz Shikhar Dua Surah 2025.
This app is a complete guide to Namaz/Salah. It states the ways to offer different Islamic prayers and their related acts like ablution (wudu), ghusal and others. It also contains a collection of Duas for different purposes.It also offers...
Namaz surah bangla (সূরা সমূহ ও দোয়া সমূহ) অথবা Namaj surah bangla ইসলাম (islam) শিক্ষার জন্য সকল মুমিন-মুসলিম (muslim) ভাইদের সূরা ও দোয়া (Namaz surah bangla) জানা খুবই জরুরি।ইসলাম মুসলমানদের উপর পাঁচ ওয়াক্ত নামাজ ফরয করেছে। নামায শিক্ষা গ্রহণ...
ইসলাম মুসলমানদের উপর পাঁচ ওয়াক্ত নামাজ ফরয করেছে। নামায শিক্ষা গ্রহণ করা প্রত্যেক মুসলিম নর নারীর জন্য ফরজ। আর এগুলো হল ফজরের নামাজ, যোহরের নামাজ, আসরের নামাজ, মাগরিবের নামাজ, এশার নামাজ। কিভাবে নামাজ পড়বেন তার বিস্তারিত আলোচনা করা হয়েছে।সূচীপত্র...
বিসমিল্লাহির রহমানির রাহিম। আসসালামু আলাইকুম প্রিয় ভাই বোন ও বন্ধুরা। পাঁচ ওয়াক্ত নামাজের দোয়া, সূরা ও সম্পূর্ন নিয়মকানুন নিয়ে আমাদের এবারের আয়োজন সহিহ নামাজ শিক্ষা সুরা ও দোয়া - Namaz Shikkha অ্যাপটি । মুসলমান হিসেবে প্রত্যেক নরনারীর...
NAMAZ E JANAZA KA TARIQA NAMAZ E JANAZA KAISE PADHE NAMAZ E JANAZA KI NIYAT Namaz e Janaza is basic duty (Farz) or Farz-alalkifayah in Islam. Every Muslim should have to learn Namaz e Janaza step by step with...
This app is very easy in use. It is very helpful for Muslims. The layout of this app is so simple , Users face no difficulty in it .Masnoon Duain with urdu translation in High Quality Images.Masnoon Duain App...
In This AppNamaz Ka Tareeqa Namaz Ke Masail Wuzu gusul aur Hajj Aur Zakat Ke Masil wa fazail ahkam shamil hain. Features in this app:New Simple and Super Easy UI Design.Pinch and Double Tap to Zoom options.Auto Bookmark.Easy UI...
Basic Islamic Dua e Qanoot,Namaz,Namaz e Janaza,Six kalma is free for android mobile users. It contains many basic islamic component like namaz, dua e qanoot, ayat ur kursi, qul sheerf and last 30 Quran e Pak ayat which everyone...
Jadeed Sachchi Namaz Me Islami Ahkam wa Namaz Ke Masail Khawteen Ke Zaruri Masail Pesh Hain.Jadeed Sachchi Namaz Auratoun Ke Zaruri Masail Wa Ahkam Maa Namaz Ke Zaruri Masail pe Mushtamil Hai.Features In This App:Namaz Ka Tareeqa ibadat kaise...
This app is made for the people belonging to Fiqa Jafria. In Nimaz jafria (Namaz e Shia with pictures) you people can read Usul-e-deen And Furu-e-deen, compelete Namaz, Wudhu, conditions of wudu ,duas during wadhu, , Tayemum, azan, aqamat...
Countrypedia lists all countries (including a few independent territories) with details like: - Flag- Capital with latitude and longitude coordinates- Currency- Area- National anthem with year of acceptance and writer- Important national dates- Languages- Calling code- Denonym- Timezone- Government...
রিজিক বাড়াতে দোয়া ও আমল এর জুড়ি নেই। রিজিক এর বরকত হয় যদি কেউ বেশি করে দোয়ার বই থেকে সহিশুদ্ধ ভাবে নামাজের দোয়া মুখস্থ করে এবং সঠিক ভাবে তা আদায় করে। বিভিন্ন ইসলামিক বই বাজার থেকে কিনেও দোয়া...
if some one to finish his problem then he have to make munt that if mola pak solve my problem i will organize Dua e tuwal . but there is way to do this dua he have to...
Syed abne tawos wrote in his book and take rwayet from mola imam hussain imam pak said one night he and his father mola ali a.s makeing (tawaf)means round about around khana kaba that night was very dark at...
Imam Ali then advised Kumayl to recite this "Du'a" on the eve of (i.e. evening preceding) every Friday, or 15 shuban or every Thursday night or once a month or at least once in every year.This dua is useful...
Dua Sabah has been related to Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (a). It is to be recited in the mornings.easy to Readurdu translationalways screen onoffline working
This dua is for all kind problems and when you read thiscdua so prepare yourself make wadue and then read this dua before and aftet 14 time darud sherif and Allha pak evcepet your prayers no metter how...
Dua e Kunoot With Urdu translation is a very nice and beautiful app.It includes following features :- Start from First Page- Resume / Last Read - Go To Page Number- Add To Bookmarks- Remove from Bookmarks- Bookmarks- Zoom In...
Dua e Ukasha With Urdu Translation is a very nice and beautiful app.It includes following features :- Start from First Page- Resume / Last Read - Go To Page Number- Add To Bookmarks- Remove from Bookmarks- Bookmarks- Zoom In...
এই দোয়ার ভান্ডার অ্যাপটি হাদিস ও কোরআন থেকে নেয়া প্রয়োজনীয় আমল ও দোয়া সমূহ নিয়ে তুলে ধরা হয়েছে। যা আমাদের প্রত্যেক মুসলমানের জন্য অতি প্রয়োজন। সর্বোত্তম ইবাদত হিসেবে গণ্য হবে প্রতি দিনের আমল জিকির ও দোয়া । ইসলাম হচ্ছে...
আমরা সকলেই আল্লাহ্ কে খুব সহজে দোষারোপ করতে ভালবাসি যেমন, কোন কারনে কোন কাজ হয় নি আল্লাহর দোষ। আল্লাহ্ চাইলে আমাকে দিতে পারত কেন দিল না। ব্যবসায় লস হইসে সেটা ও আল্লাহ্র দোষ উনি চাইলে দিতে পারত, কেন দিল...
Surah Yaasin & Tahlil Arwah is an app which purpose is to aid the muslim community to recite Surah Yaasin as well as to facilitate in performing the Tahlil Arwah ceremony which is often practiced by the malay muslims...
Surah yaseen is a free Alquran surat yasi book. Now read full yasin with quranic surah app. In Surah yasin mp3 app you can read Quranic surah. Its a best surah rehman app with duran & deeniyat. Its a...
Surah Rehman recitation is now available in a very beautiful surah Rehman voice. Surah Rahman can listen easily with a surah Rahman heart touching recitation. Surah Rehman translation can switch in different countries' languages. Tilawat of Surah Rehman can...
Everything has a heart and the heart of the Holy Qur’aan is Yaseen. Allah Ta’ala will record anyone who recites Yaseen as having recited the Holy Qur’aan ten times.This app is based on the Quranic Surha Wich comes with...
The sura opens with the Bismillah and five Arabic letters: Kaf Ha Ya 'Ayn Sad.The text of the sura alludes to many known prophetic figures, including Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Ishmael, Idris, Adam, and Noah. According to Sayyid Qutb's...
O you who have believed, when is called for the prayer on the day of Jumu'ah , then proceed to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. That is better for you, if you only knew.But when...
Surah Waqiah with Urdu Translation Waqiah is the Surah of quran and main thing that if u read this sura it means that u read all quran and u can use this sura for any purpuse illness...
This app is based on the Quranic Surha Wich comes with its greatest powers in itself.Reciting the the Surah is very effective for a lot of different purposes.By being the Almighty Allah's Qalam it is the most Powerful &...
Arabic: Chapter of Muhammad") is the 47th sura of the Qur'an with 38 ayat.This app is based on the Quranic Wich comes with its greatest powers in itself.Reciting the Surh is very effective for a lot of...
Surah Maryam is an app featuring Surah Maryam from The Holy Quran with complete recitation. This app is developed to facilitate Muslims in learning to read Surah Maryam.Surah Maryam will help you in reading the surah anytime you...
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