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This is a Islamic book सरमायए आख़िरत : Sarmaya e Aakhirat In Hindi LanguageSarmaya e Aakhiratis a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Sarmaya e Aakhirat book is available as...
This is a Islami book सुब्हे बहारां : Subh e Baharan In Hindi LanguageSubh e Baharan is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Subh e Baharan book is available...
This is a Islamic book तकलीफ़ न दीजिये : Takleef Na Dijiye In Hindi LanguageTakleef Na Dijiye is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Takleef Na Dijiye book is...
This is a Islami book चौक दर्स : Chowk Dars In Hindi LanguageChowk Dars is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Chowk Dars book is available as an Android...
नाम रखने के अह़काम (نام رکھنے کے احکام): Naam Rakhnay kay Ahkam HindiNaam Rakhnay kay Ahkam is a collection of hand written by Al Madinat-ul-Ilmiyah.Naam Rakhnay kay Ahkam is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you...
This is a Islami hindi book बुग़्ज़ व कीना ( Bughz-o-Keena ) In HindiBughz o Keena is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Bughz o Keena ...
This is a Islamic book Uswai Rasoole Akram In Hindi LanguageUswai Rasoole Akram is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiThe book is related to the life of the Holy...
This is a Islami book मेंडक सुवार बिच्छू : Mendak Sawar Bicho In Hindi LanguageMendak Sawar Bicho is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Mendak Sawar Bicho book...
हयातुस्सहाबा Hyatus Sahaba Part 2 is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiHayatus Sahabah(Lives of the sahabah) is a book written by Sheikh Muhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi, which aims to portray...
This app allows you to translate online and even offline your english words to French words and French text to english text.Key features : English to French TranslationFrench to English TranslationRevise your French or EnglishImport your english and french...
Read Seventh Day Adventist Church English Sabbath School Lesson Studies or Bible Study Guides in Student, Teacher, PowerPoint Study Guide, Weekly Memory Verses and watch weekly Sabbath school Video guides from Amazing Facts Ministry, Hope Channel and 3ABN television....
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English 2nd paper App is brought you, we launched our new app for ssc ,hsc, jsc,bcs , and job seeker examiner . Our app consist of lots of English feature as like english grammar book free . Its...
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This app will help you to learn English sentences with Malayalam meanings. It is an easy way to understand the meaning of English sentence.It provides simple user interface and offline. This app giving you full version absolutely free and...
Verbs are the words that describe an action or talk about something that happens. They take many different forms depending on their subjects, the time they refer to and other ideas we want to express. English Verbs are the...
Dictamp - English dictionary is a free offline dictionary (vocabulary) with easy and functional user interface, covers over 180.000 words. Words and definitions have been extracted from Wiktionary.orgMain features:• Highly functional User Interface• Favorite words • Bookmark...
In this app you can convert both English to Odia words and Odia to English words. This Odia to English translator app designed to help Odia speakers to learn and improve their English language skills.You can Chat in Odia...
Translate from/to German and EnglishIncludes offline dictionaryWord of the daySpeak an English sentence and hear German translation or speak German sentence and hear English translation!- voice recognition for English and German- post translation to Facebook- copy to other apps-...
Translate from Portuguese to English or from English to Portuguese - Includes offline Dictionary- includes word of the day - to help you learn!Talking Translator/Dictionary!- Supports many languages - Italian, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, etc.- Includes offline dictionary- Word...
Asian Talking Translator/Dictionary!Supports major Asian languages. You can translate between any of these languages- Chinese including from and to pinyin!- Japanese- Korean- Thai- Vietnamese- Indonesian- Filipino- Malay- Lao- Khmer- and of course, EnglishFeatures:- Supports major Asian languages- Includes offline...
Indian Talking Translator and offline Dictionary!Supports major Indian languages. You can translate between any of these languages- Bengali- Gujarati- Hindi- Kannada- Tamil- Telugu- Urdu- and of course, EnglishFeatures:- Supports major Indian languages- Includes offline dictionary- Word of the day...
Talking Translator/Dictionary!- Supports many languages - Italian, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, etc. from and to Hebrew- Includes Hebrew dictionary- Word of the day - (also in widget; and daily notifications - turn them off in Settings)- Sentence correction- Transcription...
Translate from Turkish to English or from English to Turkish.- Includes offline dictionaryTalking Translator/Dictionary!- Supports many languages - Italian, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, etc.- Includes offline dictionary- Word of the day for many languages (including widget)- Sentence correction!Speak a...
Translate from Chinese to English or from English to Chinese- Includes Offline Dictionary- Word of the Day- voice recognition for both English and Chinese (simplified)- romanization (romaji / pinyin)- speak English or Chinese sentence and hear the translation- copy...
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Are you an Islamic scholar or a student or you have just accepted Islam and looking for some guidance or just looking an Islamic book to be studied. Then you are in the right place. This app "Free Islamic...
Free Books Application offers houndreds of top classic books and audio books to read and listen. Everybody will find something interesting in large free audiobooks and books catalogue. No matter where you are you will allways have great book...
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Biblia, plenius Biblia Sacra (gen. Bibliorum Sacrorum, sed Medio Aevo nonnumquam Bibliae Sacrae), sunt scriptura sancta Christianorum Iudaeorumque. Ex variis libris constant, quorum non omnes ab omnibus sectis religiosis agnoscuntur. Libri a Catholicis Romanis Orthodoxisque sed non a Protestantibus...
คัมภีร์ไบเบิล (อังกฤษ: Bible; ฮีบรู: ביבליה; แอราเมอิก: ܟܬܒܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ; กรีก: Αγία Γραφή) (มาจากภาษากรีกโบราณว่า Βίβλος บิบลิออน แปลว่า หนังสือ) ชาวโปรเตสแตนต์เรียกว่า พระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ (Holy Bible) เรียกโดยย่อว่า พระคัมภีร์ เป็นหนังสือที่บันทึกเรื่องราวเกี่ยวกับพระยาห์เวห์ มนุษย์ ความบาป และแผนการของพระเจ้าในการช่วยมนุษย์ให้รอดพ้นจากความพินาศอันเนื่องจากความบาปสู่ชีวิตนิรันดร์ เป็นหนังสือที่บันทึกหลักธรรมคำสอนของศาสนาคริสต์ ซึ่งในบางเล่มมีพื้นฐานมาจากหลักคำสอนของศาสนายูดาห์ของชาวยิว ชาวคริสต์เรียกคัมภีร์ไบเบิลในชื่ออื่น ๆ อีกหลายชื่อเช่น พระวจนะของพระเจ้า หนังสือดี และคัมภีร์ศักดิ์สิทธิ์คริสตชนทุกคนเชื่อว่าพระคัมภีร์ทุกบททุกข้อนั้นมนุษย์เขียนขึ้นโดยการดลใจจากพระเจ้า พระคัมภีร์เป็นที่ยอมรับอย่างกว้างขวางว่าเป็นหนังสือที่ขายดีที่สุดของเวลาทั้งหมดที่มียอดขายต่อปีประมาณ 100 ล้านเล่มและได้รับอิทธิพลสำคัญในวรรณคดีและประวัติศาสตร์เลือกหนังสือที่จะฟัง:พันธสัญญาเดิมพันธสัญญาใหม่คุณสมบัติ:- บันทึกเสียงโดยไม่ใช้อินเทอร์เน็ต- ด้วยฟังก์ชั่นเครื่องเล่นเสียงพื้นหลังพระคัมภีร์-...
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