Do you want to find the best Birds Sounds and Info: Sounds Of Birds alternatives for Android? We have listed 39 Books & Reference that are similar to Birds Sounds and Info: Sounds Of Birds. Pick one from this list to be your new Birds Sounds and Info: Sounds Of Birds app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Birds Sounds and Info: Sounds Of Birds on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Birds Sounds and Info: Sounds Of Birds alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Birds Sounds and Info: Sounds Of Birds 2025.
Данное приложение (2013 года) технически УСТАРЕЛО и больше НЕ ПОДДЕРЖИВАЕТСЯ автором. Новая (нативная) версия 2021 года (бесплатная со встроенными покупками) расположена по адресу:Данная версия сохранена в магазине для удобства пользователей, купивших приложение в период 2013-2021 гг. Ее можно...
*** This app is considered the best birdwatching photo guide bird app for the British Isles. 2653 selected photos, 713 bird songs, maps. Find information no other app has: bird population size UK, abundance UK, migration and breeding status...
Thriving on every continent and occupying every possible niche in the food chain, birds can be found wherever there is food to sustain them. From Antarctic penguins to flamboyant African parrots, this app provides an indispensable guide to the...
Indian Birds is one of the oldest birding app in India. Since, 2010 this is the only application available on google play store which displays bird names or vernacular names in many regional languages. App currently supports, Marathi, Hindi,...
"American Birds" app is the application which displays bird names in regional languages (vernacular names) such as Spanish and French. "American Birds" app works in offline mode and can be moved to SD Card. "American Birds" app is very...
Princeton Field Guides are comprehensive, in-depth identification tools designed for all nature enthusiasts.This is an interactive mobile field guide version of Princeton Field Guide's "Birds of New Guinea" by Thane K. Pratt and Bruce M. Beehler, with illustrations by...
С помощью мобильного приложения вы можете:• Записывать наблюдения без наличия Интернета, без использования ручки и бумаги.• Упорядочивать свои наблюдения с привязкой к координатам наблюдений.• Выгружать свои карточки наблюдений в базу данных "Онлайн дневники наблюдений птиц".• Смотреть за наблюдениями других...
The Birds of Zambia app is an up-to-date identification guide to all recorded birds of the country created by Derek Solomon, Frank Willems and Rory McDougall. This app has many features that will enhance your birding experience.FEATURES:● Zoomable hi-res...
The accompanying app to DK's bird identification guides, providing the audio for over 200 birds
The accompanying app to DK's bird identification guides, providing the audio for over 200 birds
Open the app and be surprised at how diverse and unusual sounds animals can make! Learn the voices of animals, their names and appearance with the whole family.The application contains 108 animals, the collection is constantly being updated.The animals...
Animals Sounds- This app will provide sounds of all animals in the world.
Hi there,Did you know that animals make different sounds in different languages? Listen to sounds from a variety of animals.Thank you for the download.Have a nice day!
Welcome to Best Birds Ringtones 2021 & Bird Sounds mp3.our ringtone app provide you with Top Songbirds in America with great selection of free new ringtones app comes with high quality bird ringtones, MP3 Sounds, with absolute morning birds...
مفاتيح الجنان | الأدعية الكاملة بدون نتيتضمن التطبيق الادعية التالية وجميعها بدون نت:الادعية المشهورة والمأثورة:دعاء كميلدعاء التوسلدعاء الإفتتاحدعاء مكارم الأخلاقدعاء الحزيندعاء المشلولدعاء العهددعاء يا مفزعيدعاء أبي حمزة الثماليدعاء الجوشن الكبيردُعـاءُ الجْوشَنِّ الّصَغيـردعاء السحردعاء التوبةدعاء الندبةدعاء العديلةدعاء يا عدتيدعاء...
مفاتیح الجنان مجموعهای از دعاها، مناجات، زیارات، اعمال مخصوصه ایام سال و ماه و روزها است که از طرف پیامبر اسلام و ائمه شیعیان صادر شده و توسط شیخ عباس قمی جمعآوری و تدوین شدهاست. شیخ عباسی قمی این...
Gong hei faat choi! Gong xi fa cai! Happy Year of the Rat 2020!Not familiar with Chinese greetings and idioms? This app is here to help.Learn some auspicious phrases to say during Chinese festivities.Browse Chinese greetings, and listen to...
This app let users add their books in pdf files and their audio files if these book have. They can put them is separate Readlist. Users can also mark favourite books by press star for each book.Users can read...
Simple and effective Bible app to read and study the Holy Bible on your phone. Download it and study the King James version of the Bible enriched with commentaries written by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, an American Christian religious minister...
Digestive System/Excretory System – Ingests food and breaks it down into usable nutrients. Excretes solid waste products. Includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.Cardiovascular/Circulatory System – Moves materials between body systems, including oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products. Includes...
If one takes time to study words, one will soon discover that culture and traditions of various nations are built within many individual words themselves. Words are the foundation stones to communication and through understanding and translation words can...
Powerful Bible Study toolBible Study app by And Bible Open Source Project is a powerful, yet easy to use, offline Bible study application for Android. The app does not aim to be simply a Bible reader, but focuses on...
Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed...
This is the complete Holy Bible in Kuanua (Tolai) language, Tok Pisin and English language. These are three common spoken languages of the indigenous people of the Gazelle Peninsula and the Duke of York Islands of East New Britain...
دار الافتاء ڈاٹ انفو۔۔ مختصر تعارففتاوی جات-مختلف دار الافتاؤں کے فتاوی سے استفادہ کرنے کے لئے ایک منفرد سرچ انجن- دنیا بھر کے دار الافتاؤں کی ویب سائٹس پر موجود فتاوی یکجا- یونیکوڈ، پی ڈی ایف فارمیٹ میں دستیاب۔-...
حضرت مفتی اعظم پاکستان مفتی شفیع صاحب رحمہ اللہ کی شہرہ آفاق کتاب (اوزان شرعیہ ) پر مبنی ایک مفید ایپلی کیشنبحمد اللہ، اوزان شرعیہ ویب ایپ مفتیان کرام واہل علم حضرات کی خدمت میں پیش کرنے کی سعادت...
With this application, you can access full text of Imam Hossein ziyarat, at the day of Ashura or ziyarat e ashura (زیارت عاشورا) with beautiful sound of Mr.Farahmand and Persian translation.
The airport directory for your flight bag, with a world wide VOLMET station list, NOTAMs, SNOWTAM decoder, METAR and TAF reports, Favorites, Tools, and the ability to save your own notes for those airports you visit frequently.FEATURES:- Designed for...
This app contains regularly updated Words of Wisdom extracted from books and dharma talks by Buddhist spiritual master, Master Jun Hong Lu.App Features:- Buddhist quotes in random order- Multi-language, available in Chinese, English and Bahasa Indonesia- Share favourite quotes...
Bible Resources is one of the largest collection of Bible truth material in many languages.- Offer a FREE Bible Study guide by mail- Bibles, Commentaries, Study books. Download more...- Daily Scripture (a daily...
Azerbaijani - English dictionary is a free offline dictionary (vocabulary) with easy and functional user interface, covers over 50.000 words.★ Features:• Favorite words• Bookmark - Rename a bookmark - Sorting a bookmark• Adding notes to word•...
App, "Nəzərova A.H. Fəlsəfə terminlərinin izahlı lüğəti. Bakı, “Elm və təhsil”, 2014, 224 səh." əsasında hazırlanmışdır.App-da 970 fəlsəfi terminin izahı verilmişdir.Lüğətdə Azərbaycan dilində işlənən fəlsəfi termin və termin-söz birləşmələrinin geniş şəkildə izahı verilmişdir.Lüğət tələbələrin, müəllimlərin, tədqiqatçıların tərcüməçilərin və fəlsəfə...
App, "Klassik Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatında işlənən ərəb və fars sözləri lüğəti. Bakı, «Şərq-Qərb», 2005." kitabı əsasında hazırlanıb. Lüğət klassik Azerbaycan ədəbiyyatı nümunələrinin orijinal yazıda oxunuşunu, nəşr edilmiş klassik mətnlərdə tez-tez rast gəlinən ərəb və fars mənşəli alınma söz və ifadələrin...
App-da, Azərbaycanın 19 məşhur şairinin ümumilikdə 4260 seçmə şeiri verilmişdir.App-da şeirləri olan şairlər:Ramiz RövşənNüsrət KəsəmənliAbbas SəhhətAbdulla ŞaiqAlmas İldırımBaba PünhanBəxtiyar VahabzadəCabir NovruzCəfər CabbarlıƏhməd CavadHüseyn CavidXəlil Rza UlutürkMikayıl MüşfiqMirzə Ələkbər SabirMədinə GülgünMəmməd ArazMəmməd AslanNəbi XəzriSəməd VurğunApp, şairlərin internetdə açıq şəkildə yayılan...
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