Do you want to find the best Saudi Drug Reference Lite - Free Edition alternatives for Android? We have listed 47 Medical that are similar to Saudi Drug Reference Lite - Free Edition. Pick one from this list to be your new Saudi Drug Reference Lite - Free Edition app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Saudi Drug Reference Lite - Free Edition on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Saudi Drug Reference Lite - Free Edition alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 47 similar apps like Saudi Drug Reference Lite - Free Edition 2025.
You can search by trade name, scientific name or companyOffers alternatives to the property and its alternatives or alternativesShows complete information on this in terms of dosages and drug interactions
Here are the services we provide,● Video Consultations.● Easy Payment - Online & Wallet.● View Med - Medical Social Media.● Browse online doctors and book an appointment with them in simple click.● Instant consultation with the available doctors for...
View Dr allow certified doctors around the world to utilize their skills and provide supportive decision to patients through RMC Dr, We are 100% secure, completely confidential and very simple to use.• Doctors can receive live patients online by...
1-The Saudi drug index includes search by scientific or commercial name.2 - Helps you to know the prescription medicine by search only 3 letters from the medicine.3 - Contains pharmaceutical and medical information such as mechanism of action...
1-The Saudi drug index includes search by scientific or commercial name.2 - Helps you to know the prescription medicine by search only 3 letters from the medicine.3 - Contains pharmaceutical and medical information such as mechanism of action...
Saudi Drug Reference Pro is a useful tool for Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses and other medical professionals as well as public to get information regarding medicines available in Saudi Arabian market.The App provides both Basic details and Scientific Information (Pharmacology)...
This new Innovative platform, allow Doctors to stay in contact with thelatest updates in all Ophthalmology medical news, congresses and latestmonthly updates needed for their daily practice from more than 5000medical sources from TOP reputable journals, universities and medicalcenters...
Medical Drug Dictionary is a free offline medical dictionary that provides all information about drugs: medical usages and dosage & how to take and side effects also precautions & drug interactions also missed dose and storage.Drug Dictionary is a...
Medical Drug Dictionary is medical dictionary that provides all information about medical drugs: usages and dosage & how to take and side effects also precautions & drug interactions also missed dose and storage.Drug Dictionary is a medical hand book...
MUKTI the first center for the treatment of Drugs Addicts in Bangladesh was officially opened on February 27, 1988, in a small rented house in Eskaton, Dhaka. A young Medical Graduate Dr. Ali Asker Quoreshi founded it. Today MUKTI...
Written especially for nurses caring for patients with cancer, the 2020-2021 Oncology Nursing Drug Handbook uniquely expresses drug therapy in terms of the nursing process: nursing diagnoses, etiologies of toxicities, and key points for nursing assessment, intervention, and evaluation....
"IV Infusion Calculator: Dosage, Drug, & Drip Rate" is the app to calculate infusion rate for intravenous fluids, medications, drugs, and dosages. This is a must app in your phone, especially for healthcare providers. The intravenous fluids, medications, drugs,...
The most up-to-date, practical, and easy-to-use nursing drug reference. Updated annually, it provides accurate and timely facts on hundreds of drugs from A-Z.DESCRIPTIONThe Jones & Bartlett Learning 2020 Nurse’s Drug Handbook is the most up-to-date, practical, and easy-to-use nursing...
*** Important Note: We highly recommend that you uninstall Drug Shortages 1 before installing Drugs Shortages 2 to avoid an installation error. ***Drug Shortages 2 includes an Alerts feature. You can opt in to receive notifications on your...
Essential information on more than 1,000 generic and 4,000 trade name drugs. Features Black Box Alerts and comprehensive coverage of IV drug administration, nursing considerations, and fixed combinations.DESCRIPTIONThe go-to guide for students and nurses alike to promote better patient...
Poisoning & Drug Overdose, Seventh Edition should be within reach of every medical toxicologist, emergency physician, and poison control staff member - When every moment counts, count on Poisoning & Drug OverdoseDownload the FREE app and view selected topics...
Based on 15th print ed. Lists body systems & test type. Patient care sections. Built-in calculators. Interactive flowcharts. Includes 9 new tests.DESCRIPTIONKnown for its accuracy and easy-to-use format Mosby’s Diagnostic & Laboratory Test Reference 15th Edition is your one-stop...
Trusted for over 30 years, this portable, full-color drug reference is easy to navigate and provides safety features that help you practice knowledgeable, safe medication dispensing. Content on more than 5,000 generic and brand-name drugs covers almost every drug...
Non complicated, simple reference to Pediatric doses- common categories included.AnalgesicsAntiemetics & AntacidsAntihistaminesAnti-Infective AgentsNutrition & Hydration
• Featured by Oncology Fellows, Medscape, MobiMed, and several Universities LabGear is the most advanced pocket tool for Medical Laboratory tests with peer reviewed content for all health care professionals - students, physicians, nurses• Comprehensive library of medical lab...
**The lab reference app with by far the most features on the app store!**Now available for Android!** 3 in 1: Lab Values, Abbv, Prefix/Suffix is the premium resource for all healthcare professionals and students. Inside this one app you’ll...
Cardinal Glennon ER Reference is a free app that provides quick offline access to the Cardinal Glennon ER and EMS reference book.Use of this app requires acceptance of the terms of service posted at include:•Quick indexed lookup of...
30 Day Free Trial** Featuring Latest Updates**** Trusted by Health Care Professionals for Over 30 Years **ABOUT MOSBY’S DRUG REFERENCEBased on the latest 2020 edition, Mosby’s Drug Reference provides health care professionals with the tools they need to eliminate...
The PureVision®2 For Presbyopia Fitting App by Bausch & Lomb is designed to provide a starting point for multifocal lens selection and modification. Final Prescription should be determined by your normal multifocal lens fitting practices.
This free application provides an in-depth reference guide of the Human Lymphatic System featuring high quality detailed content and images in a well presented and easy to navigate way.This apps covers information about the Lymphatic system in various parts...
Materia Medica Lite is an adnroid application which enables you to carry "homeopathic materia medica" wherever you go (No need of Internet). This application facilitates the user to browse through the homeopathic remedies in two ways:1. Browse by Remedies.2....
Numbers communicate so much, yet they are often left out of communication therapy. Now stroke survivors can practice understanding, saying, and typing numbers at home to improve these essential life skills.Age, dates, phone numbers, addresses, money, time, measurements, fractions,...
ECG/EKG is one of the most confusing for most medical professionals.This app contains most commonly encountered ECG/EKGs and dysrhythmia management protocols.Its like carrying a basic ECG/EKG atlas in your pocket!Topics included in this app:- Normal cardiac anatomy and ECG/EKG...
Human Anatomy is a very tough subject for all med students. Our aim is to let you carry the anatomy reference atlas app in your mobile/pocket.This app is not meant to be a replacement for the gross anatomy textbook....
Category Therapy Lite gives you a sample of the types of activities available in the full app. Category Therapy is a professional speech therapy app that practices mental organization skills for individuals who have language problems due to stroke,...
Visual Attention Therapy helps brain injury and stroke survivors, as well as struggling students, to improve scanning abilities. It also helps rehab professionals to assess for neglect and provide more efficient and effective therapy for attention deficits.Visual Attention Therapy...
Conversation Therapy gets people talking! Now you can try this professional speech therapy app to target higher-level expressive language, pragmatic, problem-solving & cognitive-communication goals for older children, teens and adults! This FREE trial gives you a small sample of...
Join over 100,000 people world-wide by getting your free trial of the best-selling Language Therapy app, a 4-in-1 value pack combining Comprehension, Naming, Writing, and Reading Therapy.This app contains nearly full functionality for a limited number of words, allowing...
Tackle apraxia and aphasia head-on with a powerful speech therapy app that uses video to help people speak again. Get an app that can help you overcome the frustration and helplessness of not being able to communicate clearly after...
MaNaDr Lite is a trusted, one stop, well connected, secured healthcare ecosystem that provides personalized healthcare to patients from cradle to grave. It enables you to connect to your trusted doctor and his/her network for EVERY member of your...
- Medicalcul est un calculateur médical permettant de calculer différents scores et formules (clearance de la créatinine, score d'Apgar, surface corporelle brûlée... vous pouvez voir la liste complète sur Une fois installé, le logiciel vous demande de faire...
How are children’s lives changing and what role do child psychologists have in supporting children? Child psychology is a broad area, covering how people change as they grow up from birth through to adolescence and trying to explain how...
Among health fanatics, E numbers have gained a reputation for being worse than Frankenstein’s monster. Critics claim they trigger everything from hyperactivity and mood disorders to life-threatening diseases. Main Features:1. Offline – It wok offline, no active internet connection...
Wie kommt es zu einem Asthma? Welche Ursachen hat Schlaganfall? Hier finden Sie zuverlässige und leicht verständliche Informationen zu vielen Hundert Krankheiten und Symptomen: Erfahren Sie mehr über Auslöser und Risikofaktoren sowie Diagnose- und Therapiemöglichkeiten. Dazu erhalten Sie Tipps...
Die Internationale statistische Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheits-probleme ist das wichtigste, weltweit anerkannte Diagnoseklassifikations- und Verschlüsselungssystem der Medizin. Die Klassifikation ICD 10 wurde von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) erstellt.Welche Erkrankung Ihnen der Arzt bescheinigt hat, können Sie mithilfe unserer...
Справочник психологических терминов от А до Я. Удобный формат, не нужен интернет, моментальный поиск. Словарь содержит определения к более чем 10 000 психиатрическим терминам. Справочник психологических терминов будет полезен как студентам медицинских вузов так и всем интересующимся медициной. ...
Справочник медицинских терминов от А до Я. Удобный формат, не нужен интернет, моментальный поиск. Словарь содержит определения к более чем 40 000 медицинским терминам. Справочник медицинских терминов будет полезен как студентам медицинских вузов так и всем интересующимся медициной. ...
Справочник болезней с подробным описанием, лечением, симптомами и тд... Работает без интернета. Составлен специалистами ОМС. Удобный, быстрый поиск, в том числе и поиск голосом. Избранное, "Поделиться" - и это все в современном дизайне и всегда под рукой.Каждое заболевание помимо...
Nutrients, Supplements & Vitamins are essential nutrients because they perform hundreds of roles in the body.This is dictionary contain advice and information on vitamins, minerals and trace elements essential for health, including:- what they do;- how much you need;-...
Very friendly and beautiful interface. The best choice for pocket drugs dictionary. Drug Dictionary is a medical hand book that provides all information about drugs used for medication: uses, dosage, how to take, side effects, precautions, drug interactions, missed...
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