Do you want to find the best DPTF HRIS alternatives for Android? We have listed 10 Business that are similar to DPTF HRIS. Pick one from this list to be your new DPTF HRIS app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to DPTF HRIS on your Android devices.
The best free and paid DPTF HRIS alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like DPTF HRIS 2025.
Adrenalin on Mobile allows you to connect to your corporate adrenalin HRIS Server and allow you to carry out day to day transactions on the mobile. This application comes from the makers of Adrenalin – a web based...
Adrenalin on Mobile allows you to connect to your corporate Adrenalin HRIS Server and allow you to carry out day to day transactions on the mobile. This application comes from the makers of Adrenalin – a web based...
Adrenalin on Mobile allows you to connect to your corporate adrenalin HRIS Server and allow you to carry out day to day transactions on the mobile. This application comes from the makers of Adrenalin – a web based...
oculus HRIS is the lite (mobile app) version of EMPRESS. “Employee Productivity Escalation System (Empress)” is a multi-company/location supported Human Resource Information System (HRIS) to manage employees and their daily activities which is more than HR & Payroll System,...
Employee can login using the same credentials that is used in the web portal. It also has the capability for OKTA Single sign on based on the company’s configuration. 1. Features:2. Payslip 3. Tax Report4. Personal Details5. Leave ...
Aplaksi ini di peruntukan karyawan SYGMA GROUP dengan rincian sebagai Berikut-Absensi GPS + Deteksi Wajah-Notifikasi Realtime-Cek Potongan Gaji (Bpjs, Terlambat, Alfa, dll.)-Cek Absensi-Lupa Absensi dengan tanda tangan digital dan acc digital-Pengajuan Cuti-Cek Kinerja Bawan (Jumlah Keterlambatan, Cuti, Status Kontrak...
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