Top 11 Education Apps Like Globolo - J - Best Alternatives

Globolo - J Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Globolo - J alternatives for Android? We have listed 11 Education that are similar to Globolo - J. Pick one from this list to be your new Globolo - J app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Globolo - J on your Android devices.

Top 11 Apps Like Globolo - J - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Globolo - J alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 11 similar apps like Globolo - J 2025.



Gloβolo App will help any person to learn the basic words of different languages through their Native language. Gloβol is a venture that targets students, tourists and language lovers. This project is purely a voluntary project involving various people...

Price: Free Developer: Aham Solutions Hong Kong Limited
I learn

I learn

I LEARN is the easy gateway to the French language… and it’s fun! In each episode, meet characters who invite you to join an adventure: discover the city, complete missions, enjoy the educational mini-games and... revise!Designed with and for...

Price: Free Developer: Small Bang
Globol J

Globol J

With world becoming a global village, people move rapidly from one place to another. In last two decades, with lot of Japanese companies setting up in India, and Indians doing IT jobs in Japan, it has increased the...

Price: Free Developer: Aham Solutions Hong Kong Limited
J & K Police Constable Mock Tests for Best Results

J & K Police Constable Mock Tests for Best Results

A Constable's post is often on par with the post of an Officer in the Indian Police Force. They are responsible for presiding over the day to day activities of their station. Jammu and Kashmir Police (JKP) Force, established...

Price: Free Developer: EduGorilla Testseries 9
Oddiy kod

Oddiy kod

Ushbu ilova Python dasturlash tilini o'rganish uchun mo'ljallangan. Unda Python dasturlash tiliga oid boshlang'ich tushuncha mavjud. Bu bilan siz Python haqida ilk saboqlarga ega bo'lishingiz mumkin. Dasturning qulayligi - o'zbek tilida yozilganligi. O'zbek tilida dasturlashga oid ma'lumotlar unchalik ham...

Price: Free Developer: J.Ahmedov
J Computer Preparation

J Computer Preparation

This app is helpful for preparation of computer science and application related competition exams like SSC, IBPS, IA, Programmer, UGC/CBSE NET, GATE and other exams.In this includes Multi Choice Questions of computer basics, Office automation, Database, Progmming(C, C++,...

Price: Free Developer: Jay Kumar India01
J&K Panchayat - Accounts Assistant Mock Tests

J&K Panchayat - Accounts Assistant Mock Tests

The government of Jammu and Kashmir conduct yearly recruitment for various vacant posts. The account assistant in panchayat is one among them and is highly competitive. Thus we have introduced our Jammu & Kashmir Panchayat - Account Assistant Mock...

Price: Free Developer: EduGorilla Test Series 11
Harassment Prevention Training

Harassment Prevention Training

A 360-degree immersive video experience for training employees on appropriate Sexual Harassment Prevention responses. The app requires the use of a virtual reality or cardboard viewer. If you have a viewer, simply download the Sexual Harassment Prevention app. If...

Price: Free Developer: J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc.
K.R.J Institute

K.R.J Institute

K.R.J Institute is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a user-friendly app with amazing features like online attendance, fees management, homework submission, detailed performance reports...

Price: Free Developer: Education Alexis Media
Visual Reading® – special education

Visual Reading® – special education

Visual Reading® - special education (since 2012) is a new generation educational platform for special education teachers and speech therapists.It is based on scientifically approved methods of applied behavior analysis.PRIMARY USE:> Develop reading and writing> Support understanding of speech>...

Price: Free Developer: Visual Reading j.s.a.

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