Do you want to find the best Swiped Candy Geo alternatives for Android? We have listed 24 Puzzle that are similar to Swiped Candy Geo. Pick one from this list to be your new Swiped Candy Geo app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Swiped Candy Geo on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Swiped Candy Geo alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 24 similar games like Swiped Candy Geo 2024.
Swipe and make longest chains of similar fruits in this challenging puzzle game with exciting special powers.Very addictive casual game with unlimited levels in five interesting game modes!!!---------------------------*** Game Facts *** - Swiped is a very simple to...
Very addictive gem swipe game with nine interesting game modes, new gem powers, challenges & lucky wheel!Swipe and make longest chain of similar gems in this challenging puzzle game with exciting special powers.Get daily free Lucky Wheel spins &...
New & addictive 'Mining Gems' & 'Bring it Down' challenges awaits you along with Online multiplayer, classic, gem mania, score panic & time attack game modes.Play this swipe based puzzle game in offline and online game modes with players...
Unlimited progressively challenging fruit swipe puzzles awaits you!Play this very simple yet interesting casual game in offline and online game modes with players around the world!New & addictive level based challenges awaits you along with online multiplayer, classic &...
Swipe longest chain of candies in this addictive sweet puzzle game with hundreds of levels in 6 game modes.Brand new casual game fully featured and free from the makers of popular SWIPED game series. Very simple to learn swipe...
Nowadays itโs becoming a trend to play online games rather to play offline games because itโs more comfortable to play online games because you can play it anytime, anywhere. Therefore, for our Android users, we have introduced a new...
This game is for you and your kids to train the visual brain reaction!Swipe as many fruits as you can in any direction you wish. During the game you will face some unexpected characters which either help or make...
Make your brain think! Swiped Out is a brain logic puzzle game. It is very interesting, simple and addictive sliding block puzzle game. Simple goal is to get super hero out of the board by sliding the other...
Drop the blocks to create vertically or horizontally lines of blocks without gaps. When such a line is created, it gets destroyed. Keep your board clear and keep your cool as things heat up in this simple but addictive...
Annie needs help to handle the cafe in the candy paradise world.Solve the delicious cooking puzzle to help Annie to make some food. Clean the kitchen.Collect cherry and nuts to bake the best cake in candy land.To pass the...
๐ท๐ถHexa Candy : Block Puzzle๐ท๐ถThe perfect game to relax and geometric skills!HOW TO PLAYโข Arrange the blocks to fit them all in the grid frame.โข Hexa blocks canโt be rotated.โข Collect block pieces to level up!โข Be careful of...
Come join Peaches the cat, on his quest to pop all the candy!Peaches wants all that candy, and he will help you get them.โฅ A sweet adventure, with a cute cat!โฅ Match 3 of each candy type to pop...
There are splendid new CandiesใThe newest match 3 Candy Bomb Match 3 Fruit game for free!Challenge 200+ levels! Help your Animal Friends with their wonderful adventure trip!Take on this delightful Saga alone or play with friends to see who...
The classic Unblock game with a Christmas environment.In order to get your christmas candy, you need to move the jelly beans around, either up or down or side to side, depending if it is vertical or horizontal.If it is...
Sweet fruit candy is one of the best match-3 games!The classic elimination game, the new play new game props!Start your brain to play this game with millions of others players.There are all kinds of surprises in the exploring the...
The new Candy 2021 is a fantastic match puzzle game full of love and joy! Explore magical candy kingdoms, helping lovely candy fairy to blast the new delicious adventureJump into the magical candy wonderland, free to matching and crushing...
Collect candies and jelly to reach the wonder land
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Who says the world geography, must be boring?With 'Geo Quiz' is that a thing of the past. In a playful way, you quickly get to know the countries of the world and the United States with their capitals and...
Who says the world geography, must be boring?With GeoQuiz is that a thing of the past. In a playful way, you quickly get to know the countries of the world and the United States with their capitals and flags.You...
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