Top 33 Medical Apps Like Diabetes Risk Score Calculator: Diabetes Screening - Best Alternatives

Diabetes Risk Score Calculator: Diabetes Screening Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Diabetes Risk Score Calculator: Diabetes Screening alternatives for Android? We have listed 33 Medical that are similar to Diabetes Risk Score Calculator: Diabetes Screening. Pick one from this list to be your new Diabetes Risk Score Calculator: Diabetes Screening app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Diabetes Risk Score Calculator: Diabetes Screening on your Android devices.

Top 33 Apps Like Diabetes Risk Score Calculator: Diabetes Screening - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Diabetes Risk Score Calculator: Diabetes Screening alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 33 similar apps like Diabetes Risk Score Calculator: Diabetes Screening 2025.

American Diabetes Association Standards of Care

American Diabetes Association Standards of Care

The Standards of Care app includes both the full standards of care narrative and interactive tools accessing the most referenced algorithms. A must-have for any heath care professional who treats patients with diabetes.This resource for clinicians, dieticians, and...

Price: Free Developer: American Diabetes Association
Diabetes:M - Management & Blood Sugar Tracker App

Diabetes:M - Management & Blood Sugar Tracker App

Designed for both smart phones and tablets, this application will help you manage your diabetes better and keep it under control. Whether you are Type 1 or Type 2, have Gestational Diabetes or just want to help and monitor...

Price: Free Developer: Sirma Medical Systems
PEDIS Score Diabetes App - Diabetic Foot Ulcer

PEDIS Score Diabetes App - Diabetic Foot Ulcer

"PEDIS Score Diabetes App - Diabetic Foot Ulcer" is a mobile app designed to help health practitioner to categorise foot ulcer from diabetes mellitus with PEDIS score. Diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore or wound that occurs in...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
ADA Books

ADA Books

The ADA clinical books reader gives health care professionals the books they need to ensure the best outcomes for people with diabetes.The American Diabetes Association clinical books reader gives you complete access to the clinical and medical books and...

Price: Free Developer: American Diabetes Association


The new CONTOUR™DIABETES app syncs with a CONTOUR connected meter for seamless blood glucose (BG) monitoring. This easy-to-use app can give you a better understanding of how your daily activities affect your BG results to help you manage your...

Price: Free Developer: Ascensia Diabetes Care
Diabetes Logbook - Blood Glucose Tracker

Diabetes Logbook - Blood Glucose Tracker

Diabetes logbook is a blood glucose tracker that provides you an easy and meaningful solution to log your blood glucose levels and other health indicators to support diabetes self-management.Mission: Our goal is to provide digital support for diabetes self-management...

Price: Free Developer: Dr.KM Chohan


Thinksulin was developed by ACI in consultation with the NSW Diabetes Taskforce and its In-hospital Management of Diabetes Mellitus Working Group and informed by: an evidence check of best practice care components of inpatient insulin management brokered by the...

Price: Free Developer: Agency for Clinical Innovation
Diabetes - Medical Dictionary

Diabetes - Medical Dictionary

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition that results in an increase in blood glucose levels and is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world. A comprehensive reference source for the definition of terms related to Diabetology makes...

Price: Free Developer: Focus Medica India Pvt. Ltd
Diabetes Care Diet & Nutrition

Diabetes Care Diet & Nutrition

It is a Free App specially designed for Diabetes Help Tips and awareness in healthy people as well as in Diabetic Patients. App covers information about all aspects related Diabetes such as Types causes risk factors friendly foods and...

Price: Free Developer: Data Recovery Software by
GRACE Score for Heart Attack: Risk Management

GRACE Score for Heart Attack: Risk Management

"GRACE Risk Score: Heart Attack Management" app is designed to help fellow health care practitioner to assess the mortality risk in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. "GRACE Risk Score: Heart Attack Management" app is designed to assess the risk...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
CRUSADE Risk Score for ACS: Cardiology Calculator

CRUSADE Risk Score for ACS: Cardiology Calculator

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the most important leading causes of death in the whole world. Among the different clinical presentations of Coronary heart disease (CHD), acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is the most important and life threatening...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Atrial Fibrillation Risk - Stroke, TIA, Embolism

Atrial Fibrillation Risk - Stroke, TIA, Embolism

"AF Stroke Risk - Atrial Fibrillation Evaluation" is a mobile app designed to help medical practitioner to predict the risk of stroke, transient ischemic attack (TIA), or embolism based on CHA₂DS₂-VASc and CHADS₂ Score. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Fatty Liver Risk - Screening of Liver Health

Fatty Liver Risk - Screening of Liver Health

"Fatty Liver Risk - Screening of Liver Health" is a medical tool to predict whether you have fatty liver from clinical examination findings and laboratory results. It requires the user to input body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, gamma-glutamyl...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Wells Criteria: Pulmonary Embolism Risk Calculator

Wells Criteria: Pulmonary Embolism Risk Calculator

"Pulmonary Embolism Score: Wells, GENEVA, PERC rule" is a mobile app designed to help health practitioner to determine the risk of pulmonary embolism by using the Wells criteria or Wells score, GENEVA score, and PERC rule. The Wells criteria...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps


CHD(Coronary heart Disease) Risk Calculator is used to calculate the risk of heart disease.Most people with coronary heart disease can feel healthy for years before they start experiencing symptoms. The most common symptom is a heart attack. If coronary...

Price: Free Developer: CompuRx Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
10 Year CV Risk Calculator

10 Year CV Risk Calculator

Pediatric Asthma Risk Score (PARS)

Pediatric Asthma Risk Score (PARS)

The Pediatric Asthma Risk Score (PARS) is the first continuous scoring system for predicting asthma risk in young children.Based on research published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology(JACI) PMID:30554722 PARS is superior to the existing Asthma Predictive...

Price: Free Developer: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Surgical Outcome Risk Tool

Surgical Outcome Risk Tool

The SORT is a FREE preoperative risk prediction tool that provides a percentage risk for mortality within 30 days of surgery. Developed and validated on a UK adult patient population (aged 16 or over) who had surgery as...

Price: Free Developer: Cranworth Medical Ltd
Urology IPSS Prostate Score: BPH Symptoms Score

Urology IPSS Prostate Score: BPH Symptoms Score

"Urology IPSS Prostate Score: BPH Symptoms Score" is an application designed for calculating International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) in patients with prostate enlargement, especially benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). "Urology IPSS Prostate Score: BPH Symptoms Score" should be filled by...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
APGAR Score Pro: Pediatric Newborn Assessment

APGAR Score Pro: Pediatric Newborn Assessment

The APGAR score is a simple method of quickly assessing the health and vital signs of newborn baby after delivery. The five criteria assessed in APGAR score are: A - Appearance (Skin Color), P - Pulse (heart rate), G...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Centor Score for Sore Throat - Pharyngitis

Centor Score for Sore Throat - Pharyngitis

"Centor Score for Sore Throat - Pharyngitis" is a mobile app designed to help medical practitioner to estimate the probability of streptococcal-origin pharyngitis and suggests the management course. "Centor Score for Sore Throat - Pharyngitis" app is designed to...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
MELD Score Calculator - Liver Disease App

MELD Score Calculator - Liver Disease App

"MELD Score Calculator - Liver Disease App" is a mobile app to calculate the Model For End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score for patients aged 12 and older. Model For End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD)score is a prospectively developed and validated...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Child Pugh Score Calculator - Liver Disease

Child Pugh Score Calculator - Liver Disease

"Child Pugh Score Calculator - Liver Disease " is a mobile app designed to help medical practitioner to calculate the Child-Pugh score of a patient with chronic liver disease, especially cirrhosis. This "Child Pugh Score Calculator - Liver Disease"...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
SOFA Score Calculator - Sepsis Assessment Tool

SOFA Score Calculator - Sepsis Assessment Tool

"SOFA Score Calculator - Sepsis Assessment Tool" is a mobile app designed to calculate the sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score based on 6 different organ systems. The total score is useful to predict mortality especially patient with sepsis....

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Absolute Neutrophil Count Calculator - Hematology

Absolute Neutrophil Count Calculator - Hematology

"Absolute Neutrophil Count - Hematology ANC Calculator” is a simple and precise apps to calculate and categorise the Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC). It is intended for the medical practitioner in the assessment of the risk connected with conditions such...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Burns Fluid Calculator: Parkland or Baxter Formula

Burns Fluid Calculator: Parkland or Baxter Formula

"Burns Fluid Calculator: Fluid, TBSA, ABSI score" is a mobile app designed to determine the fluid needed during resuscitation and maintenance when treating burn patients. The most commonly used resuscitation formula is the pure crystalloid Parkland formula. In this...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Cardiac Output & Volume Calculator: Cardiology

Cardiac Output & Volume Calculator: Cardiology

"Cardiac Output Calculator: Fick Equation" is designed to calculate cardiac output, cardiac index, stroke volume, and stroke volume index. Cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped through your heart every minute. Stroke volume is the amount of blood...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Anion Gap Calculator - Acid Base Balance

Anion Gap Calculator - Acid Base Balance

"Anion Gap Calculator - Acid Base Balance" is an app to help medical practitioner to find the anion gap, delta gap, delta ratio, and their interpretation from arterial blood gas result. In "Anion Gap Calculator - Acid Base Balance"...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Sodium FENa Calculator - Acute Kidney Injury

Sodium FENa Calculator - Acute Kidney Injury

"Sodium FENa Calculator - Acute Kidney Injury" is a mobile app designed to help health practitioner to calculate the fractional excretion of sodium (FENa). This FENa score in "Sodium FENa Calculator - Acute Kidney Injury" app can be used...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Urology PSA Calculator Pro - Prostate Cancer

Urology PSA Calculator Pro - Prostate Cancer

"Urology PSA Calculator Pro - Prostate Cancer" is a medical mobile app designed for health practitioner especially in Urology department. "Urology PSA Calculator Pro - Prostate Cancer" app will calculate several measurements regarding prostate specific antigen (PSA). The PSA...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Testosterone Calculator Pro - Mens Health

Testosterone Calculator Pro - Mens Health

"Testosterone Calculator Pro - Mens Health" is a mobile app designed to help medical practitioner to calculate the free & bioavailable testosterone level. Both free and bioavailable testosterone are more accurately reflect the bioactive testosterone level than does the...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps

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