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This is a Islami book सुब्हे बहारां : Subh e Baharan In Hindi LanguageSubh e Baharan is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Subh e Baharan book is available...
This is a Islamic book तकलीफ़ न दीजिये : Takleef Na Dijiye In Hindi LanguageTakleef Na Dijiye is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Takleef Na Dijiye book is...
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नाम रखने के अह़काम (نام رکھنے کے احکام): Naam Rakhnay kay Ahkam HindiNaam Rakhnay kay Ahkam is a collection of hand written by Al Madinat-ul-Ilmiyah.Naam Rakhnay kay Ahkam is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you...
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This is a Islamic book Uswai Rasoole Akram In Hindi LanguageUswai Rasoole Akram is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiThe book is related to the life of the Holy...
This is a Islami book मेंडक सुवार बिच्छू : Mendak Sawar Bicho In Hindi LanguageMendak Sawar Bicho is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiNow, Mendak Sawar Bicho book...
हयातुस्सहाबा Hyatus Sahaba Part 2 is a best application for all Muslims peoples, this application you can learn all information in hindiHayatus Sahabah(Lives of the sahabah) is a book written by Sheikh Muhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi, which aims to portray...
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This app contains Chapter 1 from Paul's Epistle to the Philippians in the New Testament. Apostle Paul and his fellow disciple and evangelist Timothy first visited Philippi in Macedonia, Greece during Paul's second missionary journey, which occurred approximately 49-51...
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This app will help you to learn English sentences with Malayalam meanings. It is an easy way to understand the meaning of English sentence.It provides simple user interface and offline. This app giving you full version absolutely free and...
Verbs are the words that describe an action or talk about something that happens. They take many different forms depending on their subjects, the time they refer to and other ideas we want to express. English Verbs are the...
Dictamp - English dictionary is a free offline dictionary (vocabulary) with easy and functional user interface, covers over 180.000 words. Words and definitions have been extracted from Wiktionary.orgMain features:• Highly functional User Interface• Favorite words • Bookmark...
Interpretation of the words of the Holy Quranin this app you can navigate, and check the meanings of each word in the Holy Quran the official app for:
Words is an information app that lets you navigate through diverse concepts of particular technologies (Android, iOS, SharePoint, Management, between others).It's built in so you can review the most important terms without the need of a Web explorer or...
This application will help you to learn essential words with meaning in Malayalam. These words are organized in different categories. This application can be useful to improve your vocabulary.This application contains the following categories: 1.Ailments 2.Animals 3.Birds 4.Buildings 5.Flowers...
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E2ST - English To Sanskrit Thesaurus/ Synonyms is a collection of words, for Easy reference and to learn Sanskrit words, via English. Includes SEARCH to make it faster.This essentially help those well familiar with English better and quicker. Credit(s):...
This is a collection of the words of Jesus Christ in the Bible. Every word spoken by our Lord is power to us who believe. Start your day by reading a verse spoken by Jesus Christ. There are over...
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This app is to find the best handpicked Hausa proverbs (Karin Magana) and meanings in English. There are hundreds of best insightful proverbs from authentic indigenous Hausa ethnic group native in Nigeria. You can find the benefits of English...
This app covers the significance and the meaning of the number 1010
Features1. Kabirdasji, Rahimji, Tulsidasji, Surdasji Dohe with Meaning.2. Share Dohe.3. Read Dohe Offline.
Chaupai Sahib Bani was composed by 10th Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. This Bani offers protection and security. Chaupai Sahib is the 405th Chittar of the Charitropakhyan of the Dasam Granth. This app allow the people to...
বর্তমানে পৃথিবীর আন্তজার্তিক ভাষা হলো ইংরেজি ভাষা। তাই আমরা যেখানেই যাই না কেন ইংরেজি ভাষা প্রয়োজন হবেই।তাই আমাদের সকলেরই সঠিকভাবে ইংরেজি শব্দের অর্থ ও উচ্চারণ শিখতে হবে।তাই আপনাদের জন্য নিয়ে এলাম এই অ্যপটিএই অ্যাপটিতে ৩০০০ এর বেশি ইংরেজি শব্দের...
"Dreams Meaning" with so many dreams with their meanings, so you won't require to search elsewhere further. You'll get the meaning of your desired dream at just the click on your dream.You will have this application always with you,...
In this app you find boys and girls names with meaning and biblical context
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