Top 38 Travel & Local Apps Like Salaam Haji - Hajj & Umrah Guide - Best Alternatives

Salaam Haji - Hajj & Umrah Guide Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Salaam Haji - Hajj & Umrah Guide alternatives for Android? We have listed 38 Travel & Local that are similar to Salaam Haji - Hajj & Umrah Guide. Pick one from this list to be your new Salaam Haji - Hajj & Umrah Guide app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Salaam Haji - Hajj & Umrah Guide on your Android devices.

Top 38 Apps Like Salaam Haji - Hajj & Umrah Guide - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Salaam Haji - Hajj & Umrah Guide alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Salaam Haji - Hajj & Umrah Guide 2025.



Price: Free Developer: Gamiya Three
QTaxi Tanzania (For passenger)

QTaxi Tanzania (For passenger)

Quitax is a taxi app that enables you to have transport at your finger tips. There's no need to wait for a cab or bus. All you have to do is just tap to request a taxi...

Price: Free Developer: Quitax Logistic
QTaxi Driver

QTaxi Driver

Quitax Driver is an application for drivers in Dar es Salaam, who are looking for a way to turn their spare time into profits.Quitax Driver app helps drivers organize their rides and bookings. With just one click drivers can...

Price: Free Developer: Quitax Logistic
Umroh dan Haji - Khalifah Asia Tour&Travel

Umroh dan Haji - Khalifah Asia Tour&Travel

Khalifahasia Tour & Travel“Melayani dengan sepenuh hati”Visi Perusahaan“ Menjadi perusahaan Tour & Travel Umroh dan Haji terbesar di Indonesia, yang memberikan jasa pelayanan Umroh dan Haji yang terbaik dan berkualitas secara konsisten kepada semua pelanggan dan stakeholder melalui produk...

Price: Free Developer: atozpay's Research & Development
Check Porsi Haji

Check Porsi Haji

Price: Free Developer: MetalGenix


Malika Tours & Travel adalah penyelenggara haji dan umroh resmi yang terdaftar kedalam Daftar Penyelenggara Haji & Umrah Kemenag RI, dan Member ASITA (Association of the Indonesia Tours and Travel Agencies), IATA (International Air Transport Association) dan HIMPUH (Himpunan...

Price: Free Developer: MALIKA TRAVEL UMROH
Cek Keberangkatan Nomor Porsi Haji

Cek Keberangkatan Nomor Porsi Haji

Ibadah haji merupakan Rukun Islam yang kelima setelah syahadat, sholat, puasa, dan zakat. Tentu bagi yang mempunyai rezeki berlebih, menunaikan ibadah haji merupakan kenikmatan tersendiri. Namun dalam praktiknya, proses untuk menjalankan Rukun Islam kelima itu harus melalui jalan yang...

Price: Free Developer: best wallpaper & hd free
Al Haji London Cars Chauffeur

Al Haji London Cars Chauffeur

Request a chauffeur-driven, class-leading car on-demand or in advance for yourself or on behalf of others.Settle back and relax in the quiet comfort of a discreetly coloured, impeccably maintained Mercedes-Benz E, S or V-Class - none over three years...

Price: Free Developer: Computer Friends
Indian Haji Information system

Indian Haji Information system

To locate the accommodation of the Indian Haj Pilgrims in Makkah, Madinah and Mina

Price: Free Developer: CGI Jeddah
SiVeL: Umrah, Haji, Wisata Muslim dan Halal

SiVeL: Umrah, Haji, Wisata Muslim dan Halal

Price: Free Developer: Barakah Teknologi Indonesia
Ebad App - Pesan Online Umroh, Haji & Tour

Ebad App - Pesan Online Umroh, Haji & Tour

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi WabarakatuhEbad Alrahman Wisata dengan nama produk Ebad Group merupakan penyelenggara resmi umroh dan haji plus. Ebad Group berdiri mulai berdiri pada 2008. Ebad Group tergabung didalam keanggotaan Asosiasi Muslim Penyelenggara Haji dan Umroh Republik Indonesia (AMPHURI). Ebad...

Price: Free Developer: Ebad Wisata
Umroh & Haji Plus

Umroh & Haji Plus

Aplikasi ini mempermudah jemaah untuk mencari paket Umroh, Haji Plus dan Muslim Tour sesuai dengan keinginan Anda. Arie Tour & Travel sebagai penyelengara biro perjalanan yang terpercaya dan berpengalaman selama 20 tahun tepatnya berdiri di bulan Agustus 2020 ...

Price: Free Developer: Arie Tour Group
Hajj Guide

Hajj Guide

The Hajj Guide is to assist Bangladeshi pilgrims. User will be able to see the map directions and other information related with HAJ.Since, this is new initiative, some content may be old or incomplete, however it will update...

Price: Free Developer: Business Automation


An interactive application that helps you during your journey to perform Haj or Umrah, or during your visit to Madinah.The Ministry of Haj and Umrah provides Manasikana app for pilgrims on smart devices with the following special capabilities:• It...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Hajj and Umrah
Hajj Smart Id

Hajj Smart Id

Hajj Smart ID is An application to extend the benefit of the physical ID with many features. These feature were made to ease your experience in Hajj .

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Hajj and Umrah


Ne vous encombrez plus avec des bouquins, tout ce que vous avez à savoir sur le Hajj et la Omra est a portée de main avec cette application. Préparez votre voyage, découvrez les agences proche de chez vous.GUIDE HAJJ...

Price: Free Developer: Kerkeb Zakaria
Wisatamuslim Book Umrah, Hajj, Moslem Travel

Wisatamuslim Book Umrah, Hajj, Moslem Travel

Wisatamuslim is an online search and booking site (Market Platform E-Commerce) for "Umrah Travel Packages" and "Muslim Tourist Travel Packages Officially Registered in the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia".Wisatamuslim is also a promotional media for Travel...

Price: Free Developer: Barakah Teknologi Indonesia
হজ্জ গাইড

হজ্জ গাইড

মুফতি মনসুরুল হক লিখিত "কিতাবুল হজ্জ" , নামাজের সময় (মক্কা,মদিনাহ,বাংলাদেশের সকল জেলা) ও হজ্জ, সফর ও প্রাত্যহিক জীবনের জরুরী দু'আ নিয়ে অ্যাপ টি সাজানোকিতাবুল হজ্জমাসাইল ও অভিজ্ঞতার আলোকে হজ্জ ও উমরাহলেখকঃ মুফতি মনসুরুল হকশাইখুল হাদীস ও প্রধান মুফতিজামি‘আ...

Price: Free Developer: BD Islamic Apps


Специальное приложение разработанное хадж-оператором “АВН-ТУР” для паломников, отправляющихся совершить Хадж в Мекку и Медину, Королевство Саудовская Аравия.Характеристики:- бейджик паломника с подробной информацией- копка связи с руководителем - Вы всегда можете задать вопрос и получить ответ, а также...

Price: Free Developer: QitSoftware
Miradj 360 - hajj guide for muslims

Miradj 360 - hajj guide for muslims

The application of virtual reality for exploring the rites of Hajj and Umrah. Dive into the world and grace the rites of one of the pillars of Islam.

Price: Free Developer: Halal Guide, ltd
Al Anwar Tour - Hajj Umrah & Ziyaraat

Al Anwar Tour - Hajj Umrah & Ziyaraat

Al Anwar Tour app provides a user-friendly guide on Haj Umrah & Ziyaraat. This application gives detailed information about bookings, packages and other tour details to pilgrims on one platform.

Price: Free Developer: DotEvolve
Umrah Guide Hajj Guide &  Makkah Map

Umrah Guide Hajj Guide & Makkah Map

Price: Free Developer:
BALCOK Hadsch & Umrah

BALCOK Hadsch & Umrah

BALCOK REISEN - Ihr Reisebegleiter für Hadsch & UmrahDie BALCOK App dient als Reisebegleiter und Wegweiser/ Leitfaden für die Pilger Rund um die heiligen Reisen Hadsch & Umrah.Sie können alle wichtigen Informationen, Hinweise, Ratschläge zur Reise und Reisevorbereitung jederzeit...

Price: Free Developer: Balcok Travel


Based on the responsibility of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah for the service of the guests of Rahman, it launched the ( Eatmarna ) application to enable those wishing to perform Umrah and visit to request the issuance...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry Of Haj & Umrah


The ‘Ershad’ from the Ministry of Haj & Umra helps representatives of Authorized Agencies of Annual Haj pilgrimage identify International & local Pilgrims present inside Saudi Arabia performing Haj rituals.By simply using our Android App, an Authorized Agency...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry Of Haj & Umrah
Umra e-services

Umra e-services

Price: Free Developer: Ministry Of Haj & Umrah
كيفية اداء مناسك العمرة

كيفية اداء مناسك العمرة

إن العمرةُ شُرعت لكي يتصل العبد بخالقه، من خلال أن ينتقل العبد لزيارة بيت الله الحرام، بحيث يكون العبد طالبا مرضاة الله، هارباً من ذنوبه، راجياً من الله سبحانه أن يعفو عنه ويغفر له خطاياه ويمحي ذنوبه، وهي تؤدّى...

Price: Free Developer: RadioMaroc - Travel Guide - Travel Guide

Did you know that the USA has more than 60,000 registered historic places? Nearly every town has at least a courthouse, a church or a house that is protected by the NRHP. In Washington DC, you can find historic...

Price: Free Developer: Monuments
SmartGuide – Your Personal Travel Audio Guide

SmartGuide – Your Personal Travel Audio Guide

Smart Guide – Where All Journeys BeginYou Explore, We’ll GuideSmartGuide is your personal tour guide to the world. Turn your phone into a personal audio tour guide to accompany you on your travel adventures.Whether you are looking for...

Price: Free Developer: SmartGuide s.r.o.
Venice SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

Venice SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

SmartGuide turns your phone into a personal tour guide around Venice.Float down the Venetian Canals and explore the beauty of Venice’s jaw-dropping architecture. Adventure through the hidden backstreets that capture the grandeur of this artistic and magnificent city. Lined...

Price: Free Developer: SmartGuide s.r.o.
Austria SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

Austria SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

SmartGuide turns your phone into a personal tour guide around Austria.Whether you are looking for a self-guided tour, audioguide, offline city maps or you just want to know all the best sightseeing spots, fun activities, authentic experiences, and hidden...

Price: Free Developer: SmartGuide s.r.o.
Rovaniemi SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

Rovaniemi SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

SmartGuide turns your phone into a personal tour guide around Rovaniemi.After being completely destroyed, Rovaniemi was rebuilt in the shape of a reindeer! This city is the official home to Santa Claus, so the holiday spirit is felt throughout...

Price: Free Developer: SmartGuide s.r.o.
Dubai SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

Dubai SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

SmartGuide turns your phone into a personal tour guide around Dubai.Everything is possible in Dubai! Many architectural and technological wonders of whopping proportions are proof of that. Dubai is one of the most ambitious, futuristic and adventurous metropolises in...

Price: Free Developer: SmartGuide s.r.o.
Istanbul SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

Istanbul SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

SmartGuide turns your phone into a personal tour guide around Istanbul.Precisely placed between the east and the west, Istanbul has been home to numerous empires throughout history. This presence is clear through the remains, museums, and architecture.Whether you are...

Price: Free Developer: SmartGuide s.r.o.
Seville SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

Seville SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

SmartGuide turns your phone into a personal tour guide around Seville.Ever gone flamenco dancing? Well if you haven’t, you can try it out at one of Seville’s numerous flamenco clubs in this lively city. Filled with historic cathedrals and...

Price: Free Developer: SmartGuide s.r.o.
Houston SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

Houston SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

SmartGuide turns your phone into a personal tour guide around Houston.Classic southern “pick up by your bootstraps” culture meets high-heeled city vibes in this incredibly diverse yet cultured city. Chill out in some flip-flops, take in the museums and...

Price: Free Developer: SmartGuide s.r.o.
Deventer SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

Deventer SmartGuide - Audio Guide & Offline Maps

SmartGuide turns your phone into a personal tour guide around Deventer.Beautiful yet ghostly, Deventer is full of surprises. Stroll down the old town streets to admire the ancient facades while camping out at Bussloo!Whether you are looking for a...

Price: Free Developer: SmartGuide s.r.o.

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