Do you want to find the best Vysor - Android control on PC alternatives for Android? We have listed 40 Productivity that are similar to Vysor - Android control on PC. Pick one from this list to be your new Vysor - Android control on PC app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Vysor - Android control on PC on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Vysor - Android control on PC alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Vysor - Android control on PC 2025.
Coupler Directivity Calculator is used to calculate the minimum and maximum values of Reflection Coefficient, VSWR, Return Loss and Mismatch Loss.The Directivity Error Calculator shows the accuracy of a reflection measurement of unknown impedance. It bases its ...
Simple and efficient voice audio recorder (dictaphone) solution for your Android phone.You can send recorded files via e-mail, any cloud storage, messengers, bluetooth, etc
In cooperation with SchedJoules this app offers access to thousands of holiday, sports and other calendars for a small subscription fee (about $1/year). Many of them are updated daily e.g. to contain the latest sports results. Just try it,...
Have you ever thought you would like to escape from a boring meeting, tedious conversation or party?Using tFakeCall, It is possible to behaves as if you received a telephone call when you tap on your Android Wear.Once you have...
With CalenGoo you can manage all your events and tasks. With lots of configuration options you can make it look and work the way you want.✔️ Sync all your past and future events with Google Calendar (just add your...
Analog electronics toolbox for electronic engineers, hobbyists and students.All the tools in this app are also included in the RF & Microwave Toolbox app: and Share us: Google+: list:1) PI, T and L attenuator2) Power and voltage...
This is the best and most advanced High frequency electronics toolbox for Microwave designers, RF professionals, EMC technicians, radio-amateur, students, astronomer and electronic hobbyists.If the reviews are not visible please use this link: the following tools:(This Toolbox contains...
Ohm's Law Calculator for electronic engineers, hobbyists and students.Feature list:1) Ohm's Law2) Resistor Color Code calculator.3 )Series and Parallel component (R, L and C) calculations.4 )Reverse Series and Parallel resistor calculations.Also checkout the RF & Microwave Toolbox or...
This is the best and by far the fastest and most easy Resistor Color Code calculator. (This is the version without advertising)Calculate resistor value by selecting the band colors.Or Reverse: Enter a resistor value and find the color code.If...
This is the best and by far the fastest and most easy Resistor Color Code calculator.Calculate resistor value by selecting the band colors.Or Reverse: Enter a resistor value and find the color code.If the value is not an standard...
DCI DigiGuide provides step-by-step instructions to help you master your DigiTrak equipment. Whether you are a drill operator or locating specialist, the fully searchable DCI DigiGuide puts the information at your fingertips to get the job done.
Chaos Control was created to help you manage your goals, to-do lists and tasks in both your business and personal life. People don't usually achieve impressive results simply by being good at task management. It's the ability to set...
Chaos Control: Art Break is probably the most enjoyable way to boost your productivity. 5-10 minutes of drawing with this elegant app will improve your focus and energy level throughout the day.Think of Chaos Control: Art Break as a...
LWD mobile allows for an easy transfer of DigiTrak Falcon F5® and DigiTrak F5® drill data to your mobile device for viewing of your drill data at any point during the pilot bore. Make more informed drilling decisions...
Use your Android device as a remote for your Windows PC or Mac - Control the mouse, keyboard, media, presentations and more!The Remote Control Collection is a compilation of remotes, which you can use to wirelessly control your Windows...
Use your Android device as a remote for your Windows PC - Control the mouse, keyboard, media, presentations and more!The Remote Control Collection is a compilation of remotes, which you can use to wirelessly control your Windows PC. The...
Het Gate Control platform faciliteert omni-channel remote beheer, monitoring en toegangscontrole van deuren. Naast een webportal en IVR (telefoon menu) is het mogelijk om met behulp van deze mobiele app de deuren te openen.
The most feature rich, easy to use and pin-point accurate app usage analysis and addiction control application. Manage your phone usage time and stay alert on any kind of mobile addiction. One app for,✔ Monitor phone usage✔ Digital well...
The Go!Control Demo App provides an interactive experience of Go!Control – the most innovative and advanced residential security and home management solution in the security industry.This app will allow users to see how easy and intuitive it is to...
The Go!Control Demo App provides an interactive experience of Go!Control – the most innovative and advanced residential security and home management solution in the security industry. This app will allow users to see how easy and intuitive it is...
On-Time Web Mobile™ brings the ease of use and power of the On-Time Web™ platform to your iOS mobile device. Once signed in under your user account, making a punch is as simple as opening the app and hitting...
A front facing camera is required for this app to function on your device.On-Time Web Mobile™ Time Clock mode allows your employees to quickly make punches using their printed QR coded badges which can be created from your On-Time...
Do you love fishing? Or do you want to fool a friend who hates fishes? Install 'fish on screen' and make a joke! This app shows a swimming fish on your screen on top of other opened apps. It...
Default long press to copy text on mobile screen not works sometimes there this app helps you to extract text/words from mobile screen by just sharing your screenshot with this app.Here OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology is used to...
*Incredible Note Pro versionThis program, the first must be installed on the Incredible NoteIncredible Note Pro version to patch the program.How to patch:1. Incredible Note(Free Version) execute it,2. The main screen, press the Menu button, ->3. ...
Default long press to copy text on mobile screen not works sometimes there this app helps you to extract text/words from mobile screen by just sharing your screenshot with this app.Here OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology is used to...
Say hello to the machine operator’s assistant!Trackunit On is a digital assistant to machine operators. It retires outdated and inefficient routines with analog inspection checks and damage reports. Using the latesttechnology, Trackunit On lets you complete proper safety and...
ELEVATE On is your everyday assistant that will ease your workflow and keep your machine operators safe - day in and day out. Digitize your paper based checklists - helping you to minimize data loss and increase operator efficiency....
Your LED flashlight will blink when:- Incoming call / Missed calls- SMS- Notification from any app- Flash on notifications from Viber, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Skype, and WhatsappFeatures:- Stop flashing when SMS or notification has been read- Different styles for...
Remote pc controller makes your android phone or tablet as a wireless or Bluetooth remote control for your personal computer. This app provides a collection of specific tools to control all of your pc features. Control your Windows applications,...
Looking for a high speed access to all the files on your computer/laptop from your phone without having a cable connection?Look no further, download WiFi PC File Explorer from Google Play for free. Spend only two minutes to tune...
DingTalk, an App by Alibaba, is a free communication and collaboration platform used by over 7 millions of enterprises or organizations around the world, including Alibaba Group, Alipay, Lazada and Alicloud. # Enterprise address book. Support to setup and...
Vijeo Design’Air Plus FREE is the full Vijeo Design’Air Plus application with the following limitations:• You can connect to an HMI for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, the connection will close and you will be taken back to...
주식회사알서포트가 SK Communications의 NATEON을 통해 제공하는 내PC제어 서비스는 모바일기기에서 인터넷이 되는 환경이라면 언제 어디서라도 컴퓨터를 쉽고 빠르고 안전하게 원격제어하는 서비스입니다.사무실, 집의 컴퓨터 또는 관리하는 각종 단말기에 '에이전트(Agent)'프로그램을 설치하고, 스마트 폰이나 탭, 패드에서 내PC제어를 설치하게 되면 실시간으로 원격제어를 할 수...
FE File Explorer is a powerful file manager app on Android and iOS. It can access not only local files, but also files on your computer, NAS and cloud storages. Transfer files from any location to any location. Stream...
SMS Text Messaging done easier, faster, & better!Text from your Tablet, using your current Android phone number.Named one of Time Magazine's "Best 50 Android Apps"Save time; Increase productivity. Don't check your phone for every notification! See who's texting you...
Vijeo Design’Air FREE is the full Vijeo Design’Air application with the following limitations:• You can connect to an HMI for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, the connection will close and you will be taken back to the discovery...
Mi Claro es una aplicación segura y fácil de usar para el manejo de sus cuentas de servicio con Claro. Mi Claro le permite ver:• Detalles de su cuenta• Equipos asociados con la cuenta (servicio móvil)• Los servicios...
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