Top 13 Education Apps Like 英文腦 KTEOC - 協助你看懂英文句子、寫出正確句子的好工具 - Best Alternatives

英文腦 KTEOC - 協助你看懂英文句子、寫出正確句子的好工具 Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best 英文腦 KTEOC - 協助你看懂英文句子、寫出正確句子的好工具 alternatives for Android? We have listed 13 Education that are similar to 英文腦 KTEOC - 協助你看懂英文句子、寫出正確句子的好工具. Pick one from this list to be your new 英文腦 KTEOC - 協助你看懂英文句子、寫出正確句子的好工具 app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 英文腦 KTEOC - 協助你看懂英文句子、寫出正確句子的好工具 on your Android devices.

Top 13 Apps Like 英文腦 KTEOC - 協助你看懂英文句子、寫出正確句子的好工具 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid 英文腦 KTEOC - 協助你看懂英文句子、寫出正確句子的好工具 alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 13 similar apps like 英文腦 KTEOC - 協助你看懂英文句子、寫出正確句子的好工具 2025.

英文造句大師 WriteGuide:智慧引導.造句訓練

英文造句大師 WriteGuide:智慧引導.造句訓練

「英文造句大師」是一套協助用戶練習英文寫作和造句的自學課程,透過智慧引導,手把手教導用戶寫出正確的英文句子。適合英文文法較薄弱的學習者,從頭梳理概念,打穩基礎。有多篇內容,建議學習流程:造句篇(1) => 造句篇(2) => 中譯英(1) => 中譯英(2)另有針對GEPT英檢寫作的課程:英檢寫作/初級篇 (1)(2)、英檢寫作/中級篇 (1)(2)產品特色:.動態智慧引導、即時批改和解析。.提供有系統的教學講義,配合造句實做,讓使用者邊學邊練。.練完造句寫作,還可跟著例句朗讀,讓系統評分,順道練口說。.可隨時查看個人的進度及學習軌跡,督促自己不偷懶。.新增線上諮詢,遇到不懂的地方,可以線上詢問老師。

Price: Free Developer: Knowletech
英語脫口說(Talk to Lucy - Your AI Teacher)

英語脫口說(Talk to Lucy - Your AI Teacher)

英語脫口說是一款透過 AI 技術打造的英語口說訓練課程,創造不斷刺激與回應的口說環境,協助您自然、直覺的開口說英語。課程全程以「對話互動」進行,輔以音效、圖像、動畫、即時評分,提供有效的語言刺激。單元的學習流程是:(1) 聆聽對話 (Listen) →(2) 語音跟讀 (Repeat) →(3) 句型練習 (Drills) →(4) 實境對話 (Conversation)對話進行當中,系統自動記錄你的學習歷程,包含四個面向:流暢度、完成度、語法、發音,讓您清楚看到努力的成果。內容編排由淺至深,即使基礎差也能輕鬆學,包含兒童會話、成人會話、GEPT口說模擬、句型訓練等四種課程。每週持續新增內容喔!

Price: Free Developer: Knowletech
Coding Express LEGO® Education

Coding Express LEGO® Education

All on board the Coding Express! Coding Express introduces early coding concepts and 21st century skills to preschoolers.Using the popular LEGO® DUPLO® train set, teacher guide and an easy-to-use app, preschool teachers have all they need to teach early...

Price: Free Developer: LEGO Education
Book Builder

Book Builder

Pick your own path through fun and interactive storybooks for kids. Perfect for early readers, this app encourages kids to follow the read-along text as they navigate through exciting stories. Kids can explore oceans, exotic islands, outer space, and...

Price: Free Developer:


Mobile Learning Management System (LMS) provided with a wealth of education for nurses, midwives and doctors.Education that has been specially designed for mobile phone delivery, including the country’s mandated courses, is made available within the app.You can download hundreds...

Price: Free Developer: World Continuing Education Alliance


HYPERPLANNING permet aux étudiants et aux enseignants d’accéder à leurs données en temps réel et dans un environnement sécurisé. Les étudiants savent toujours où ils en sont : cours annulés, changement de salle, travail à faire, salles libres, relevés...

Price: Free Developer: Index Education
Cool Math Board | Learn basic math operations

Cool Math Board | Learn basic math operations

In this free cool math learning app, your kids get to easily learn the basic math operations including the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, over 9 different levels and there is a final test designed to ensure the success...

Price: Free Developer: Trigonom™


Price: Free Developer: LEGO Education
EV3 Classroom LEGO® Education

EV3 Classroom LEGO® Education

EV3 Classroom is the essential companion app for the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Core Set (45544). Bringing best-in-class STEM and robotics learning to secondary students, EV3 Classroom enables them to design and code programmable robots to solve complex, real-life...

Price: Free Developer: LEGO Education


PRONOTE incorporates all domains of academia: grades, competences, report cards, scheduling, attendance, tardiness, sanctions, orientation, homework notebooks, exercises, multiple choice questions, school agenda, infirmary, learning outcomes, multi-annual monitoring, student files, grade school certificate, internships, school road safety certificate…From their...

Price: Free Developer: Index Education
EtiGliss learning with labels

EtiGliss learning with labels

The Android application EtiGliss is specifically designed to meet the needs of all teachers in elementary schools, whether they already work with labels or not. The tool is suited to any subject being taught, but its audio features make...

Price: Free Developer: Eti-Education
Glose for Education

Glose for Education

Help students read moreStudents can create and share booklists, follow each other’s progress, and access reading goals and programs for their class. Group reading encourages reading consistency.Give students a voiceStudents can engage in ebooks through shared annotations in the...

Price: Free Developer: Glose

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