Do you want to find the best Listeners On Call alternatives for Android? We have listed 18 Health & Fitness that are similar to Listeners On Call. Pick one from this list to be your new Listeners On Call app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Listeners On Call on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Listeners On Call alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like Listeners On Call 2025.
Welcome to "Stay on track". Our app supports weight loss, weight gain, and weight maintenance goals. You can use the fastest calorie counter, plan you weight loss voyage.✨ COUNT CALORIES TO STAY ON TRACK👟 Calorie, macros and activity tracking📃...
Yoga in 1 minute for everyone: ideal for those wanting quick and easy daily yoga workoutsEach session is created from a selection of simple but effective yoga poses making it ideal for beginners. Every pose features clear images and...
LES MILLS™ ON DEMAND: Stream Cardio, Strength, HIIT, Core, Flexibility Classes Online workouts from LES MILLS, the world leaders in group fitness.Get unlimited access to 12 different fitness programs and hundreds of high-energy, effective workouts with LES MILLS On...
Virtual Fitness, Nutrition & Lifestyle Modification SupportThis comprehensive, virtual program provides access to live and on-demand fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle modification support anywhere, anytime.FFC On Demand Offers Exclusive Access to:ON-DEMAND MEDIA LIBRARYGet 24/7 access to our library of fitness,...
The Vive On App allows your members to:• Record, store, and track out-of-club workouts• Measure intensity by a unique points system• Track progress over time by monitoring weight loss • View real time heart rate displayed in colored heart rate zone ...
Not a member yet? Sign up at and get a 7 day free trial that you can use on all of your devices. WHAT IS RippedPHL On Demand?Renew your home training with RippedPHL On Demand. These science-backed...
Welcome to the OTM Family! Enjoy easy access to our events, products, and curriculum!
Doctor On CallThe DOC service is a Sudanese door to door primary healthcare delivery service that aims to link Primary healthcare seekers with the providers through simple, smart and convenient solutions. We have it all under one roof...
Doctor On CallThe DOC service is a Sudanese door to door primary healthcare delivery service that aims to link Primary healthcare seekers with the providers through simple, smart and convenient solutions. We have it all under one roof...
The most accurate & simple step tracker auto tracks your daily steps, burned calories, walking distance, duration, pace, health data, etc., and display them in intuitive graphs for easy checking.Power Saving PedometerStep counter counts your daily steps with the...
Use this app if your membership card displays and a personal reference number (xxx/xxxxx…). The Cigna Health Benefits app is designed for customers in a Cigna Global Health Benefits group plan sponsored by an International Organisation (IGO/NGO) or...
FITCHA: твой личный fit challenge!Вместе с тобой мы будем считать калории, создавать правильное меню на каждый день и участвовать в челленджах, которые прокачают тело и дух!Как работает FitCha?Ежедневный контроль питанияТы будешь получать рекомендации по питанию в онлайн-режиме, просто заполняя...
Emergency Call 911+™ is the fastest and easiest way to call 911. Emergency 911+™ will revolutionize the way people call their Emergency 911 call centers. No more dialing numbers, just a click of a button and our program...
如果您思慮多睡不好覺、容易緊張、跟人互動過度與太快反應、注意力無法集中、做事效率變差。來,請您暫停一下,感覺自己身心壓力是否過大了呢? Hi Mind 是一款以減壓訓練為核心的APP,讓百忙手機族,隨手輕鬆練習減壓技巧,不用刻意做些什麼,只要每天跟著引導練習,慢慢提昇覺察力,進而掌握學習到減壓技巧。正念減壓從美國200多所的大型醫療院所、上市龍頭網路科技公司、職業運動、婦女懷孕與分娩、兒童教育,陸續引入了各種正念應用的方法。在英國,正念更是被立法納入國家政策,應用在健康保健、學校教育、司法體系等。台灣也多家大型企業與醫療體系,運用正念減壓方法在服務的客群與員工福利上。 ***愛自己,每天正念練習5分鐘開始 ***感謝經濟日報刊登新聞稿***邀請您一起來學習覺察• 冥想• 靜心• 正念• 減壓• 睡眠引導放鬆的好方法。***Hi Mind APP 是一款以讓使用者練習正念 (mindfulness)的APP,提供了對民眾生活很實用的7個單元:【收假調適練習】【MBSR 正念減壓練習】【MBSR 正念減壓學習態度】【失眠原因】【睡眠放鬆】【工作抒壓練習】【正念職場觀念】未來視用戶反應再推出其他情境單元目前免費練習內容包含:正念減壓:5分鐘正念覺察呼吸練習、5分鐘身體掃描靜心版、正念伸展練習、睡眠放鬆的睡前感恩靜心練習。***什麼是正念 (Mindfulness) 呢?對於當下每個片刻,都能夠保持清楚覺察的狀態,而且不做任何的批判或評價。***您知道嗎?現在正念是個大浪潮,有紀律持續練習正念可以有什麼好處呢 ?【減輕壓力】現代都市人,超級忙碌的職場工作、關係、身心健康等,有可能面臨內在與外在的壓力議題,容易在產生焦慮感、乃至情緒上的沮喪、挫折與憂鬱的情緒。持續正念的練習,培養自己多一個更寬廣的空間,來調適減輕壓力的慣性反應。【改善EQ情緒管理】多數人都知道EQ的重要性,而正念的練習,正好是強化EQ的一個好方法。因為正念的練習可以提昇覺察能力,覺察情緒的各種細微變化,進而在衝突發生前後,多一個選擇的機會,來管理自己的情緒。【提昇專注力】3C普及與繁忙工作生活,容易養成多工處理的習慣。過度頻繁切換,容易導致專注力低落,並且容易疲累。透過持續正念的練習,一個時間只做一件事,訓練提昇專注力與做事的品質。【增進幸福感】真正的幸福,來自內在的感受。透過正念的練習,覺察身心一切美妙變化。您將發現,原來,我也是可以透過自己得到幸福的!***感謝正念與靜心專業師資參與此次計畫:陳德中老師、蔡淑英老師、黃怡萱老師、袁筱晴老師。未來我們會邀請更多的正念靜心老師來錄製更多服務的單元。***部份內容免費,歡迎您支持本計畫,訂閱支持享受完整版***
DocBox is India's Best Online Doctor consultation appTips to use DocBox:* With DocBox you can ask your Health or Medical questions to specialist doctors for diagnosis and medical advice.* You can choose your doctor according to your needs and...
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